Avessalom Underwater: description, summary, reviews

Avessalom Underwater: description, summary, reviews
Avessalom Underwater: description, summary, reviews

Hearing the name Underwater Absalom, each person will associate it with completely different areas. Some will think of astrology, others of psychology. Someone will remember poetry, esotericism or philosophy. And everyone will be right.

Who is this?

Absalom Underwater at home and in the inner circle of acquaintances - Alexander Georgievich Kamensky. That is, the unusual name is an alias. This person is the author of books on astrology, philosophy, and psychology.

general astrology book
general astrology book

Besides esoteric sciences, Underwater Absalom is the author of poems, teacher, lecturer. He began giving his first lectures at home in 1986. It was they who served as an impetus for writing the first books.

When was he born? About childhood, family and studies

Underwater Absalom was born in the middle of the last century, in 1953, in May, the 11th. He was born in a veryintelligent family. Mother was a philologist, and father studied mathematics.

The child did not shine with special talents, that is, he did not stand out against the background of the rest. He was badly given in elementary school such classes as singing, drawing. The boy did not have a sense of rhythm either.

He graduated from the school of physics and mathematics in 1969. However, the young man did not have particularly outstanding talents, and the certificate was full of triples and fours.

However, this did not in the least prevent me from entering the same year at the Lomonosov State University at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. During the years of study, Submarine Absalom did not experience any special achievements or any problems and graduated from the university with an average score in 1974. Studying within the walls of Lomonosovka gave the young man a degree in mathematics and a young wife.

On personal life and professional development

The first marriage was probably hasty or simply could not stand any of life's troubles. Whatever it was, but in 1977 a divorce was filed, which coincided with the defense of his Ph. D. thesis.

The future astrologer, philosopher and poet worked as a programmer. By 1980 he was going to get a doctorate, but this was not destined to happen. Instead of a scientific career, Absalom married a second time and became the father of four children. Not immediately, of course. However, the second marriage also failed. After the divorce, Absalom was not alone for long. He entered into a third marriage with Mariana Shkanchikova, who until now has been promoting his name, selling books, leadingpages on social networks and other online resources.

Cover of the book "Returned Occultism"
Cover of the book "Returned Occultism"

In the 80s, Absalom was attracted by "oriental knowledge", which is not surprising, because at that time it was extremely fashionable among the intelligentsia. In a chaotic, unsystematic manner, and in principle on his own, he studied:

  • esoteric practices;
  • astrology;
  • directions of philosophy;
  • bioenergy interactions;
  • numerology;
  • palmistry;
  • methods of non-traditional healing methods and more.

Even at the Absalom Institute, I was fascinated by psychology, especially analysis. He read the works of Freud, tried to interpret dreams and did spontaneous consultations as a family psychologist.

About the beginning of the incarnation of calling

The activity that made Submarine famous began in 1986. It happened spontaneously to some extent. Absalom probably felt the need to share his own knowledge and experience, so he opened a course of home lectures. These lectures lasted for a year, and their result was the realization of the need to systematize and orderly presentation of the accumulated material.

Book from the series "Kabbalistic astrology"
Book from the series "Kabbalistic astrology"

The first thing Absalom Underwater did was astrology. The work lasted several years, and its result was a series of works describing a seven-plane model of a person, giving an idea of him as a single whole. The title of this series is"Kabbalistic astrology".

Main milestones in life

The year 1988 plays an important role in this man's activities. It was then that Absalom began to develop his own he alth-improving gymnastics program, which later became known as the Drop. In the same year, he outlined the concept of massage with the use of ethers.

Collection of lectures on astrology
Collection of lectures on astrology

1994 is significant in that Podvodny began to actively conduct practical trainings and did not experience a shortage of those wishing to learn his methods. Classes were held not only in different cities of Russia, Absalom periodically visited:

  • Poland;
  • Latvia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine.

And already in 1998, Absalom Underwater gave lectures on psychology on an ongoing basis. The course lasted for a year and was held in Novosibirsk. It also resulted in a series of tutorials. Generalized called Absalom the Underwater books of this series "Psychology and Astrology".

The year 2002 is also significant. An Internet school was launched, which involved various options for learning, vaguely resembling face-to-face and remote education programs. This school is still active today. It's called "Man among men".

Avessalom the Underwater died in early 2018. At the moment, the widow is running the business of his school and, in principle, the legacy of this man.

About popular books

Books written quite a lot Absalom Underwater. "Signs on the Way" isthe most sought after and popular. This story tries to answer questions about how to learn to understand and notice fateful signs, whether one should develop spiritually. The work puts forward as an axiom the idea that there are two voices inside a person - a higher and a lower one. They need to learn to distinguish.

Cover of the book "Signs on the Way"
Cover of the book "Signs on the Way"

As an addition to this work are recommended:

  • "Treatises on Man";
  • "Public Subconscious".

No less popular is the book called "Communication Grammar". This work deals with issues such as the priorities of people when communicating with their own kind. For example, what is more important for a person - the subtlety, sharpness and other qualities of the said remark, or its content and the extent to which the expressed thought is understandable to others?

The advantage of the work is that it contains not only the author's thoughts and various generalized theories, but also a practical section. It gives options for exercises that allow you to better absorb what you read and apply the knowledge gained in life.

But the work consisting of two works is especially in demand:

  • "Cat Purr and his friends";
  • "Revelations of the Cat Purr".

These are books that present poems, discuss various funny life situations, and evaluate them in the form of aphorisms. I mean, it's a work of art. The main character is a cat, whose name is Purr. His social circle is quite large. Among hisfriends - cows, hares, goats and others.

What are they saying?

Reviews of people who read the works of Podvodny are invariably filled with reasoning and questions. Despite the fact that the books of this author provide answers and explain the features of human psychology, the astrological influence on his fate and other life moments, after reading them, many questions arise.

Books by Absalom the Underwater
Books by Absalom the Underwater

In all social networks there are groups that unite people who consider themselves students of Absalom, his followers or just fans of creativity. Although Podvodny has died, his work lives on: these groups are full of discussions, discussions, disputes.
