Interesting books for children 8 years old

Interesting books for children 8 years old
Interesting books for children 8 years old

Children of primary school age are very inquisitive. They learn about the world around them, strive to comprehend current events, learn to communicate with people. At this age, the foundations of the worldview are laid, personal qualities develop. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the environment of the child, correctly direct interests and plan leisure activities. In the upbringing of a child of eight years old, books that he reads and that adults read to him play an important role. The kid learns to distinguish good from evil, analyzes events, empathizes with the characters and enthusiastically follows the development of the plot. What books for a child of 8 years old will be useful and interesting? The best examples are discussed in this article.

interesting books for children 8 years old
interesting books for children 8 years old

List of interesting books for children 8 years old

Children at this age can be recommended to read:

  1. E. Uspensky. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat."
  2. E. Uspensky. Crocodile Gena and his friends.
  3. B. Gubarev. "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".
  4. A. Lindgren. "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  5. P. Travers. Mary Poppins.
  6. K. Bulychev. "The Secret of the Third Planet".
  7. A. Volkov. "Wizard of the Emerald City".
  8. N. Nosov. “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.”
  9. B. Dragoon. "Deniska's stories".
  10. Countess de Segur. Sophie's Antics.
  11. F. Burnett. "Little Princess"
  12. children's books for children 8 years old
    children's books for children 8 years old

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat

One of the best children's books is rightfully considered the book by Eduard Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat". Serious and judicious Uncle Fedor with his faithful talking friends - the good-natured dog Sharik, the economic cat Matroskin - lives in the village of Prostokvashino. They manage the household, solve pressing problems, get into funny situations. An unusually fascinating, funny and kind book will become a favorite and will be re-read more than once. It is not surprising that a child who does not have pets, after reading the book, begins to dream of a dog or a cat that will become his true friends. The continuation of the adventures of prostokvashinsky is no less interesting. These are the books “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Favorite Girl of Uncle Fyodor”, “Aunt of Uncle Fyodor”.

Crocodile Gena and his friends

Another great children's book written by Eduard Uspensky is Gena the Crocodile and His Friends. It shows how important it is to have good friends, because life without them is boring and lonely. And it doesn't matter how youyou look, because the main thing is personal qualities. Such different Crocodile Gena and a little Cheburashka of an unknown breed become true friends, complementing each other. Having made friends, they seek other lonely individuals to find friends. Funny adventures from the life of Gena and Cheburashka will undoubtedly please an eight-year-old child.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

The story-tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" was written by Vitaly Gubarev in 1951. Consequently, it contains a lot of hidden communist ideology inherent in the upbringing of children of that time. Why is this book still interesting for children 8 years old? "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" tells about the incredible adventures in the kingdom through the looking glass of an ordinary schoolgirl Olya and her reflection Yalo. Yalo reflected both good and bad traits of Olya's character. Thanks to this, the girl, seeing her shortcomings from the outside, tries to improve.

The book clearly gives ideas about good and evil. Stupidity, cruelty, meanness are ridiculed (King Topsed the Seventh, Minister Nushrok, Anidag, Abazh) and praised such qualities as courage, determination, honesty, willingness to help friends (Olya, Yalo, Gurd, Bar).

books to read to children 8 years old
books to read to children 8 years old

Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof

The debate continues whether it is worth including the book by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof" in the school curriculum. Carlson is not the best role model. On the one hand, he is a narcissistic, selfish glutton, arbitrarily commandinghis friend, to whom he treats rather condescendingly. But on the other hand, Carlson is a charming, good-natured and resilient dreamer. It is not surprising that the Kid loves him - it is fun and interesting with him. Little readers are beginning to dream of such a wonderful playmate. This book for a child of 8 years old will be very exciting, because it is easy and interesting to read, it has many funny moments that the child will reread and retell with pleasure.

books for children 8 years old list
books for children 8 years old list

Mary Poppins

A fascinating book for a child of 8 years old will be "Mary Poppins" by Pamela Travers. The story of how a nanny-sorceress appears in the ordinary life of an ordinary family and makes every weekday surprising and interesting, does not leave little readers indifferent. Unlike the usual image of a good-natured nanny-grandmother, Mary Poppins is young, beautiful and perfect. She is a true lady. She is distinguished by rigor and balance. Mary Poppins does not outwardly show her love for children and keeps her distance, surrounding herself with an aura of mystery and showing that she is just an occasional guest in their lives. But at the same time, it is obvious that she is very attached to them. Children adore her, because she knows how to turn any ordinary incident into a miracle, every day with this unusual nanny is not like another, it is never boring with her. Mary Poppins gives children a fairy tale that is so lacking in everyday life.

reading list for 8 year olds
reading list for 8 year olds

The Secret of the Third Planet

The book "The Secret of the Third Planet"Kira Bulycheva is a great example of children's fiction from the list of books to read to a child of 8 years old. The little reader travels with Alice, her dad and Zeleny across amazing planets in search of three captains and rare animals. The book shows how completely unreal events happen to real people. Open space for imagination. It is not surprising that after reading the book, the child dreams of flying into space and traveling to distant galaxies.

The book shows how important it is to be brave, resolute, ready to help people who are in trouble, and also how important friendship, kindness and mutual assistance are in human life.

Wizard of Oz

This book by Alexander Volkov is based on the fairy tale "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by American writer Lyman Frank Baum. These are the amazing adventures of the girl Ellie, whose house, together with her and her dog Totoshka, was blown away by a hurricane to a magical land. There, Ellie meets unusual friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Lion. Together they go to the wizard of the Emerald City, who will grant their wishes. The Scarecrow wants to be smart, the Lion wants to be brave, the Tin Woodman wants to have a real heart, and Ellie and Toto want to go home. On the way, friends will face many trials that they go through, acquiring the qualities that they need so much. This book for a child of 8 years old will be not only interesting, but also useful, because it shows the power and meaning of true friendship.

interesting books for children 8 years old list
interesting books for children 8 years old list

Vitya Maleev at school and at home

The work "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", written by Nikolai Nosov, is an excellent children's book for children of 8 years old. The everyday life of a schoolboy Vitya Maleev is consonant with the everyday life of every eight-year-old child. The book is funny and interesting, reading it will give the child pleasure. In addition, the story is very instructive. The main character overcomes his own laziness, trains willpower, learns to be a true friend, a reliable honest person.

Deniska's stories

"Deniskin's Stories" by writer Viktor Dragunsky is one of the best books for children 8 years old. Children are very interested in reading about their peers. Deniska Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov are ordinary Soviet schoolchildren. Their school days, relationships with parents and comrades, tricks and fun games - all this is in the life of every junior schoolchild. In his stories, Dragunsky does not teach young readers; there is no moralizing at all in the text. On the contrary, the author narrates with humor about another interesting event from Deniska's life. But, after reading the stories, children understand how to act correctly in certain situations with comrades, what true friendship is, why the secret becomes clear, why it is shameful to deceive, why you need to learn lessons, and many other necessary truths.

Sophie's Tricks

A good book to read to children of 8 years old will be the book of the Comtesse de Segur "Sophie's Tricks". Baby Sophie is very inquisitive and curious. She often violates her mother's prohibitions and explores the world around her, drawing conclusions from her own mistakes. Sophie's every trick endsanother incident. An eight-year-old reader understands, together with the heroine of the book, why it is not worth doing this. The book has a sequel - "Exemplary Girls" (where the story is about Sophie's cousins, and she herself is a minor character) and "Vacations", which complete the trilogy.

Little Princess

The amazing story told in Frances Burnett's book "The Little Princess" will make a deep impression on the eight-year-old reader. This is one of the most instructive stories from the list of books for children 8 years old. Little Sarah is the daughter of a we althy captain. Her father leaves her in the care of a boarding school for noble maidens. The we alth of the father turns the head of the hostess of the boarding house, she tries to please the girl in everything. But as soon as the news of the death of Sarah's father comes, the attitude towards her changes dramatically. The poor girl, left an orphan, is made a servant and moved from a luxurious apartment to an attic with rats. Everyone takes revenge on Sarah for having kowtowed before her before. But little Sarah shows strength of mind unprecedented for a child. Having received the strongest psychological trauma, the brave girl steadfastly and meekly goes through all the trials, finds real friends. Having retained her dignity, like a real little princess, she emerges from a seemingly hopeless situation for her as a winner.

best books for kids 8 years old
best books for kids 8 years old

An eight-year-old child will benefit from reading this book. On the one hand, there is a lot of negativity in it: the author shows the blackest qualities of the human soul: meanness,deceit, hypocrisy, betrayal, inability and unwillingness to sympathize with one's neighbor. On the other hand, using the example of Sarah, the child understands how to respond correctly to the manifestation of these qualities by others. This book teaches very important qualities: never give up, no matter how hard it is, find the positive side in any life situation, maintain your own dignity, no matter what happens.
