Yasnov Mikhail: biography and works

Yasnov Mikhail: biography and works
Yasnov Mikhail: biography and works

Yasnov Mikhail Davidovich is a wonderful Petersburg poet, whose poems are mostly written for children and about children.

Yasnov Mikhail
Yasnov Mikhail

Clean clear lines, penetrating to the depths of the soul with their sincerity and kindness, easily found their admirers among the audience of all ages.

Mikhail Yasnov: poems for children

The heroes of the poet's fascinating works are ordinary kids living next to us. Affectionate, restless, observant and cheerful, they get acquainted with the outside world, make interesting discoveries, try to take independent steps and look for their own life path.

"I'm growing up", "I'm teaching a kitten", "I help in the kitchen", "I wash my hands", "I draw a thunderstorm" - the names of Mikhail Yasnov's poems seem to speak with the voices of the guys with whom the author is merged. The poet, like a magician, turns a variety of life stories into a fun, unpredictable game that captures the reader in his whirlpool.

Childhood and youth of the author

And it all started on January 8, 1946, when Yasnov Mikhail Davidovich was born in the city of Leningrad. The future author grew up on worksKorney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak, listened with interest to the lessons of the poetic language of the children's poet Alexander Alexandrovich Shibaev.

Mikhail Yasnov poems for children
Mikhail Yasnov poems for children

Misha learned to read early, and not from books, like most children, but standing with his mother in endless lines for groceries. This happened in the hungry post-war years, numerous posters on theater pedestals and shop signs served as a reading aid. The first memorable words were the names of the playwrights and the names of the performances, which at that time were completely incomprehensible to the boy. The first book I read on my own was "This is my little book about the seas and about the lighthouse" by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

The main event in his life Yasnov Mikhail considers his acquaintance and friendship with the famous children's writer Valentin Berestov, the man who showed him the way to the bright world of Childhood.

The beginning of the creative path

During his school years, Yasnov Mikhail quite actively attended the literary club of the city Palace of Pioneers, where, like many peers, he learned the intricacies of the Russian language and learned to be attentive to the word: he wrote epigrams and parodies, played with words. The imperceptibly manifested love for poetry determined the choice of Mikhail's life path.

Mikhail Davidovich began to engage in professional literature after graduating from the philological faculty of the Leningrad State University. Literary translations are especially easy for the author, occupying a particularly reverent niche in his work. The Leningrad writer masterfully expounds into Russian French authors: Ch. Baudelaire, A. Rimbaud, P. Verlaine, G. Apollinaire, as well as poems and fairy tales for young readers.

Books by Mikhail Yasnov

The first children's book, The Cure for Yawning, was released in 1979. Then the light was seen “I am learning to write”, “March 8”, “The holiday of the primer”, “Cheek, cheek - two bags”, “Visiting Svinozavtra”, “Nosomoth with a begerogh”, “Wonderness”, “Puppy Alphabet”, Scarecrow meow”, “Puppy games”, “Visiting Segeziana”. The adult book was published in 1986.

michael yasnov books
michael yasnov books

Where does the author get themes for poetry? How does the creative process take place? What comes first: rhymes or theme? A huge number of questions.

Everything happens differently. There is one unexpected word uttered by children's lips, or a fragment of a phrase, heard quite by accident, immediately "asks" into poetry. Or the basis for rhyming lines becomes a certain plot, prompted by the younger generation. The poet's rhymed lines turned into many children's songs, the music for which was mostly written by the composer and part-time friend Grigory Gladkov. A large number of records, CDs with poems and children's songs have been released.

Where do the strings come from?

Mikhail Yasnov, whose books have been translated into several languages (Polish, French, English, Romanian, Latvian, Estonian), since 1991 he has been broadcasting various children's programs on the radio: Cricket, Poetic Primer, which are obligatory were associated with poetry. Love for the organization of the poetic process led Mikhail toeditors, where he fully enjoys his favorite work: he edits children's pages in newspapers and magazines, writes about children's books, meets readers.

Yasnov Mikhail Davydovich
Yasnov Mikhail Davydovich

Meeting the children's audience has long been an important part of his life. Performance with own works in this case for the author turns into a joint “work on mistakes”: some poems are grasped by the audience on the fly, the second ones require some refinement, the third ones simply disappear into the shadows. In addition, such meetings are of great benefit to the younger generation, because they teach sincerity, kindness, and love for one's neighbor. Since 1995, Mikhail Yasnov has been working closely with literary gifted children and supporting their participation in various international competitions.
