
Films with Olga Budina: list of the best

Films with Olga Budina: list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Films with Olga Budina are very popular among fans of the actress. She became famous for her roles in films and TV series, as well as as a TV presenter. On her account there are already several dozen works of a very different plan. We will talk about the most interesting of them in this article

Kuzina Anna Evgenievna: photos, films of the actress, details of her personal life

Kuzina Anna Evgenievna: photos, films of the actress, details of her personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Anna Evgenievna Kuzina is a famous film and theater actress, who is famous not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. She has a huge number of theatrical roles and more than 40 roles in films. Fame came to her after she starred in the film "Univer. New hostel"

Dynamic films with an interesting plot: review, rating, reviews

Dynamic films with an interesting plot: review, rating, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Dynamic films with an interesting plot will interest all fans of good and high-quality cinema. It will be good to see such pictures both alone and in the company of friends, so that later there is something to discuss. This article provides an overview of such paintings

Film "Cocaine". Reviews of viewers and evaluation of critics

Film "Cocaine". Reviews of viewers and evaluation of critics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In the modern film industry there are many films about the rampant drug mafia, the roots of which stretch to the Colombian drug lords. One illustrative example is Ted Demme's Cocaine project starring Johnny Depp. The film is based on the life story of George Young, a well-known US smuggler

Films with Gary Oldman: a list of the best works

Films with Gary Oldman: a list of the best works

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

On the eve of Gary Oldman's birthday, we decided to recall his best work in the cinema. From the very beginning of his career to the present, this wonderful actor never ceases to amaze with his charisma and natural talent. Let's take a look at his filmography together

Best movies starring Gerald Butler

Best movies starring Gerald Butler

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Gerald Butler is a famous Scottish film and theater actor. During his career, he took part in more than 30 films, among which there are paintings of various genres. Especially for all fans of this talented actor and for those who just love to watch a good movie, we have prepared the top films starring Gerald Butler

Films with Serebryakov: list of all films

Films with Serebryakov: list of all films

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Huge popularity came to Alexei Serebryakov after the role of Oleg Zvantsev in the crime series "Gangster Petersburg". An interesting fact is that Serebryakov reluctantly took up this work, at first he even wanted to refuse to shoot. The actor had no idea how successful the picture would be. Today, Serebryakov is removed a lot and often, although this is not easy for him. The actor has to be torn between the set and the family, which he moved to Canada a few years ago

Movies similar to "Fracture" (Fracture, 2007): review, plot description

Movies similar to "Fracture" (Fracture, 2007): review, plot description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The 2007 American-German thriller Fracture was directed by Gregory Hoblit and starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the film received an IMDb rating of 7.20 and audience approval. The viewer almost from the first minutes of the timing took the side of evil and remained on it until the final credits

Movies with gods: a list of the best

Movies with gods: a list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Filmmakers are quite cautious about religious issues, even touching on divine themes, often avoid demonstrating the Christian Almighty. Much more often in the movies, ancient Greek, Egyptian or Scandinavian gods shine

List of films with unexpected endings: top best

List of films with unexpected endings: top best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Sometimes you watch a movie in anticipation of a great ending, but in the end it turns out to be a complete disappointment. Fortunately, there are plenty of films with truly unpredictable and unexpected endings that remain in memory for a long time. They will be discussed in our today's "kinotope"

The most famous actors with mustaches

The most famous actors with mustaches

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Mustache for men is something sacred and untouchable. Such beauty grows for a long time and takes care of it even longer. Sometimes men are so proud of facial hair and get used to it that they wear it for years, decades or all their lives. Many actors, directors and singers also did not escape a similar fate. And since famous people are almost always in sight, their mustaches become almost a trademark and few people can imagine them without the usual element on their faces

Movies similar to "Anesthesia" (with a description of similarities)

Movies similar to "Anesthesia" (with a description of similarities)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Is the human soul able to free itself from the shackles of its body? Is it possible to return it after the trip? Many filmmakers fantasized about this topic, each solved this dilemma in his own way. One of the brightest projects, exaggerating the subject of out-of-body experience, is the tape "Narcosis". Movies similar to the brainchild of Joby Harold are released regularly, proving the urgency of the problem

Films with Josh Hartnett: review of the best

Films with Josh Hartnett: review of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Throughout his career, American actor Josh Hartnett has starred in more than 30 films. Despite the fact that now he appears in films not so often, we decided to look back and recall his past filmography. From Halloween and The Faculty to Black Hawk Down and Penny Dreadful, Josh Hartnett's Best Roles List

Movies like "Crimson Peak": a list of the best

Movies like "Crimson Peak": a list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Films like "Crimson Peak" appeal to all fans of fantasy horror with signs of melodrama. This is a famous picture of Guillermo del Toro, released in 2015, which has a lot of fans. This article details what else is worth watching for those who liked this movie so much

Films about America 50-60 years: a list of the best

Films about America 50-60 years: a list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Which of us would not like to go back in time at least once and look at various historical events with our own eyes? Fortunately, such a step in time is possible thanks to the magic of cinema. Today we will talk about several Hollywood films, the viewing of which will introduce you to the spirit and atmosphere of America in the 50s and 60s

Watch movies with unpredictable endings in one go: list of the most interesting

Watch movies with unpredictable endings in one go: list of the most interesting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The film industry is gaining new momentum in styles, directions, editing features and the specifics of graphic effects. Today, filmmakers have learned how to make really high-quality, solid films. But most of all, viewers are attracted to those tapes that are viewed from beginning to end in one breath

Movies similar to "House of Wax" (2005): list, reviews

Movies similar to "House of Wax" (2005): list, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Having gained experience in adapting Japanese horror films, Hollywood filmmakers turned their attention to their own old films. The movie House of Wax (2005) is a remake of a remake, as messy as it sounds. And all because the brainchild of André De Toth, who created the Wax Museum in 1953, which inspired Collet-Serra, is a remake of the tape "The Secret of the Wax Museum", released in 1933

Detective thrillers with an unexpected denouement: a list of the best

Detective thrillers with an unexpected denouement: a list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Any movie fan will want to watch a detective thriller with an unexpected ending. Such pictures intrigue the viewer, forcing them to wonder until the very last minutes who the real villain is. The beauty of these pictures is that, as a rule, no one can answer correctly. And the criminal is the one who was least thought of. This article provides a few examples of such tapes that you should definitely see

Interesting films with an exciting story about love: a list with a summary of films

Interesting films with an exciting story about love: a list with a summary of films

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The topic of this article was interesting films about love with an exciting plot, the list of which is almost endless, since it is very difficult to imagine a less inexhaustible theme. They say that at the heart of any movie, be it a drama or a comedy, a detective story or even a psychological thriller, in fact, only love lies

Movies about sharks and the ocean: a list of the best

Movies about sharks and the ocean: a list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

After the release of the cult blockbuster "Jaws", sharks and the open ocean quickly became a source of constant fear among people around the world. And who can blame them for this? We have made a special selection of great films about sharks and the ocean, which will make even the most daring viewer's heart tremble

Brazilian series: ranking of the best

Brazilian series: ranking of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

We present to your attention the rating of the best Brazilian TV series according to the audience. The list includes both tapes of past years and more modern films. As a critical assessment, the average scores from the IMDb and Kinopoisk resources were taken

Movies similar to "Grave Encounters": list of the best

Movies similar to "Grave Encounters": list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The horror film "Grave Seekers" was released in 2011 and is still considered one of the best representatives of the mockumentary subgenre (pseudo-documentary). It is not surprising that people who have watched this movie at least once catch themselves thinking that they would like to see something similar. Here is a list of the best horror mockups similar to The Grave Encounters - especially for readers

Films about zombies, viruses and epidemics: a list

Films about zombies, viruses and epidemics: a list

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Movies about the walking dead and various viruses will never get old! No matter what anyone says, the zombie genre in cinema has always been, is and will remain one of the most popular horror genres. And although now the dead are often not found in mainstream cinema, the popular series The Walking Dead continues to appear on TV screens. What other films about zombies and epidemics are worth watching? About this article, which also lists the best of the best

"Once Upon a Time": reviews of the series, seasons, plot and actors

"Once Upon a Time": reviews of the series, seasons, plot and actors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Snow White, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Rumpelstiltskin and many other characters from your favorite fairy tales have come together. Is it possible - you ask. Yes, if it is the series "Once Upon a Time" (reviews and description can be read further). And besides them, there are dozens of interesting characters here. The article will provide an overview and audience reviews about the film "Once Upon a Time"

The best films with Elvis Presley. What to watch?

The best films with Elvis Presley. What to watch?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Elvis Presley is a true icon and legend of rock and roll, whose legacy remains relevant to this day. In addition to his musical activities, Elvis is also well known to the general public for various films, documentaries and feature films. Today we take a closer look at some of them

The best films with Monica Belucci: a list with a plot description

The best films with Monica Belucci: a list with a plot description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One of the most successful and talented actresses of our time, Monica Bellucci began her ascent to Olympus as a model. The need to pay for education prompted the girl to take this step. Success in this area was overwhelming, and already in 2004, Monica topped the list of the most beautiful women in the world. But today is about cinema, and in our article the best films with Monica Belucci, as well as some interesting moments in the biography of this charming and beautiful woman

Movies with the biggest budget: rating, list of the best

Movies with the biggest budget: rating, list of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

We present to your attention the top films with the biggest budget. Some paintings went down in history and were remembered for many years. Others have become regular expensive attractions that are forgotten in a week or two, or even the next day

The plot of the film "Saw: The Game of Survival" (2004). The history of the film, director, actors and roles

The plot of the film "Saw: The Game of Survival" (2004). The history of the film, director, actors and roles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The plot of the movie "Saw: The Game of Survival" should be of interest to all horror fans. This is a picture by James Wan, which premiered in early 2004. Initially, the creators wanted to release the tape only for sale on cassettes, but then the premiere was organized at the Sundance Film Festival. The audience liked the thriller and went on wide release. Following it, it was decided to release a whole series of similar paintings. Read more about the plot of the film, the history of its creation in this article

Film "Island": reviews, plot, director, actors, prizes and awards

Film "Island": reviews, plot, director, actors, prizes and awards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The film "The Island" (2006) has become a kind of hallmark of Orthodox cinema. This tape appealed to both believers and non-believers. After all, judging by the numerous reviews, the film "The Island" by the actions and behavior of its main character, the elder Anatoly, gave each of the viewers invaluable life lessons

Catch phrases from "Office Romance"

Catch phrases from "Office Romance"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

If you want to recharge with positive, review the wonderful comedy by E. Ryazanov. Surely catchphrases from the movie "Office Romance" will cheer you up and help you cope with any difficult situation in life. And if it is not possible to spend two and a half hours in front of the screen, then this article is for you

Series about creatures and evil spirits: description of the best

Series about creatures and evil spirits: description of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Various stories of magic, monsters, ghosts and spirits have stirred the mind of man throughout the history of his existence. And this is confirmed by the fact that our ancestors created legends and myths, fairy tales and even whole fantastic poems. To date, many legends of antiquity are used in the plots of books, films and serials

Films with Savely Kramarov: the complete filmography of the actor

Films with Savely Kramarov: the complete filmography of the actor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

This actor does not have a single leading role, but he was still the favorite of the whole country. He had no bad habits, but the cause of death was cancer, which always caused fear in him. All his life he was looking for one single woman, although he himself was the object of adoration by many. In life, he was collected and serious, but his on-screen characters made him laugh to tears. This unique and unpredictable actor - Savely Kramarov

Actor Francois Petit. What can you find out about it?

Actor Francois Petit. What can you find out about it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Francois Petit is a famous actor of the last century and a man who has achieved mastery in many types of martial arts. He was notable for not only being the face of Mortal Kombat, but also producing and composing the soundtrack for the film

"Terminator" is a milestone work in the world of science fiction

"Terminator" is a milestone work in the world of science fiction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It's hard to believe now that the initially iconic first film of the Rise of the Machines franchise was known in the USSR under the name "Killer Cyborg", despite the fact that the Russian equivalent of the Latin term "terminator" is a liquidator. However, movie fans have slightly different associations with this word

American actors in Body of Lies (film)

American actors in Body of Lies (film)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Today we are going to talk about Body of Lies movie. Actors and roles will be presented below. This is a dramatic action film directed by Ridley Scott. The premiere took place in 2008

Anime "Special Class "A": a story of rivalry and love

Anime "Special Class "A": a story of rivalry and love

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Anime "Special Class" A "- the story of two young people-idealists. Both of them strive to be the first in everything, competing with each other. But deep feelings are hidden behind this rivalry

Film "Bone Tomahawk": reviews, actors and roles

Film "Bone Tomahawk": reviews, actors and roles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The film "Bone Tomahawk", reviews of which were unanimously positive from critics and viewers, is a scary, strange and wonderful western with elements of horror about the confrontation between cowboys and cannibal Indians

French male actors: list of the most popular

French male actors: list of the most popular

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

French male actors have a special charm and charm. The topic of our article is famous French actors. The list is compiled in random order, since it is difficult to single out the best actors among the performers of France - they all deserve to lead the first place of any TOP

Film "My name is Earl": actors, roles, plot

Film "My name is Earl": actors, roles, plot

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In 2005, NBC began showing the comedy series My Name Is Earl, whose actors and roles will be the focus of our article today. This is a film about responsibility, kindness and trying to make everything in life right. The series was well received by critics and ran for four seasons

Good family comedies: list

Good family comedies: list

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Good comedies for family viewing, the list of which we present to the attention of readers, will help you have fun with your loved ones and give you precious moments spent with your family