Visual art

How to draw Sivka-Burka with a pencil

How to draw Sivka-Burka with a pencil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In kindergarten, and often at school, children are asked to draw an illustration for a fairy tale. At a young age, it is difficult to objectively assess your strengths, so often a child chooses a difficult topic. For example, he wants to draw a mermaid, a hero or Sivka-Burka. Many parents are lost and do not even know how to help. Therefore, today in the article we will answer the question: how to draw Sivka-Burka with a pencil?

Gustav Klimt, Danae. Description of the painting, style and methods of the artist's work

Gustav Klimt, Danae. Description of the painting, style and methods of the artist's work

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) - Austrian painter. He became the founder of Art Nouveau in Austria. The main interest for him was the body of a woman, both dressed and naked. In all his works there is frank eroticism. The canvas “Danaë” by Gustav Klimt is no exception. Let's consider it in more detail

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos" in the Vatican: photo, description of the painting

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos" in the Vatican: photo, description of the painting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Aivazovsky's painting "Chaos. The Creation of the World" evokes a genuine storm of emotions, because every time you look at this handwritten work, you discover more and more new and unexpected details in it. In this article, we will determine the meaning of the famous painting, as well as share facts that will reveal the secret of Ivan Aivazovsky when writing a masterpiece

Lightning Makvin: how to draw a cartoon character

Lightning Makvin: how to draw a cartoon character

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Have you seen the new "Cars 3" and now you want to portray something like that? Lightning McQueen? How to draw the main character of the legendary cartoon? This is the question facing the novice illustrator. Copying other people's recognized masterpieces is one of the stages of art education. Therefore, if you want to draw your own unique characters in the future, then you need to start with copying. In this article we will give an answer to the question: "How to draw a Lightning McQueen car?"

How to draw Alice in Wonderland with kids

How to draw Alice in Wonderland with kids

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How to draw Alice in Wonderland, children ask their parents, trying to create another illustration for school. What is the answer to this? To illustrate works, it is not necessary to be able to draw well. You need to play a little with fantasy and connect your imagination

How to draw a snow leopard: a step by step lesson

How to draw a snow leopard: a step by step lesson

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Irbis is one of the most unique animals on our planet. Every year the population of the snow leopard is falling. This animal is not yet at the stage of extinction, but is already listed in the Red Book. Few people manage to see the snow leopard not only in wildlife, but also in the zoo. Therefore, the question of how to draw a snow leopard is quite relevant

Natalia Chernova and her role in the history of ballet

Natalia Chernova and her role in the history of ballet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Theatrical critic is a rare profession in our time. Usually it is chosen by independent individuals, sometimes dooming themselves to a difficult life in a theatrical society. To express your opinion, which can radically diverge from the public, you need to be a person of strong character and a certain temperament, confident in his rightness and not wanting to give up his word under any circumstances

How to draw breasts with a pencil

How to draw breasts with a pencil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A real artist should not create in a certain genre, but when looking at his work, everyone will understand that he has the work of a professional in front of him. So you have to try to get your drawing appreciated. The beauty of the female body is unconditional, but how beautiful and not vulgar to convey this beauty on paper? Depict, for example, the chest. How to draw such a beautiful element of the female body? Maybe we will have to limit ourselves to schematic sketches that any teenager can draw?

Introduction to the Kemerovo circus, its history, interesting facts

Introduction to the Kemerovo circus, its history, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The article describes the history of the Kemerovo circus, what performances take place in it, what concerts there are. An interesting moment is told from the life of the famous clown Yuri Nikulin, who spent the first tour with Pencil in this circus

Drawing lesson: how to draw a Pomeranian

Drawing lesson: how to draw a Pomeranian

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When people start drawing, they want to draw their favorite animals first. But sometimes a seemingly simple task cannot be completed the first time. Therefore, answering the question of how to draw a Spitz is very simple - you need to know its anatomy. Only after a detailed study of the structure of the dog can a similar image be obtained. Because the drawing needs to be built, and not to draw the outer contour

How to make "Titanic" out of paper with your own hands

How to make "Titanic" out of paper with your own hands

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Paper is a great building material. Anything can be made from it: flat figures, origami-style toys, or complex three-dimensional models. One of the most popular themes for creativity is the scaled-down ship prototypes

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale with a pencil and paints

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale with a pencil and paints

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Many parents whose children go to school are wondering "How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale?". At an art lesson in a secondary school or at a composition lesson at an art school, they are often asked to draw fragments of fairy tales. The hardest part is coming up with a plot

The art of drawing: how to draw a kitten by cells

The art of drawing: how to draw a kitten by cells

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are more and more new types of fine arts, one of which is drawing by cells. Consider an example of an image of a kitten in this way

What is Sirtaki? Greek dance of American origin

What is Sirtaki? Greek dance of American origin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In the vocabulary of culture and art there are many terms and words that have come to us from other languages. Among them, one can name the word "sirtaki". What is "sirtaki"? Where did this word come from? That's what we're talking about today

How to draw seahorses in various techniques

How to draw seahorses in various techniques

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The seahorse is an interesting species of fish. They have a bizarre shape that makes them unlike any creature that lives in the water. It is this uniqueness that attracts people

Salute is the favorite show of all peoples of the world

Salute is the favorite show of all peoples of the world

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

From ancient times to the present day, fireworks are a favorite folk spectacle. They celebrate small family celebrations and big public holidays. They only get more popular over time

How to draw a jaguar: instruction

How to draw a jaguar: instruction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Many artists, both beginners and professionals, often depict representatives of the feline family in their paintings or sketches, focusing their attention on people looking at the sketch precisely in front of these graceful predators. Today we will try to answer the question: how to draw a jaguar?

Mysterio (Marvel comics) - insidious loser

Mysterio (Marvel comics) - insidious loser

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The American comic book company has been creating stories in pictures since 1939. Many superheroes came out of their assembly line and settled on Earth-616. In addition to popular heroes with incredible strength and a desire to save the world, Marvel has also created those who can resist the keepers of the peace. One of them is Mysterio, who occupies only the 85th line among the villains of the Marvel Universe

Moscow Theater of Illusion - a place where miracles happen

Moscow Theater of Illusion - a place where miracles happen

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Don't know where to go in Moscow with the whole family? Visit the Moscow Theater of Illusions - a unique place where you can watch magical and unrealistic tricks in a worthy artistic setting. The performances will appeal to audiences of all ages and are sure to make a special impression

Numismatic Museum in Moscow: a unique collection of coins

Numismatic Museum in Moscow: a unique collection of coins

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The article is dedicated to the International Moscow Numismatic Museum. The review gives a brief description of his collection of coins

Makarova Natalia, ballerina: biography, creativity, achievements, personal life

Makarova Natalia, ballerina: biography, creativity, achievements, personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Outstanding ballerina Natalya Makarova, whose biography is overgrown with various legends, has left a noticeable mark on the world of contemporary choreography. Her path is the path of strength and creativity, she continues to work, and the fruits of her inspiration continue to delight thousands of people

Korean dance: features, types

Korean dance: features, types

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One of the important assets of the people of Korea and an integral part of its culture are national dances. This type of art allows the viewer to get acquainted with the bright and original culture of the country

The musical "Singing in the rain" in Moscow: reviews, premiere, actors

The musical "Singing in the rain" in Moscow: reviews, premiere, actors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

On October 3, 2015, the premiere of the musical “Singing in the Rain” took place in the capital. This event was held on a grand scale and was furnished with chic in the style of the Oscars ceremonies. And this is not surprising, since Stage Entertainment presented on the Russian stage a version of a Broadway play about the origins of American sound cinema

Kaliningrad is a museum of amber. Historical and cultural landmark of the city

Kaliningrad is a museum of amber. Historical and cultural landmark of the city

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Before, there were many other diverse assumptions about the origin of amber. It was believed that this stone is hardened oil, and there was even an assumption that it was petrified honey. That's about such a mysterious stone, numerous products and exhibits from which are presented in the Kaliningrad Museum, will be discussed in this article

How to learn tricks at home?

How to learn tricks at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A rabbit emerges from a top hat and a dove appears in empty hands in front of a stunned audience. The world's most famous magicians began their careers by performing in front of their families or friends. It's never too late to become an illusionist. Read this article or buy a booklet. Take the time to rehearse and realize the dream of learning magic tricks. With cards or coins. Ropes, scarves, jugs. Dare! The mysterious world of performed magic will change your life

The cultural center of the south of Russia - Rostov. City circus as part of Russian circus art

The cultural center of the south of Russia - Rostov. City circus as part of Russian circus art

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The circus (Rostov-on-Don) has existed since the middle of the 20th century. Talented artists with the most difficult numbers and trained animals perform on its arena

Eifman Boris Academy: features, specialists and reviews

Eifman Boris Academy: features, specialists and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

St. Petersburg, 1738… In the Winter Palace, Empress Anna Ioannovna ordered to allocate several rooms in which the children of palace employees were trained in the art of ballet. This is how the first ballet school in Russia was born, which has survived to this day under the name of the A. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet

Igor Moiseev's ballet: world recognition

Igor Moiseev's ballet: world recognition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Moiseev made an indispensable contribution to the choreography not only of his country, but of the whole world as a whole. He devoted his whole life to creativity and achieved unprecedented success in developing the mastery of choreography. At the moment, it is difficult to convey all the talent of the master even with the highest quality and diverse performances

Show "Prophetic dream" (Vernadsky circus): description, reviews

Show "Prophetic dream" (Vernadsky circus): description, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The most luxurious and grandiose event was prepared for the New Year holidays by the Zapashny brothers. This time the circus performances were based on Slavic legends and fairy tales, which were embodied in the program "Prophetic Dream" (Vernadsky's circus) so colorfully, fantastically and captivatingly. Feedback from the enthusiastic audience proved that the organizers managed to please not only children, but also adults

"Snow show" Vyacheslav Polunin: reviews. "Snow show" by Slava Polunin: description and features of the performance

"Snow show" Vyacheslav Polunin: reviews. "Snow show" by Slava Polunin: description and features of the performance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Every child dreams of visiting a fairy tale. Yes, and many parents are happy to attend children's shows, especially if they are created by real wizards, which, of course, include the famous clown, mime and director Vyacheslav Polunin. After all, many, many years ago, they themselves were delighted with the touching Asishaya, whom, once seen, it is impossible to forget

Finger tricks and their secrets: description and instructions. How to do trick with fingers

Finger tricks and their secrets: description and instructions. How to do trick with fingers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Finger tricks are a clever trick based on tricking the eye or attention with the help of quick body movements, distracting maneuvers, etc. Constant training and exercises help develop hand motor skills

Italian dances: history and their varieties

Italian dances: history and their varieties

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are many peoples in the world who communicate in different languages. But not only words spoke people throughout history. In order to spiritualize their emotions and thoughts in ancient times, songs and dances were used

Wolf with wings: how to draw in stages?

Wolf with wings: how to draw in stages?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For centuries, wolves have been associated with mysticism, mystery. A wolf with wings is found in the culture of many peoples as a patron spirit or deity embodying fire

How to draw a bottle: draw a voluminous glass vessel with a pencil

How to draw a bottle: draw a voluminous glass vessel with a pencil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Sometimes some beginning artists wonder: how to draw a bottle? This subject may simply need to be depicted in a still life, a picture dedicated to a pirate theme, or simply as an independent element. So, today we will pay attention to this glass vessel

How to draw a pug: easy drawing for beginners

How to draw a pug: easy drawing for beginners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The article will help you learn how to draw a pug without having artistic skills. All you need is a good mood and a pencil

How to draw "Just you wait!" - step by step lesson

How to draw "Just you wait!" - step by step lesson

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

This lesson is about step-by-step drawing characters from everyone's favorite cartoon "Just you wait!" will be useful to everyone. This lesson will describe in detail how to draw "Well, wait a minute!". More precisely, how to create a beautiful drawing of a Hare and a Wolf from this cartoon

Magnitogorsk circus: past and present

Magnitogorsk circus: past and present

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The history of the old and new Magnitogorsk circus, the revival of this type of culture in the city, latest news

How to draw a poodle easy?

How to draw a poodle easy?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Children often ask adults to teach them how to draw this or that animal. This is quite simple and should not be intimidating. For example, to explain how to draw a poodle, you do not need any special artistic knowledge and skills

How to draw a candy: the right pencils and different ways of drawing

How to draw a candy: the right pencils and different ways of drawing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Beginning artists should start by drawing simple objects. You should not take on the image of complex still lifes, intricate objects and rich landscapes. You always need to get to work, using the rule: from simple to complex. You can learn how to draw a candy in this article

How to draw a hand with a pencil step by step?

How to draw a hand with a pencil step by step?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Painting like great artists is not given to everyone. But you can learn to draw if you make an effort. A lot can be said about a person by their hands. It is very difficult to depict them on paper. But the task of how to draw a hand can be solved with work and diligence