How to draw a candy: the right pencils and different ways of drawing

How to draw a candy: the right pencils and different ways of drawing
How to draw a candy: the right pencils and different ways of drawing

Beginning artists should start by drawing simple objects. You should not take on the image of complex still lifes, intricate objects and rich landscapes. You always need to get to work, using the rule: from simple to complex. You can learn how to draw a candy in this article.

First you need to take a few different sweets and put them in front of you on the table. This way it will be easier to draw, because you can see all the shadows and highlights on the subject, and then transfer them to paper. To obtain a beautiful and high-quality drawing, it is advisable to use different water-soluble pencils. If you intend to draw a candy more simply and not too spectacularly, you should use a less wide palette of pencils.

Drawing a candy in stages is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Depicting a multi-colored and bright object is quite simple, you just need to correctly outline the shadows on the crumpled candy wrapper and the glare of light on the foil. Water soluble pencils are ideal for this type of work.plan.

how to draw candy
how to draw candy

Details and colors

Of particular importance in the execution of the drawing is the ratio of color and details of the surface of the object. In order to display everything accurately and correctly on paper, you first need to carefully study the subject that will be depicted. The sweets laid out on the table should be carefully considered. A sheet of thick white cardboard will be a good helper. It must be placed vertically behind the sweets. The leaf will become a strong source of side light, which will help to clearly define the shadow borders.

Required items for drawing

First you need to make the right choice of paper for drawing. It should not be too thin, as then it can be easily damaged by a sharp pencil rod. It is desirable that the paper grain is low, then the lines will be drawn clearly and smoothly. You will also need nine water-soluble pencils of different colors, but you can use less if you wish. Then the drawing will turn out less pretentious. You can't do without soft round brush 5.

draw a candy with a pencil
draw a candy with a pencil


How to draw a candy? First of all, you need to draw the outlines of the object with a light gray pencil. While drawing, do not press hard on it so that the outline can be easily erased with an eraser if extra lines or dashes appear. It is also necessary to outline the main shady areas.


Water-soluble pencils are a universal material. They can be useddifferent ways. For example, you can draw a candy with a pencil with a watercolor effect. To do this, you need to sketch the subject with a dry pencil, and then blur the strokes with a wet brush. To enhance the color or depict fine fine details, you must first apply a wash, and then draw with a dry pencil. In this case, the main factor is that the paper must be completely dry, otherwise the drawing will be blurry and the lines will blur.

how to draw candy with a pencil step by step
how to draw candy with a pencil step by step

Draw candy

How to draw a candy with a pencil step by step to make the drawing look professional? Very simple. After drawing the outline of the object, you need to take a brown pencil to draw deep shadows. Candy wrapper can be painted in blue. Glare on the foil should be applied with a light blue pencil. An excellent choice for painting over shadow areas would be blue-violet. To make the drawing more realistic, you need to show the folds on the surface of the candy wrapper. To do this, use a light gray color shade. It will give volume and aesthetics to the drawn candy.

How to draw a candy in a striped wrapper? This is where a dark orange pencil comes in handy. It will go great with the blue wrap. The creases on the candy wrapper are also drawn in light gray.

Finishing touches

After finishing the drawing, it is necessary to carefully examine the result once again. Perhaps somewhere the shadow areas or highlights are not finished. They play a very important role in any kindvisual arts. Of course, answering the question of how to draw a candy, you can cite more than one way to complete this drawing as an example. For example, a shadow can be shown using a special technique called "dotwork". It lies in the fact that during drawing, not lines and strokes are used, but small and large dots. A "dotwork" is performed using a liner. This is a black pen with a pointed tip.

how to draw candy with a pencil step by step
how to draw candy with a pencil step by step

The figure shows how you can draw a candy using the "dotwork" technique. The result is unusual and original. And this technique is suitable for beginner artists. It is quite light and does not require much effort. Drawing candy on paper is not difficult. The main thing is to have everything you need for drawing at hand, as well as a little patience, and everything will definitely work out.
