Visual art

How to draw a plum - watercolor and pencil

How to draw a plum - watercolor and pencil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Drawing vegetables and fruits is a great opportunity to learn how to draw simple and complex shapes and objects, to understand how shadows fall, how to correct a drawing and complete it. Plum - a simple object in shape, without small details and many bends

How to draw a magpie with children?

How to draw a magpie with children?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A child gets to know the world around him better by coming into close contact with it. But if it is not always possible to see all the birds and animals, then everyone can draw them, and then take a closer look at them. And in this article we will take a closer look at the magpie and learn how to draw this charming bird

How to draw sweets for little sweeties?

How to draw sweets for little sweeties?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Everyone loves treats. But did you know that treats are not only pleasant to eat, but also to draw? This exciting activity will appeal to little sweeties, and not a single centimeter will be added to the mother's waist. How to draw yummy? All you need is pencils and a little imagination

How to draw "Star vs the forces of evil" - step by step instructions

How to draw "Star vs the forces of evil" - step by step instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How to draw "Star vs the forces of evil" with a pencil, spending a minimum of your time on it? Using a few simple tricks, you can recreate the image of your favorite cartoon character in just a few minutes

What words does the photographer constantly use while working?

What words does the photographer constantly use while working?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Photography can be both a hobby, that is, a pleasant pastime, and the main source of income that makes a profit. The photographer in the process of work most often pronounces certain words. What are these expressions?

The art of undressing - what is it called? Pole dancing, or the history of striptease

The art of undressing - what is it called? Pole dancing, or the history of striptease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The article tells about pole dancing and the history of striptease, which dates back to ancient times

Learn how to make soap bubbles at home

Learn how to make soap bubbles at home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Everyone who has a small child in the house, sooner or later begins to wonder how to make soap bubbles at home. After all, it is one of the most popular children's entertainment. Children are very fond of watching huge rainbow balls. You can either buy them at the store or make your own. There are several recipes for how to make soap bubbles at home

Where and how to launch sky lanterns?

Where and how to launch sky lanterns?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

You can learn how to properly launch sky lanterns in just a couple of minutes. You just need to read this article and follow all the instructions exactly. And then you will succeed on the first try

What is a smoke machine?

What is a smoke machine?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How are these mysterious puffs of smoke that envelop celebrities during performances produced? What are the types of smoke generators? The article describes the basic principles of the smoke machine

Let's take a look at the museum. Museums in Irkutsk

Let's take a look at the museum. Museums in Irkutsk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The whole of Irkutsk is a museum. The museums of Irkutsk taken separately are the whole city. Let's take a virtual tour of them

Rococo style in European architecture. Rococo in Russian architecture

Rococo style in European architecture. Rococo in Russian architecture

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Quirky and whimsical, this style originated in France in the early 18th century. Rococo in architecture was not so much an independent direction as a certain moment in the development of the pan-European Baroque

Aquamarine - the color of sea coolness and peace

Aquamarine - the color of sea coolness and peace

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Aquamarine is a color of stunning beauty and depth. It combines shades from azure blue to greenish blue. Ideally, aquamarine resembles a sea wave. In Latin, aqua means water and mare means sea. Aquamarine, whose color enchants and fascinates, takes its name from the mineral of the same name

Belly dance for beginners - description, techniques and recommendations

Belly dance for beginners - description, techniques and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The dance technique is very beautiful and attractive not only for men. And how beautiful are the costumes for performing belly dance (or, as it is also called, belly dance). The first belly dance appeared in ancient Egypt. It was not associated with any sacred rites, it was simply danced for fun. Girls of all classes made beautiful movements with their hips, combining them with sweeping arms full of elegance

Hustle - what is it and who is it for?

Hustle - what is it and who is it for?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

More and more people are turning to dance today. Passionate salsa and emotional contemporary, charming oriental dances and ballet, but one of the most popular trends today is hustle, familiar to everyone since the distant seventies

Arabian belly dancing is a fascinating art

Arabian belly dancing is a fascinating art

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The East is an amazing part of the world, although it can be said that it is a completely separate world. Arab belly dances have long gone beyond the borders of their homeland and delight the inhabitants of the western lands. No wonder there are so many people who want to learn this ancient and fascinating art lately

Ballerina Vorontsova: biography and photos

Ballerina Vorontsova: biography and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The ballerina Vorontsova was born in Voronezh in 1991. Subjects at school were easy for her, and she studied for one five. From childhood, the heroine of our story showed a special interest in rhythmic gymnastics, and, despite her young age, she repeatedly achieved success in this field

Ferchampenoise Stone Museum and its exhibits

Ferchampenoise Stone Museum and its exhibits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

People live in the world of stones, not paying attention to them and not showing interest. Only experts know what this "non-living" type of matter is, which has its own history of birth, development and death. Until now, scientists cannot draw a clear line between animate and inanimate nature, but for the organizer of the Museum of Stones in the Chelyabinsk Region, the answer is unequivocal: living stones

Harry Potter Museum in London. How is it different from Moscow?

Harry Potter Museum in London. How is it different from Moscow?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For admirers of the talent of JK Rowling and fans of the sensational film, an unusual museum was created in London. Harry Potter, along with his friends, opened the doors to the secrets of a beloved story for movie lovers

City of Kostroma. The circus is where tigers become kittens

City of Kostroma. The circus is where tigers become kittens

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The material describes milestones in the formation of the Kostroma circus. The brightest show programs and outstanding personalities who performed at its arena are briefly mentioned

What is the color "burgundy"?

What is the color "burgundy"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The name of an interesting, regal paint comes from the name of the berry and the drink. This color is for those who love originality, nobility, emotionality and luxury

How to make a trick at home for children?

How to make a trick at home for children?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

If you don't know how to do magic at home, then this article is for you. After all, what is focus? This is not just a trick, but real magic that you can give to children

"Submarine" - a museum in St. Petersburg and Tushino

"Submarine" - a museum in St. Petersburg and Tushino

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Want to visit an unusual attraction? A great option is the submarine museum in St. Petersburg. Here you will not only learn the facts of the history of the Navy, but also see thematic expositions. And most importantly - you can feel like a real submariner

DC Comics: characters everyone knows

DC Comics: characters everyone knows

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

DC Comics is one of the oldest publishing houses, whose authors gave the world many famous superheroes. Despite their age, these characters continue to delight comic book fans with their new adventures

What are the dances? Name of types of dances

What are the dances? Name of types of dances

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

To express their overflowing emotions and feelings, expectations and hopes, our ancient ancestors used rhythmic ritual dances. As the person himself and the social environment that surrounded him developed, more and more different dances appeared, becoming more and more complex and refined. Today, even experts will not be able to list the names of all types of dances performed by people over the centuries. However, dance culture, having passed through the centuries, is actively developing

How to organize a show: description, procedure, practical recommendations and tips

How to organize a show: description, procedure, practical recommendations and tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The organization of any entertainment event requires a serious approach and careful preparation. Because how professionally it is prepared and has, the success of the audience depends on the popularity of the organizers and their earnings. The success of the show will be ensured if all the details are taken into account

Artist Boris Amarantov: biography, creativity, personal life, cause of death and interesting facts

Artist Boris Amarantov: biography, creativity, personal life, cause of death and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Nothing lasts forever under the moon. This statement does not require proof, especially if you read about the idols of the past, whose names modern youth have not even heard. Among such bright, but extinguished and forgotten stars is Boris Amarantov, whose cause of death to this day remains a mystery even to those who were personally acquainted with the artist

Johnny Catsville is a popular internet meme

Johnny Catsville is a popular internet meme

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Johnny Catswill is an adorable ginger cat who stretches his paws towards the lens as if taking a picture of himself. Resourceful Internet users turned this cute animal into a meme by changing the background behind him and adding various funny inscriptions. The original image was first posted online in March 2013 on Tumblr and then turned into a meme. In 2014, a wave of popularity reached the Russian-speaking Internet

The basic step in salsa is the basis of sensual dance

The basic step in salsa is the basis of sensual dance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

What is the basis of incendiary and sexy dance? Basic steps for beginners - how to do it without mistakes? A little secret: what to look for?

Demon Surtur "Marvel": biography, character, powers and abilities

Demon Surtur "Marvel": biography, character, powers and abilities

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Against the backdrop of the film Thor 3: Ragnarok released in October 2017, the character of Surtur (Marvel) aroused great interest. And this is understandable, because previously Surtur was not involved in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For those who haven't read Thor's graphic novel adventures, the emergence of such a powerful anti-hero was new

Good old circus and "Circus Magic": audience reviews

Good old circus and "Circus Magic": audience reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The highlight of the 2017 circus season. Generalization of opinions about the program "Magic of the Circus". Ticket secrets. New Year's performance for 2018

How to draw a like in various techniques

How to draw a like in various techniques

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Today we will tell you how to draw a like. These cute animals, relatives of domestic Spitz, live in the north. Laikas are considered hunting dogs. They help people get bear skins and deer antlers. It is not difficult to portray these brave animals, so similar to a fox, try it and see for yourself

Circus program "Emotions" and the circus of the Zapashny brothers: reviews, description of the program, duration of the performance

Circus program "Emotions" and the circus of the Zapashny brothers: reviews, description of the program, duration of the performance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One of the performances that is popular throughout the country is the "Emotions" program. Each number in this show is an independent unique attraction, and all artists are high-class professionals. "Emotions" and the circus of the Zapashny brothers receive mostly positive reviews. Not only children like this program, adults are also delighted with the bright colors, amazing tricks and professionalism of the performers

Marvel characters: Medusa

Marvel characters: Medusa

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The Marvel Comics Universe boasts a wide variety of characters. In addition to popular heroes, known even to people far from the subject of comics, there are characters in it that are very different from the usual superheroes. Such amazing people include Medusa, to whom this article is dedicated

Circus of dancing fountains "Aquamarine", "Mystery of the Museum of Dreams": reviews, duration of the show

Circus of dancing fountains "Aquamarine", "Mystery of the Museum of Dreams": reviews, duration of the show

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Can't choose where to have fun with the kids, and even so that this day will be remembered for a long time? We advise you to visit an unforgettable magical performance in the circus of dancing fountains "Aquamarine" "The Secret of the Museum of Dreams". Find out where the show takes place, how to get to the place, the duration of the show, ticket prices and much more from the information below

Diamond skull - a frightening work of the artist provocateur D. Hirst

Diamond skull - a frightening work of the artist provocateur D. Hirst

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The human skull has always been a symbol of decay and death. Like everything mysterious and frightening, it attracted the attention of creative people and struck terror into the hearts of the audience. There are many artists, sculptors, writers who have dedicated their creations to this topic. The diamond skull, the photo of which causes admiration and fear, is the bewitching work of Damien Hirst. Revealing the idea of the perishability of our life, the author worships death, presents it in various guises and earns money on it

How to draw a drapery with a pencil?

How to draw a drapery with a pencil?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When a person begins to comprehend the basics of drawing, he faces many difficulties. And since people begin to learn by mastering the rules for constructing a still life, the first problems will be associated with just this. And what is the difficulty?

How to draw the solar system? Step-by-step instruction

How to draw the solar system? Step-by-step instruction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

If you have children, then together with them you will re-learn the world around you. You remember what stars are, how the moon turns into a month, why it is cold in winter and warm in summer. And, of course, sooner or later it comes to getting to know the solar system. To better understand this topic, it is useful to make a layout or draw a picture of all the planets with your own hands

How to draw fog in different ways

How to draw fog in different ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A budding artist thinks landscapes are not that hard to draw. But in reality, depicting a tree is more difficult than a portrait. Fortunately, learning to draw both is not so difficult. One has only to study the anatomy and create a lot of sketches from nature. But what if you want to convey a natural phenomenon?

Anokhin Gorno-Altaisk Museum: photo, opening hours

Anokhin Gorno-Altaisk Museum: photo, opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In 2018, the National Museum of Gorno-Altaisk named after A. V. Anokhin will celebrate its centenary. More than one generation of museum workers painstakingly worked on replenishing the collections, preparing and demonstrating exhibitions and interesting, informative expositions. The museum not only carefully treats rarities and artifacts found in different periods of time, but also promotes the historical and cultural heritage of Gorny Altai

How to draw wool with a pencil?

How to draw wool with a pencil?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It is always difficult for beginning artists to draw texture and texture. Tree bark, sand, gravel and foliage are quite difficult to convey on paper. The same applies to wool. How to draw it, today we will analyze