Learn how to make soap bubbles at home

Learn how to make soap bubbles at home
Learn how to make soap bubbles at home

Everyone who has a small child in the house, sooner or later begins to wonder how to make soap bubbles at home. After all, it is one of the most popular children's entertainment. Children are very fond of watching huge rainbow balls. You can either buy them at the store or make your own. There are several recipes for how to make soap bubbles at home.

how to make soap bubbles at home
how to make soap bubbles at home

• According to the classic recipe, the solution can be made from water and soap. Yes, yes, we make large soap bubbles from ordinary laundry soap. To do this, you need to mix a little remnant with hot water. For faster preparation of the solution, it can be heated over low heat.

• The second recipe teaches you how to make soap bubbles from glycerin. Mixing a glass of water with a glass of washing liquidutensils. At the same time, sugar is added to the solution, the volume of which does not exceed 1 liter, and glycerin is added to 2 liters.

• The following recipe for soap bubbles suggests combining 3 cups of water, 1 cup of dishwashing liquid and 0.5 cups of glycerin. The resulting solution must be mixed well.

how to make soap bubbles
how to make soap bubbles

• There is another recipe that will tell you how to make soap bubbles at home. But it is designed for lovers of complex procedures. 3 cups of hot water are mixed with 2 tablespoons of the powder. 20 drops of ammonia are added to the resulting solution. The mixture should be infused for about 3 days. The solution is then filtered.

• And this recipe will tell you how to make soap bubbles so that they are colored. To do this, mix 0.5 cups of baby shampoo with two glasses of water. 2 large spoons of sugar and a few pinches of food coloring are added to the solution.

These are the most common recipes for how to make soap bubbles at home. At the same time, it is worth evaluating the quality of the composition of the resulting solution for our undertaking. Remember, any of the above solutions are best placed in the refrigerator for several hours. This will help the magic potion become better, and then your baby will be able to blow big and beautiful soap bubbles. It is after cooling that the solutions will be completely ready for use.

make big bubbles
make big bubbles

For a more convenient and simple production of soap bubbles, you can get a tube or a straw. The tube is dipped into the resulting solution. It is necessary to hold the tube so that a liquid film forms on one of its ends. This is very important for getting quality bubbles. But it may turn out that very small soap bubbles with low strength, watery in appearance, are obtained from the solution, which burst very quickly even from a light touch of the hand. An extra amount of soap or dishwashing liquid will help solve the problem. Also, a few drops of glycerin can correct the situation.

There is no perfect recipe, and the best composition of the soap solution can only be achieved empirically. Therefore, experiment, organize games with magic bubbles more often, because now you know how to make soap bubbles at home.
