Silver crimson speckled: wolf, bear and crimson jacket

Silver crimson speckled: wolf, bear and crimson jacket
Silver crimson speckled: wolf, bear and crimson jacket

Many people have heard the expression "sulphur-crimson speckled color", but not everyone thought about whether such a shade exists in nature as it really is. As it turned out, the gray-brown color can be spectacular and bright. Let's look at the features of this shade and where you can find it.

Speckled color code

"Silver crimson flecked" is a figurative expression that speaks of an unintelligible color, obtained by inept or accidental mixing of colors. This color is attributed to dirty water, failed hair coloring, unsuccessful shade of clothes. The Word editor mercilessly underlines this word, since he does not know it.

But design programs really know and love this color. To find this shade, you just need to enter its encoding: RGB 11581132. Deciphering the code, you can see that this shade has the most blue and red colors, and the least green. But these are technical details that are needed for working moments.

Grey wolf, brown bear and crimson jacket

Now let's analyze the color oncomponents, starting from its name and associations that come to mind. Maybe it will become clearer what a speckled gray-brown color looks like. We will start from natural associations, that is, from natural shades. We take the first color combination - a gray wolf and a brown bear.

Gray Wolf and Brown Bear
Gray Wolf and Brown Bear

Here we get a gray-brown color, nondescript and dull. We add a raspberry jacket here and … But it doesn’t turn out to be a designer crimson gray color. It turns out a rather interesting combination that really cannot be described in words.

raspberry jacket
raspberry jacket

It turns out exactly something speckled. A beautiful powdery purple hue will not come out as a result. By mixing gray, brown and crimson in different proportions, each of which also has different levels of saturation of the components, you can find unique shades. There are many nuances, but the essence is one. This color is undeservedly offended by the dismissive attitude towards it. He can be both handsome and ugly. It all depends on how you work with this color.

Secrets of color

Usually mottled grey-brown color comes to mind when there are difficulties with the selection of the definition of a color nuance obtained by mixing incompatible and mutually exclusive shades. Or when a certain object has such a mixed color that it cannot be described in words. Most often, this expression has a negative connotation. Especially when it comes to an already obtained result, which is difficult to transform or redo.

Departing stereotypes

Butif you "turn on" the knowledge of color, the laws of perspective and light, and other tricks of the constituent elements of an artistic composition, you can get such a variant of gray-brown speckled color.


It is quite possible in nature and such a shade. This option is already better and proves that the mottled gray-brown color really exists. Nature is a subtle artist. She has in her arsenal all the colors and shades that you can think of. Therefore, such an expression can be used in a positive context. Probably, the expression "an evening dress of a luxurious gray raspberry color with specks" will lead to a stupor, but if you go into the essence, you can see much more.
