Chicken Soup for the Soul book series: reviews, authors

Chicken Soup for the Soul book series: reviews, authors
Chicken Soup for the Soul book series: reviews, authors

We grew up with stories. From the first lullaby to the last book or movie you read. They inspire, make you act, cry, laugh, heal and strengthen the spirit. The stories are convincing. The authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul realized the power of stories and created a collection of short stories that motivate and inspire. In a word, they work. No wonder this book became a world bestseller, and its circulation crossed the 500 million mark.

Who is the author of the book?

PhD Jack Canfield was born in 1944 in Texas. Graduated from Harvard University and the University of Massachusetts. A well-known speaker, for more than forty years he has been conducting seminars on motivation, self-esteem, ignites hearts, teaches you how to achieve goals and go towards your dream. He devoted several dozens of works to this topic, including the bestsellers "The Whole Life", "The Aladdin Factor", "The Power to Win",The Principles of Success, The Power of Focus, Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Feedback from readers and trainees confirms that Canfield makes you think, analyze, believe in yourself and act.

chicken soup author
chicken soup author

Chicken Soup for the Soul, an inspirational collection of stories about the ups and downs of different people, has grown into a cycle that includes books:

  • "Reinvent Yourself" about he althy eating and fitness;
  • "101 stories for moms" - about the happiness and joy of motherhood;
  • "Everything will be fine!" - stories with happy endings;
  • "The heart already knows" - about the right decisions;
  • "Stories for Children";
  • "101 Miracle Stories";
  • "101 stories about strong people and amazing destinies";
  • "About women";
  • "101 Christmas Stories";
  • "101 stories about women who are confident, brave and true to themselves";
  • and of course the very first book in the 101 Best Stories series.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is a book about believing in yourself, in your strength, in people. They teach to analyze their actions, to monitor their thoughts. The stories in this series sometimes make you make a decision and act, sometimes they seem incredible. Each book offers 101 stories - instructions that provide answers to many questions and are applicable in many life situations.

Creative Union

The idea of the first "broth for the soul" belongs to D. Canfield, who used real life stories as illustrations at seminars and trainings. They remembered and usedsuccess with the audience, replaced long explanations and rules. Then Canfield decided to collect and record these inspiring essays. Mark Victor Hansen joined the author later, and it was he who came up with the idea that there should be 101 stories in the book.

Business coach and creator of Time magazine Hansen was born in 1948 in Illinois, where he grew up and graduated from Southern University. Author of the works "A Millionaire in a Minute", "A Whole Life". As an American leader who satisfies the virtues and principles of success, Hansen was honored with the prestigious Horatio Alger Award and was named Outstanding Business Leader of the Year in 2000.

chicken broth for the soul book reviews
chicken broth for the soul book reviews

For kids

The first book “Chicken Soup for the Soul. 101 Best Stories was published in 1993, Canfield received thousands of letters - from teenagers and mothers, businessmen and housewives, farmers and doctors. So there were stories for different target audiences. To date, the series includes more than 250 books.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul was released in 1997 and has been updated regularly ever since. The collections include short stories about what worries young people, about family problems, about personal growth, about relationships with peers. The former Canfield High School teacher found his way into the hearts of teenagers, and as young readers write in reviews, Chicken Soup for the Soul helps them improve their lives. This series was inspired and co-written by Canfield's sister, Kimberly Kirberger.

chicken soup for the soul 101 best story
chicken soup for the soul 101 best story

For the Soul

The series includes books about motherhood, stories about successful women, how to find a common language with a child, a husband, how to keep a house in order and make a career. Here Canfield's co-authors were Marcy Shimoff and Amy Newmark. Amy is a writer and financial professional. Graduated summa cum laude from Harvard and worked on Wall Street for over 30 years.

M. Shimof, a leader and specialist in the field of happiness, has inspired millions of women to personal fulfillment and success in the professional field. She is the co-author of six of the best-selling books of this cycle, a participant in the film "The Secret" and more than 500 television shows. Her articles appear in Home Journal and Woman's World. Marcy's books have topped USA Today and Publishers' Weekly lists multiple times.

Dr. Martin Becker came up with the idea of creating a separate collection of stories for animal lovers. He launched a line of this series with writer Carol Kline.

book series chicken soup for the soul list
book series chicken soup for the soul list

For self-improvement

Many dozens of works by Canfield and his colleagues are included in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books that help you organize your time, grow professionally, improve relationships with colleagues, start your own business or make a good investment. Well-known experts in the field of finance and business work in collaboration with Canfield. One of them is Les Hewitt, a well-known coach, entrepreneur and business coach.

Les created the Goal Achievement Program in 1983 and, based on it, has been providing training and seminars for businessmen for more than thirty years. Companies ThePower of Focus, founded by Hewitt, has developed more than 900 trainings for managers and professionals to help achieve good results at work without nervous tension and stress. He shares his knowledge in the pages of Chicken Soup.

Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Reviews from readers

How to cultivate new habits, establish business and personal life - the books "Chicken Soup for the Soul" tell about all this. Reader feedback indicates that these tips allow you to achieve financial independence and keep up with the times. A light style of presentation, examples from life help to understand one's own desires and problems, develop perseverance and perseverance and understand how to get the most out of life and realize oneself as a person.

Chicken Soup is an encyclopedia of life with stories of the ups and downs of different people. There is something to think about, dream about and start acting. No motivation? Feel free to pick up this book series. Do you want warmth? Find it here. Wisdom? Meet her at the Chicken Soup. Not enough love? Enough on the pages of the book. There are also sad stories in the collection. But it is they who teach to value life, to believe in themselves and people, to control thoughts and actions. And the most important thing is to understand that a person can do anything, and we become stronger only by overcoming difficulties.

Mark Victor Hansen
Mark Victor Hansen

Did you know?

With millions of rave reviews, Chicken Soup for the Soul couldn't find a publisher for three years. More than 140 rejections were received by the authors before their work was published. The very first publishing house set a condition - at least 20 thousand copies must be sold. As a result, they had to reprint it several times, over 1.5 million copies were published in a year and a half.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is still recognized as a publishing phenomenon today. This is a separate brand under which they produce a variety of products - from food to video. And of course, don't forget about readers - about 10 new books in this series are published annually, containing 101 inspiring stories. Why exactly 101? The author talks about this on the pages of the very first book "101 Best Stories".
