Shades of purple: varieties, combination with other colors

Shades of purple: varieties, combination with other colors
Shades of purple: varieties, combination with other colors

Purple is the most mysterious and unearthly color. It has both a flame of fire and a cold blue, which gives incredible showiness and attractiveness. In the ancient world, shades of purple were of particular importance to priests and monks.

General characteristics

Purple is the last of the six primary colors, and the darkest of them all. They form its hot red in combination with ice blue. It is because of such a contradictory combination that this color is quite complex. It harmonizes riot and tranquility. The result is an elegant, mysterious and noble tone.

shades of purple
shades of purple

Shades of purple - saturated, heavy, visually reducing the volume of objects, are cold, calm, significant, darkened. Psychological assessment of color: excited, mysterious, dreary. It is the color of creativity, intuition, imagination. It contributes well to sleep, therefore it is recommended for the interior of bedrooms. However, too much purple can contribute to despondency and even depression.

Shades of purplelike sentimental, artistic and creative natures. It is not recommended to use them for interior decoration of a study or a children's room, but in a bedroom, home theater or meditation room, it will be very harmonious. You can complement the design with a lemon yellow tint. Shades of purple are applicable in styles such as Victorian, hi-tech, futurism, pop art, modern.

shades of purple
shades of purple

What represents

If you believe the myths, the shades of purple were the favorite of the famous beauty of ancient Egypt - Cleopatra. Rulers, dukes and kings very often used it to sew their outfits, emphasizing their greatness. This color emphasized the position in society of noble people, and also created an aura of mystery around people.

In traditional Chinese painting, this color represents the harmony of the universe. In this regard, clothes in purple colors look stylish and feminine, as well as very attractive.

light shades of purple
light shades of purple

Where it occurs in nature

For the world of wildlife, this color is not typical. However, some plants delight with its manifestation during the flowering period. For example, orchid, lilac, lavender and violet. Moreover, these flowers are among the most beautiful and elegant representatives of the flora. It is important to note that the listed plants are as moody as shades of purple and require special handling.

The fruits of berries such as blueberries, currants and blackberries also contain purple pigment. In addition, there are occasionallygemstones of similar hues and sea shellfish.

cold shades of purple
cold shades of purple

Deep shades of purple

The names of the different variants of this color are hard to remember, as there are about 170 of them. However, they are divided into several main groups according to their brightness. Deep shades are the darkest, for example: plum, eggplant, rich dark, mulberry.

This group contains all dark shades of purple that do not have pronounced fiery red undertones.

shades of purple
shades of purple

Translucent, red and cool

Light shades of purple include lilac, violet, amethyst, orchid, pearl, thistle, and heliotrope. This variant is often found in nature and is less intense.

Shades with a reddish undertone echo scarlet. These include the famous fuchsia color, lilac, purple, red-violet and fandango. This is the most complex color option, so it can be annoying in large quantities.

Cool shades of purple have more blue than fiery red. These include: dark purple, indigo, deep mulberry, electric violet, and natural blackcurrant.

shades of purple
shades of purple

What goes well with

It is important to use this color correctly, because it is one of the most capricious. For example, deep dark purple shades are not without reason considered the most attractive andmagical. They can be used in festive toilets, as well as in everyday (but more modestly). This will bring luxury to the image and emphasize the high social status of a person. You can combine deep purple with classic white or black, dark gray, blue.

If you want to create a bright and unusual look, you can try to combine purple with wheat, gold, lemon, orange, emerald, coral, neon pink or grassy. Playing with combinations, you need not to overdo it with the overall saturation of the image with complex and bright shades. It is not recommended to group, for example, dark purple and several other variants of it. One shade will be enough.

The easiest way to use in combination with other colors is translucent and light shades. This option is perfect for spring and summer outfits of the fair sex. The most winning options are: lilac, violet and pearl in a duet with silver, pink or light gray. Combinations with peach, cream and other pastel shades will also look great.

Light colors can be combined with each other, as well as added to white, beige, cream or milk. Lemon yellow also looks good with light purple, sometimes this shade is combined with brown (if it is not too pronounced).

Red shades are rightfully considered the most capricious. These are very complex colors, so it is difficult to combine them with others. The easiest way to combine with white, milky or beige. Light shades of gray can also lookquite harmoniously in such a duet. As for any bright options, only deep purple is acceptable (but even this option is very bold and not every girl will decide on it).
