What is OVA and why is it created?

What is OVA and why is it created?
What is OVA and why is it created?

The question of what an OVA is is of interest to all fans who have just begun to be initiated into the culture of Japanese animation. These short series look like an addition to the main story, but have their own purpose and value for viewers.

Explanation of terminology

For those who are interested in what OVA is, there is a transcript of this abbreviation. In Russian, it means "original animated video", which is a separate addition to the storyline told in one anime season. The format of such series is most often reduced to two or four episodes, although it happens that the number reaches six or is limited to one episode.

what is ova
what is ova

All events take place in the same world in which the main story developed. During the viewing, the viewer can see completely new characters, but the setting never changes, because the name of the OVA is always the same name as the original anime, sometimes there are clarifications in the name, which indicates the format of the cartoon. Episodes are 23-25 minutes long, much less often twelve.

Marketing move

When asked what an OVA is and why they do it, there is one simple explanation - increasingpopularity of the original series. It was not in vain that the format of the cartoon was defined in only a few episodes, which often do not even depend on each other. When the authors prepare a grand release of a film adaptation of a popular manga, OVAs often come out. Viewers buy it on CD or watch it online in the hope that it will clear up the future storytelling. After watching, most often only additional questions arise, because the authors only hint about the future history. A similar situation occurs when an expansion is released after the season of the original has been released.

god ova
god ova

Then it becomes clear what an OVA is and why it is released to the audience. There are situations when the manga is only in the process of being written, and it will take a long time to wait until the next season of the anime. Then the owners of the rights release this add-on, which reminds that the masterpiece is in development and everyone should wait for it. It also does not reveal any key points, at best, some moments of the past season are supplemented or a parallel line is drawn with other characters.

what is ova anime
what is ova anime

Plot and appearance story

The first time people understood what an OVA was in the anime industry was when an expansion to a sci-fi story called Dallos came out. This format was immediately warmly received by the authors of the video "for adults" in the form of a cartoon. They were forbidden to be shown on television, and therefore they switched to disk drives, which at the time of 1984 allowed recording only a few episodes. At the same time, the plot in such tapeswas not, and therefore a similar format was ideal for release.

At the time of 2017, viewers have the opportunity to watch additions to almost every more or less well-known anime. Any feelings, emotions and events can underlie OVA. The love between the characters, the hatred of the main opponents, the events that will be revealed in the second story, and much more. The universe of any anime series allows you to find loopholes in order to interest the viewer and persuade them to watch additional episodes.

love ova
love ova

Examples of popular OVAs

One of the brightest and longest-running additions is "Very nice, God." The OVA for this series has seven episodes that continue the story of Nanami, the new guardian of the Earth. She had a difficult relationship with a fox demon protecting her master, but they soon became great friends and their relationship didn't stop there. The main character immediately realized that she loved him, but he did not reciprocate her feelings.

This OVA tells their story after Tomoe also felt a sense of love. Now their relationship has moved to a new level, but there are new difficulties that they will have to overcome. Another striking example is the already mentioned addition to the first season of the Attack on Titan series. In it, all the spectators saw for the first time a giant who spoke. The authors did not make any clarifications on this matter, and therefore interest in the series only grew. Manga readers knew this secret, but anime-only viewers remembered this detail andimagined a lot of interesting things. The OVA helped keep interest level for a second season.
