2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | sherlock@quilt-patterns.com. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
In December last 2017, a large and bright project was launched in Moscow - the Tsarevna-Nesmeyana circus, reviews of which are mostly enthusiastic. It was the result of cooperation between the largest European circus on Vernadsky Avenue and the "Royal Circus" Eradze. The great collaboration between the two teams leaves a great impression on visitors.
Basic program
One princess was bewitched so that she lost the ability to laugh. They offer different suitors, but all of them are rejected by her. Dobrokhot Ivan undertakes to help her and finds an evil sorcerer who cast a spell. The spell is lifted, the princess gains laughter, the show ends with the wedding of the princess and Ivan.
Delightful dances and dizzying circus numbers are strung on this classic story. Equilibrists and trapeze artists demonstrate the highest art. A special role belongs to the performances of animals. All the guests who came to the performance at the circus"Princess-Nesmeyana", reviews of the work of winged and four-legged artists sparkle with emotions.

Circus organism - how it is created
A special place in the show is given to costumes. A riot of colors, splendor and grace - part of this splendor was created under the guidance of designer Nadezhda Russ (Big Circus). She dresses not only people, but also animal artists. According to her, Askold Zapashny, the artistic director of the circus, does not limit her in anything, allowing her to fully embody her gift as an artist and fashion designer. The stage images, costumes and author's scenery of Gia Eradze are also amazing - very complex, expensive, unparalleled.
Stunning and mesmerizing art of the ballet troupe. Olga Poltorak, circus choreographer, is a true innovator, ahead of her time. The talent of the dancers of the "Royal Circus" is also unsurpassed. Gia Eradze personally selects artists for his shows, and it is very difficult for even high professionals to get into his team.
More than three hundred animals work in the show of the new generation of Eradze (a much smaller number of them are presented in the circus "Princess - Nesmeyana"): in the reviews, all viewers note the impeccable appearance of the animals. Feathered and furry artists are well-groomed, plump, trimmed and do not emit specific odors.

The stunning impression was made by white pelicans flying out to speak directly from the auditorium. Many people remember camels, parrots, dogs. Particular enthusiasm was caused by the performance of predators afterintermission. Well-known artists Andrey and Natalya Shirokalov, winners of the Golden Idol World Festival of Circus Art, worked with them.
And now to the gypsies
The Grand Circus "Tsarevna-Nesmeyana" offers its guests a lot of "highlights" - in the reviews of many visitors, for example, the triumphant appearance of an elegant camp of gypsies is mentioned. A snow-white wagon is driven by smooth, shiny horses, well-groomed, combed bears dance wildly. After riding, the bears start leapfrog to the great delight of the kids, catch rings, walk on huge balls, on their front paws and ride a horse.
A flurry of enthusiasm was caused by the work of artists, many of whom are laureates and prize-winners of international circus festivals. No one was left indifferent by the number "Gypsy Love".

What's wrong?
However, no matter how great the work of the staff of the Great Moscow Circus "Tsarevna-Nesmeyana" is, the reviews about it sound not only positive. There are, for example, statements that the script of the show is “weak”, and the absence of magicians, clowns and jugglers in the program greatly simplifies and impoverishes it.
Most of the visitors, on the contrary, are satisfied with the numbers offered by the Tsarevna-Nesmeyana circus, and negative reviews relate to cleanliness (someone noticed dust, some smell from cages) and convenience (very often they complain about chairs, in which it is embarrassing for adults to sit, stuffy).
Deplore the high prices of popcorn and buffet service. Some drew attention tothat there is no opportunity to take pictures with animals, as many children would like.

The work of security is also mentioned. According to some viewers, the guards react to glowing phones in the hall by turning on laser pointers, which are directed into the eyes until the gadgets are turned off.
Most theaters, circuses, exhibitions and concerts have a ban on filming. This ban, by the way, is not enshrined in Russian legislation in any way (although this is a topic for another conversation). So, if you comply with the requirements of the administration, such troubles will not arise.
What else do viewers want?
For many guests who visited the circus on Vernadsky Avenue "Princess-Nesmeyana", a very important topic is touched upon in the reviews. Young children who are brought to the circus by their parents for the first time are often frightened by loud music and applause. They rarely have the perseverance to wait until the end of the performance, and parents are forced to take them away earlier, sometimes even at the very beginning of the performance.
Considering the cost of tickets, this is a shame. It would be correct to allow visitors to accompany children without a ticket until the age of four. Now such permission is valid for children under the age of three. By the way, when bringing a child under the age of three to the performance, you must have a birth certificate with you. This will help to avoid unpleasant proceedings with the circus administration.

All ages are submissive
Many came torepresentation by families, where there were up to four generations! Toddlers reacted more to animals, adults more often admired the skill of people. "Princess-Nesmeyana" in the circus on Vernadsky, according to reviews, the most spectacular and impressive show for children and adults in 2017-2018. At the end of the performance, the audience left impressed, feeling admiration and gratitude for the artists.
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