Marylya Rodovich, biography, personal life

Marylya Rodovich, biography, personal life
Marylya Rodovich, biography, personal life

Maryla Rodowicz is a famous Polish singer and actress who, despite her age, looks stunning and continues to move forward. The biography of Maryla Rodovich has been in the spotlight for ten years now. Today she is 73, she is married. This woman owes her success to the character traits that she inherited from her father.

Biography of Maryla Rodovich

Our heroine was born in December 1945 in the city of Zielona Gora. Marylya's father's family lived in Vilna, where they had a good income from a pharmacy called "Under the Swan". The family moved to the city where the girl was born after the end of World War II. Marylya considers herself a Pole, but in her blood there is a bit of a Belarusian grandmother and a father who was born and spent his youth in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine).

Papa Maryla was a very respected person in Zielona Góra. He was not only the director of the First Polish Lyceum, but also the president of the city. However, alas, in those days no one was immune from persecution. So, in 1948, my fatherour heroine was imprisoned and served a term until 1956. Marylya Rodovich remembers this segment of her biography very clearly and considers it the most difficult period for her family.

Rodovitch Education

Maryla spent her childhood and youth in her hometown of Zielona Góra, but she had to finish her graduation class at a school in another city - the family moved to Wloclawek. The girl planned to become a student of the Gdansk Academy of Arts, but the goal turned out to be unattainable - she failed the entrance exams. Then Maryla tried her hand at the veterinary field and also did not enter. But her strength did not run out: the girl went to the Academy of Physical Education and was enrolled in the ranks of students.

Mary in a hat
Mary in a hat

For her at that time, it didn't matter what kind of education she would receive. The main task was not to be left without a diploma, so as not to disgrace the family. Marylya already then understood that she wanted to become a singer and connect her life with vocals.

The girl had a gorgeous voice and masterfully played the guitar. In her student years, she was an active participant in all public events.

Creative career

The creative biography of Maryla Rodovich began in 1960. The peak of popularity came in the 1970s and 1980s. Leggy, gorgeous blonde with blue eyes and an alluring voice, who also played the guitar superbly, delighted the audience. Every word that came from the lips of this girl fascinated many. Her songs were wildly popular.

It was then that Maryla recorded the hit “Colorfultrade fairs . The young artist transferred the rights to this song to Valery Leontiev. Personal life in the biography of Maryla Rodovich at that time was in last place - she dreamed of a brilliant career.

In 1977, Marylya performed the composition "Fair" very effectively: she went on stage with a red nose and in a red wig, making a splash. The girl was worried that the bold image would not be appreciated, and the hall would be noisy with discontent. However, her performance was received with a bang.

Polish singer
Polish singer

Private life

Personal life in the biography of the Polish singer Maryla Rodowicz was not as rich and vibrant as that of many other artists. Her first lover was Daniel Olbrychsky. The girl met him during her collaboration with Vladimir Vysotsky. Their relationship did not last long, after a couple of years they broke up. As it turned out later, Daniel had an official wife, and feelings for Maryla were just a game.

Marylia Rodovich
Marylia Rodovich

Now Marylya is married to Andrey Duzhinsky. They have been happily married for many years, raised three wonderful children: two sons and a daughter, Katerina.

Marylya tries not to lose speed and maintains excellent physical shape. She takes an active part in the search for new talents in her native Poland, being a sponsor of various festivals.
