Theater club at school: program, plan, description and reviews

Theater club at school: program, plan, description and reviews
Theater club at school: program, plan, description and reviews

The theater club is a great idea for a school or any other educational institution. Such activities contribute to the overall development of a person, and also allow you to maximize your creative abilities.

theater Club
theater Club


Graduality, versatility and creativity - this is not a complete list of the features that the theater club has at school. The program focuses on the versatile development of the personality of children, on their individuality and uniqueness. The circle plan is drawn up taking into account the psychological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren in different age groups.

Traditionally, the program provides for the use of gaming and theatrical forms of activity that are aimed at using different types of children's creativity. The theater club at school has another feature. What is important here is not the final result, that is, the performance itself, but the preparation process - rehearsals, moments of overfulfillment and experiences. It is in the process of working on a specific role and image that the personal qualities of children, their symbolic thinking, emotions, as well asthere is an assimilation of specific roles of a social nature.

theater club at school program
theater club at school program


Definite goals and hypotheses are an integral part of the features that the theater club has at school. The program is built with the following objectives in mind:

  • Introduction to the concept of theater, as well as its different types.
  • Mastering different types of creativity. The whole process is carried out in stages.
  • Improving artistic skills.
  • Modeling situations of behavior within the set task.

Thanks to this, the circle is aimed at two aspects at once: educational and educational. The first foresees the performance of tasks aimed at developing the intellect, emotions, as well as a variety of communication skills of children. The second aspect is responsible for the development of artistry and specific skills of stage incarnations.

theater club at school
theater club at school

Ways to work with children

Theatrical circle is a set of various activities aimed at achieving certain goals. The process is carried out in several directions:

  • Theatrical game. Teaches a child to navigate in a given space, independently build dialogues on specific topics, develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking and a general interest in art.
  • Rhythmoplasty. Contains games and exercises of a rhythmic, poetic and musical nature. This direction provides the natural need for children to move.
  • Technique and culture of speech. It contains various activities that allow you to develop breathing and reveal additional capabilities of the speech apparatus. For this, songs, tongue twisters, different levels of intonation, etc. are used.
  • Basic theater culture. Children have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic terms and concepts of theatrical art. They receive knowledge about the basics of acting, as well as learn the rules of the culture of the audience.
  • Introduction to specific plays, tales, fairy tales, etc. This allows not only to develop the skills of action with imaginary objects, but also contributes to the overall intellectual development of the child.

Complexity and the simultaneous use of these directions is an undeniable advantage that the theater group has. Planning plays a very important role here, since the effectiveness of the entire process will depend on it.

theater circle plan
theater circle plan

Planning tasks

To ensure maximum efficiency, special attention must be paid to the preparation procedure. The plan of the theater circle provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  • Developing sensitivity.
  • Improvement of memory, observation, attention, thinking and speed of reaction.
  • Develop your independence.
  • Improve the natural creativity of a particular child.
  • Developing mastery of one's own body.
  • Activation of associative thinking.
  • Expansion of general knowledgechildren.
  • Teaching naturalness on stage.
  • Deterioration of children's ideas about the theater, its types, etc.
  • Expanding the child's vocabulary.
  • Improvement of myological and dialogic speech.

In addition, the theater group also contributes to the education of respect for work, the formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness, etc.

Skills and skills of the child

In the process of rehearsals and theatrical play activity, children develop the following skills:

  • Be able to move in a given rhythm, as well as arbitrarily squeeze or unclench certain muscle groups.
  • Know how to improvise in any situation.
  • Be good with your vocal apparatus.
  • Quickly compose a monologue or dialogue with a partner.
  • Be able to create a specific image or character.

In addition, children learn to work in pairs and teams, as well as to resolve various conflict situations.

theater group planning
theater group planning

What influences the choice of a theater group?

To achieve the maximum result for a child, you need to choose a theater group, taking into account the following factors:

  • Teaching experience. Only experienced teachers with the appropriate education can help each child.
  • Discoveries and a humane approach to productions. During the game, the child should feel comfortable and safe.
  • Duration of training. The result of the process directly depends on how much time will be spent on preparation andrehearsals. It is optimal to work three times a week.
  • It is also important to have a convenient schedule. Classes should be held in convenient places and in small groups. This will give each child the maximum amount of time.

The theater club is a great option for extracurricular activities. Reviews claim that such an activity develops the personality of the child, allows him to try on unusual roles, gives new skills and abilities. Rehearsals and preparation for performances teach children to communicate, work in groups and pairs, improvise and be natural in any situation.
