How to draw money - banknotes and coins

How to draw money - banknotes and coins
How to draw money - banknotes and coins

There are many different bills and coins in the world, almost every country has its own currency, which has distinctive features from the rest - image, size, color and even the material on which the banknote is printed or the coin is minted. There are also collectors who collect money from different countries, but I wonder how you can draw money? Let's try to make out several options for the image of banknotes and coins.

how to draw money
how to draw money

How to draw money: coins

Perhaps that in childhood, almost every child tried this method. The image on the coin has a convex shape, which makes it possible to simply put a sheet of paper on it and shade its outline with a pencil. You will get a kind of print on paper. After that, it is enough to take scissors and cut along the contour of the coin to use them in the game.

On the other hand, you can try to redraw the coin, because on one side it depicts the denomination and year of issue, and on the other, most often, the symbols of the country. It is easy to draw the side on which the number is indicated, attach the coin to the sheet, circle it with a pencil andredraw remaining elements.

how to draw money with a pencil
how to draw money with a pencil

How to draw money step by step: banknotes

It is difficult to draw a bill, because it usually depicts portraits of famous people or memorable places of the country. This kind of drawing is very difficult to recreate for a beginner and get a good result right away. Therefore, it is worth practicing drawing banknotes for your child's children's store, but at the same time bringing the drawing to the maximum visual reality of a real banknote.


For this, a piece of paper, a simple and colored pencil, a ruler and an eraser should be at hand.

  1. The first step is to draw a rectangle on the sheet, the size of which will be 5 x 12 centimeters.
  2. The next step should be to divide the drawn figure into three parts, two of which will have a size of 3.5 centimeters, and the third 5.
  3. After that, approximately 0.5 centimeters should be marked from below and above, draw straight lines and shade these strips with a pencil.
  4. In the middle part of the divided rectangle, draw an oval in which someone's portrait will appear, you can try to draw it too, but this is quite a difficult task, and such an exact similarity of faces will not matter to a child.
  5. The denomination of the bill, the number of the banknote will be located along the edges, even watermarks can be depicted with barely visible lines.

You can use another interesting way that will make it easier to draw such a complex object as a banknote. Take the desired banknote and make a copy of it. Place it under the tracing paper, or under thin paper, then redraw the bill on a white sheet. In order to better see the banknote placed under the bottom, it is necessary to make a backlight or put the banknote on the window glass so that the sun gives the right amount of light.

how to draw money step by step
how to draw money step by step

Painting banknotes is a complex process

To the question: "What is the best way to draw money with a pencil?" there is no single answer, because banknotes are a complex object, due to the large number of small details that are difficult to copy on such a small scale, especially if there is no skill in this matter. When using staged drawing, you can achieve the best result. Because it is this option that will allow you to edit the work when it is distorted.

Before you wonder how to draw money, you should hone your skills on simpler objects and objects in order to understand how to correctly form the desired picture from simple shapes. After all, correctly selected figures at the initial stage are the key to a successful drawing. The process of drawing banknotes allows a beginner to improve his technique, as well as a professional to show his skills.
