James Wilson: the character of the series "House M.D."

James Wilson: the character of the series "House M.D."
James Wilson: the character of the series "House M.D."

The conscience of Dr. House and the "good guy". Who is the real James Wilson? Let's take a closer look.

First meeting

The viewer gets acquainted with the character of the series "Doctor House" in the first episode. In it, James Anthony Wilson appears to be the opposite of Dr. House himself - polite and friendly, he does not at all look like a cynical and rude protagonist. In the same episode, their relationship is also shown - friendship, against all odds.

james wilson
james wilson


James Wilson is a quiet and intelligent person. House has repeatedly noted his "softness" and "weakness of character." Outbursts of anger are not in his nature, but there are still devils in this whirlpool.

Because of these "devils" it is difficult to say unequivocally what role Wilson plays in relations with the main character.

James and House have a lot in common - both are manipulative and enjoy it, both are not averse to acting on the sly to achieve their goals, both are prone to depression. The difference is that House does not hide his negative traits.

On the other hand, Wilson is not a hypocrite -he sincerely sympathizes with patients and tries to help. In addition, the character does not defy the rules and is often the "voice of morality". He is diplomatic and people usually like him.


At Princeton-Placeboro Hospital, James Wilson is the head of the oncology department. His work is closely related to death, so he often has to deliver bad news. House thinks Wilson has a knack for doing it in a way that gets him thanked.

Also, House admits that Wilson is a good doctor.

Relationships with women

james anthony wilson
james anthony wilson

James Wilson has been married three times and is divorcing his third wife in the show's second season. All three of his wives were "needy" according to the House theory and left him, as did his patients, as soon as James "cured" them.

Midway through Season 4, Wilson begins dating Amber "The Merciless Bitch" Volakis, House's former intern who didn't pass the rigorous selection process at the start of Season 4. Their relationship gets more serious with each episode. For the compliant Wilson, Amber makes the perfect lead partner.

There is a theory that Wilson likes "The Merciless Bitch" because she is the female prototype of House. But they have a positive effect on each other: Amber softens, and James learns to make his own choices.

Perhaps Volakis would have been the last Mrs. Wilson, but the writers decided otherwise.

Friendship with House

When James Wilson appears on the screen,there is a feeling that they have known House since school - the parents of the genius know him, and the three ex-wives of Wilson know the genius himself. The history of the acquaintance of friends is revealed only in the 5th season of the show.

As James himself said, their friendship was based on House's boredom. They met at a medical conference and, in short, Wilson broke an antique mirror in an attempt to get House to turn off the song on the jukebox. House paid bail for Wilson when he was arrested because he "needed a drinking buddy."

wilson james house
wilson james house

While Wilson might be called House's "conscience" and their friendship is often described as the attraction of opposites, that's not entirely true. Friends equally play pranks on each other (not always in a kind way), make crazy bets and place bets. In one episode, they even compete for a woman. This episode shows that Wilson, like House, always goes all the way.

Wilson does not take down the jokes of a brilliant friend resignedly - he may well secretly file his cane. He also tries to re-educate House behind House's back, but does it in such a way as to give the impression that Lisa Cuddy (the head physician of the hospital) is responsible for the idea.

At the same time, Wilson often defends and tries to justify House.

The series finale also shows how much House appreciates James and how much he is willing to sacrifice for him.
