Chamber theater: what is the conciseness of forms

Chamber theater: what is the conciseness of forms
Chamber theater: what is the conciseness of forms

More than a century ago, Belinsky in his article "Do you like the theater" confessed his love for this art form. Perhaps this is the only monologue that has become the motto of all fans of the ancient Greek muses of Melpomene and Thalia. In ancient times, it was believed that it was the gods who wrote the scripts, and people performed the roles assigned to them. Centuries have passed since the time when the actors began to play performances in front of the audience. Much has changed since then: the form of spectacle has changed, and the concept of "chamber theater" today does not surprise anyone. However, how many people know about the history of this phenomenon?

Etymology of the phrase

The word "chamber" owes its origin to the English term "chamber" and the closely spelled French term "chambre". Both of these concepts meant a room, that is, a small room where a narrow circle could fit.people.

The word "theater" is of ancient Greek origin. And means "a place for spectacles", as well as the actual performance or performance.

Scene from a chamber performance
Scene from a chamber performance

So, what is a chamber theater? This is a small room designed for performances that can be watched by a narrow circle of people. By the way, the theater also has a third meaning - "I see".

Chamber theaters in Russia

Before the revolution, Russian patrons and nobles who were fans of this art form staged small performances in their homes. They probably knew what a chamber theater was, or maybe it was just a whim: to have a hall for performances and the ability to manage the creative process.

One way or another, the princes Yusupovs had a smaller copy of the Bolshoi Theater in their mansion on the Moika, where 150 seats were provided for spectators.

The history of the building in St. Petersburg, located at the intersection of Nevsky and Bolshaya Morskaya Street, is interesting. Now it is building number 16 on Nevsky Prospekt. Once there was a hotel "London", and it was in it that Emperor Joseph II stayed, who came incognito at the invitation of Catherine II in 1781. Then the mansion changed many owners and had different purposes: in 1890 the name "musical house" was assigned to the building, and the St. Petersburg Society of Musical Meetings settled here. And next to him was the Directorate of Symphony Concerts established by Count A. D. Sheremetyev.

The choir and orchestra created by the count were consideredthe best in Russia. Before the revolution itself, A. D. Sheremetyev decided to create an opera house on the territory of the "musical house". A start was made: the significance of the chamber theater for the count was indisputable, and rehearsals were also held. But soon A. D. Sheremetyev died, then the revolutionary masses put an end to this undertaking. Today, the former "musical house" houses shops and law offices.

Chamber ballet. Private atmosphere

Now let's turn to the issue of the device chamber theater. What is a performance in an ordinary institution? It can consist only of the performance of the actors or, depending on the intention of the author of the production, be supplemented by the performance of the ballet troupe.

chamber ballet
chamber ballet

The stage in the chamber theater is small, proportional to the total area of the entire room. Often it is not located on a hill, but is in the same plane with the auditorium. In such a theater, ballet will also be chamber. However, in duration it can be both three-part and one-act. It's just that the scale of the spectacle will be designed for a private atmosphere due to the reduced composition of the corps de ballet and orchestra. However, this will not affect the quality of impressions: the audience feels their involvement in the action unfolding on the stage.

Miniature shapes

Miniature theater is loved by many. But not everyone knows that it is another form of chamber theater. That such a direction exists, the Soviet audience learned in 1939. And since then I have loved it. It was then that the State Professional Theater was opened in Leningradstage. Today, the ancient building is protected by the state: back in 1828, A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem "Poltava" here.

Rehearsal at the Theater of Miniatures with A. Raikin
Rehearsal at the Theater of Miniatures with A. Raikin

In addition, since 2002 the theater has been named after its artistic director Arkady Raikin. Who led the team from 1943 to 1983.

What is a chamber theater, we kind of figured it out. However, for many, another issue is difficult. What is its difference from the theater of miniatures? Viewers of the older generation still remember the famous "Zucchini 13 chairs", where several scenes were played, woven into the overall idea of a mini-performance.

Zucchini 13 chairs
Zucchini 13 chairs

Each episode was concise in form and complete in content, and featured 2 to 5 actors. It looks like a nesting doll.

However, there are no fundamental differences between these two forms: we can assume that the chamber theater is the same institution conducive to sincerity. This is its main similarity with other forms. Such as the theater of miniatures or Intimate, which is widespread abroad.

Chamber version of the orchestra

The concept of "chamber orchestra" has a longer history that goes back to the 17th century. Then these musical groups performed music intended to please the ear of the duke or other territorial ruler, who supported the musicians at his own expense. By the way, Johann Sebastian Bach composed his own works and played the violin, being part of the ducal chamber orchestra. Musiciansthere were few such groups: from 4 to 12 people. The style of performance was dictated by the owner of the orchestra.

Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra

With the onset of the 19th century, chamber orchestras gradually gave way to symphony orchestras. However, today the situation is changing.

So, you have learned what "chamber theater" means and what are its distinctive features. However, theoretical knowledge alone is clearly not enough. You can appreciate the chamber atmosphere only by becoming part of the theatrical action.
