Kuzya, Luntik and pancakes

Kuzya, Luntik and pancakes
Kuzya, Luntik and pancakes

In the 27th series of the educational cartoon "The Adventures of Luntik and His Friends", the creators of the project decided to tell the children that sometimes some completely different things can have the same name. And they decided to build their explanation on the example of pancakes, that is, ordinary pancakes and the game of “pancakes”, where flat pebbles need to be launched on the surface of the water surface. Whose stone will make more bouncing on the water, that is, will make more "pancakes", he won. But at first, Luntik misunderstood the rules of the game of "pancakes", and this is what it resulted in.

Baba Kapa and her pancakes

Cher talks about pancakes
Cher talks about pancakes

Baba Kapa baked a huge amount of pancakes, which she treated Luntik to. Immediately at the table, General Sher also dined, who, having eaten, decided to take a nap right at the table. Baba Kapa casually mentioned that Cher used to be an unbeatable champion in the game of "pancakes", and Luntik, interested, wanted tofind out more from the general about the rules of this game. But before finally falling asleep, he only managed to say that you just throw them, and they - plop-plop-plop.

Searching for the rules of the game

After Cher fell asleep, Kuzya came. Taking the whole mountain of pancakes, Luntik and his friend the grasshopper went outside to learn a new game. It remains small - to guess the rules of this game. Taking a pancake, they threw them into the air. They fell to the sand. Nothing interesting. Luntik recalled that Cher had said something about "plop-plop-plop." Probably should be thrown into the water. They started throwing them into the water, but the pancakes just floated, and this, not only seemed uninteresting to the comrades, but Leech also scolded them for clogging up the pond.

Leech and pancakes
Leech and pancakes

Wupsen and Pupsen

Taking pancakes, Luntik and Kuzey began to scatter them all over the forest. It seemed funny to them. But the caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen appeared from the forest and began to teach them the "correct" rules of the game. In their opinion, Luntik and Kuzya should have thrown pancakes to them, and they should have eaten them. Carried away, the friends fed all the pancakes to the cunning caterpillars.

Hungry general

General Sher, having overslept, again decided to eat. But what was his surprise when he did not find a single pancake on the table. Using the methods of logical fabrication and from the pancake lying around at the exit from the house, he realized that the pancakes "left" into the street and Luntik took them. And Cher went in search of Luntik and pancakes through the forest.

In the forest, on the branches of bushes and grass, he found pancakes, and nearby he heard a perky laugheternal friends of Luntik and Kuzi. Eating the pancakes he found along the way, the disgruntled general went to the edge of the forest, where he found his happy comrades playing “pancakes” according to the insidious rules of the caterpillars. It is clear that by the time he arrived, only memories remained of the pancakes.

Correct rules

The stone jumps on the water
The stone jumps on the water

It was only then that the general explained to Kuza and Luntik - pancakes and "playing pancakes" are not the same thing. He showed his friends that they play this game not with pancakes, but with flat pebbles, launching them through the water. The impact of a pebble on the water at the moment of the next rebound from it is called a “pancake”. Whoever has more of these rebounds, that is, pancakes, will eventually win.

Luntik and Kuzya understood everything
Luntik and Kuzya understood everything

The game seemed complicated to friends, but Kuzya and Luntik in the series about pancakes for the first time learned that although things are sometimes called the same thing, their meaning often turns out to be different.
