Let's find out why you can't crush an egg with one hand

Let's find out why you can't crush an egg with one hand
Let's find out why you can't crush an egg with one hand

In fact, there are many things in the world that are simply amazing in their awesomeness. Sometimes it seems that getting answers to questions is simply impossible. But if you think carefully, then to resolve the situation, it is enough to apply the simple rules of various sciences.

In this article we will look for the answer to the question: "Why can't you crush an egg with one hand?" You'll be surprised how simple it really is.

Why can't you crush an egg with one hand?
Why can't you crush an egg with one hand?

Myth or reality

Of course, most of us have at least once heard the story about how it is simply impossible to crush an egg with one hand. And, of course, I immediately wanted to know if this statement is true. Anyone who nevertheless decided on this experiment can say with confidence that it is impossible to crush a raw egg that does not have cracks with one hand. Although there will certainly be those who will responsibly declare a different result, which they got from personal experience. But what is the reason for this phenomenon, and why is such a fragile product like an egg actually very strong?So, let's try to answer the question of why you can't crush an egg with one hand.

In many ways, everything depends on the fact that a person experiences a share of "fear" and does not fully apply force to this process. And then a lot depends on how to place the product in the palm of your hand. So it turns out that in order to still crush the egg, you need a certain effort and the absence of fear of getting your hands, clothes and walls of the room where you conduct such an experiment dirty.

crush an egg with one hand
crush an egg with one hand

Let's turn to science

In fact, in order to get an answer to the question asked earlier, you need to resort to the same sciences as physics and chemistry. It is they who are able to resolve all doubts regarding this topic.

The first thing worth talking about is that the egg shell is a crystalline structure, which is actually distinguished by its increased strength. The entire interior of the product is evenly distributed, hence a back pressure is created. So why can't you crush an egg with one hand? After the egg is clamped in the hand, there will be an even distribution of pressure. Therefore, if there are no cracks on it, it simply will not break, and in the case when the egg has the shape of a dome, then when compressed, it may even jump out of the hands.

How do people use the shape of an egg in life

For a long time, people have noticed the shape that an egg has. Perfectly crafted, it allows the birds to incubate their offspring. The man analyzed all the advantages of this form and becamewidely applied in life. For example, the northern peoples began to make boats in the shape of an egg. After all, it was with such an unusual approach that when it hit the ice, the boat was thrown up. Currently, icebreakers have the shape of half an egg, thanks to which they can perform their direct functions.

can you crush an egg with one hand
can you crush an egg with one hand

Can you crush an egg with one hand?

This question is of interest to a huge number of people, although everyone can get this popular product out of their refrigerator and try to confirm or refute this assumption with a personal example. We have already said that crushing an egg with one hand is very difficult due to the even distribution of pressure. But anyone who has ever tried to do this will say that it is still possible to crush an egg. The trick is not to evenly squeeze this oval object with all your fingers, but to transfer pressure to individual fingers, with which you will crush the egg. Only in this case you will easily achieve success. Such a little trick will help solve the problem, but here you need to be careful and be prepared for the fact that everything around you can get dirty.

So, summing up, let's say that in order to understand why it is impossible to crush an egg with one hand, you simply need to know the laws of physics and chemistry. After all, these two sciences provide answers to the most difficult questions at first glance.
