"Ryzhik": a summary. Find out in a minute what you would spend 3 hours on

"Ryzhik": a summary. Find out in a minute what you would spend 3 hours on
"Ryzhik": a summary. Find out in a minute what you would spend 3 hours on

The story "Ryzhik" was written by Alexei Svirsky. The product is quite large. Reading it will take a long time. It will help you quickly find out the plot of the story "Ryzhik" summary.

"Ryzhik" - a summary
"Ryzhik" - a summary

Taras and Aksinya adopt a baby

At the beginning of the work, the author introduces the reader to a young family - Aksinya and Taras Zazuly. The husband was a carpenter, and the wife was a housewife. The couple had no children at that time. Early one morning Aksinya heard a groan behind the shed. She went there and saw a dying beggar woman. Next to her lay a baby who was sleeping.

The woman called for help her husband, neighbors, came to her cries and the town village Golodaevka Prokhor Mushroom. By that time, the beggar woman had passed away, and the family took the child for themselves. It turned out to be a three-month-old boy, who was named Alexander. His godmother was Agafya, who had her own baby, so she was able to sometimes feed the baby.

However, the boy was not christened immediately. Taras didn't have any money at that time, and decided to postpone this event until the fair. In the meantime, the child was named Ryzhik. Summary of the storytakes the reader 6 years ahead.

summary of the story "Ryzhik"
summary of the story "Ryzhik"

In 6 years

After this time, the couple had their own children - two daughters. Ryzhik, named Sasha, was a very smart boy. He played pranks, he was naughty. However, Aksinya's mother still loved him. Despite his nimble nature, the boy was very kind. He secretly left the dog from everyone, then he asked the adoptive mother to take the girl Dunya, who was orphaned, into the family. He protected her from a drunken uncle with whom five-year-old Dunya was forced to live.

One day Sanka heard his parents talking and realized that he was not native to them. The boy was very worried. He planned to run away from home.

Foster parents sent him to study as a godfather, and that's when Ryzhik finally decided to run away. The summary will tell the reader about the sad adventures of a teenager.


The boy's first escape did not work, he fell into a hole and had to stay in his native village. The second time was more successful. The child met a magician nicknamed Half a Pound and went traveling with him. However, fate was not favorable to the boy. Sanka lagged behind the train and found himself alone at an unfamiliar station.

Here meets with a blind old man Ryzhik. A summary will allow you to find out in a few seconds what happened to him next. The grandfather offered the boy to become a guide and thus earn a living. Sanka didn't have a choice. He followed the old man. However, he turned out to be cunning. He was not blind, but pretended to be so to beg. boy with old mancame to the monastery, where there was a rooming house for the same beggars. Here he meets Spirk Vyun, with whom he becomes good friends.

summary of the story "Ryzhik". Svirsky
summary of the story "Ryzhik". Svirsky

The summary of the story "Ginger" in a couple of seconds will take the reader a few more years ahead. When Sanya ran away from home, he was already 10 years old. Together with the beggars who lived by begging, he lived for a year. During this time, the friends decided to escape from the beggarly environment.

Half a pound

The idea was a success. The children arrived by train to Odessa, but here they got to the thieves, who began to teach them their craft. Ryzhik left them thanks to Half a Pound, whom he met by chance. He took him home, but the boy dreamed of traveling. He leaves home again, travels to different cities. Once Ryzhik again saw Half a pound, but the meeting was sad. The magician died tragically.

This is the summary of the story "Ginger". Svirsky stopped the story at this point, which makes the reader think.
