Sergey Sentsov: filmography

Sergey Sentsov: filmography
Sergey Sentsov: filmography

Sergey Sentsov is a talented director of our time. He has several successful series and documentaries to his credit. Already now they have become the audience's favorite shows. In the future, we will still wait for an Oscar-winning film from him.

Biography in brief

Sergey Sentsov was born on December 30, 1974 in Gomel. He studied in Moscow and in 2002 graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Eight years later he graduated from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors under the guidance of masters: Khotinenko V. I., Finn P. K., Fenchenko V. A.

Sentsov admits that Khotinenko Vladimir Ivanovich will always be his main teacher. But you need to focus on foreign experience. According to Sergei, the most brilliant director today is James Cameron. Only he managed to surprise and conquer Hollywood three times with his films: "Terminator", "Titanic" and "Avatar".

Sergey Sentsov
Sergey Sentsov

Bordeaux Color

The picture called "The Color of Bordeaux" was the director's first work. This is a documentary short film released in 2009. Production - "ArtMedia Group", producers - Igor Zolotarevsky and Larisa Petukhova.

The picture tells about French winemakers. At first glance, it seems that the taste of wine directly depends on the grape variety from which it is made. But this is only half of the composition. And the second is the winemaker himself, his taste, predilection and even fate. About what different people and what different wines are discussed in the documentary "The Color of Bordeaux".

Studio 17

The film, which was shot by Sergei Sentsov together with Alexander Naumov, tells about the fate of 4 friends who decided to make films. In pursuit of fame, money and women, they live freely and easily, dreaming that everything is yet to come.

According to the director himself, the film is his personal story. Some of the scenes are written off one by one from real events. The producers noticed and rate the series. After that, he was entrusted to work on "Fizruk".


The main idea of the Fizruk series is to show life as it is. Without embellishment and simulated scenes. And if in life we play like in the theater, then in the theater it is very difficult to play real life. But Sergei Sentsov succeeded. Fizruk is both a comedy and a drama. The main character is very lonely, he feels like a wolf among the sheep and does not know what he will be hooked on: for the past life with Mamai or for the future, which is not yet drawn so clearly.

series "Fizruk"
series "Fizruk"

The films directed by Sergei Sentsov do not end there. In 2011, a feature-length film "Moscow is not Moscow" was presented to a select audience. In 2014, the TV series "It's Always Sunny in Moscow" was released. Since 2017, “French Cookery”, “Hotel Rossiya”, “Poorgirl.”
