Comedians of the world screen: list and photo

Comedians of the world screen: list and photo
Comedians of the world screen: list and photo

Comedians of the world screen are actors who have made a great contribution to the development of the comedy genre in cinema. Among them were artists of different nationalities, but this article will present a short list of only the most famous of them. Some performers determined the development of cinematography for several decades ahead; films with their participation are still popular and loved by the audience. The genre of comedy is always in demand among the public, so the actors of comedic roles showed great skill in the art of facial expressions, gestures and movements to achieve the desired effect.

Actors of France

French comedians of the world screen have made a great contribution to the development of this genre in cinema.

world screen comedians
world screen comedians

Some of them have received worldwide recognition. French comedies were especially popular in our country.

Artist Brief description of creativity
L. de Funes This actor determined the formation of the comedy genre in French cinema in the 1960s and 1970s. In his acting, he paid great attention to facial expressions, gestures, sound effects, which gave his images a special comedy. The most famous films with his participation -trilogy about "Fantômas", comedy "Big Walk" and others.
P. Richard French comedians of the world screen were distinguished by their specific style of acting, which is characterized by subtle lyricism and special sincerity. Richard became famous for his performance in the dilogy about a tall blond, in the film "Toy" and others.
F. Depardieu This actor is rightfully considered one of the most successful contemporary performers. His contribution to French cinema can hardly be overestimated. His track record includes costumed, adventure comedies. The most famous film with his participation is "Cyrano de Bergerac".

So, French comedians of the world screen have become movie stars. They have received recognition not only in their own country, but throughout the world.

American artists

US artists also made a great contribution to the development and development of world cinema.

world screen comedians list
world screen comedians list

Many of them were innovators in their field, so their work can be called a breakthrough for their time.

usa world screen comedians
usa world screen comedians

Their work is rightfully included in the golden fund of cinema.

Artist Brief description of creativity
Ch. Chaplin This actor stood at the origins of the development of silent cinema. He owns many interesting discoveries in the development of the comedy genre. His image of the Little Tramp has acquired worldwide significance. Mostfamous films of the master - "City Lights", "New Times" and others.
B. Murray Comedians of the world screen, the list of which is presented in this review, tried themselves in various comedy films. Murray became famous for his ability to create an image of a slightly skeptical, slightly melancholic person who is not very lucky. The most famous film with his participation is Groundhog Day.
E. Murphy This actor became famous for his grotesque images, which fell in love with the audience for their eccentricity and extraordinary energy. His most successful image is Dr. Dolittle.

So, American comedy artists determined the development of the comedy genre in cinema.

Soviet performers

Domestic comedians of the world screen, whose photos are presented in this review, also received recognition not only in our country, but also abroad.

comedians world screen photo
comedians world screen photo

Many of them are still popular with viewers.

Actor Brief description of creativity
I. Ilyinsky This actor started his career back in the days of silent films. However, he gained the greatest popularity after he began to play in sound films. Before the war, he played in the cult musical film Volga, Volga. To the modern viewer, he is better known for E. Ryazanov's comedy "Carnival Night".
Yu. Nikulin This actor began his creativeactivities as a circus performer. He worked as a clown, and his outstanding comedic talent manifested itself in the films of L. Gaidai. The most famous tapes with his participation are "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Operation Y" and others.
E. Leonov Soviet comedians of the world screen, whose rating is extremely high, are still popular today. Leonov's talent is multifaceted: he starred in dramas and humorous films. However, the audience fell in love with him precisely as a comedian ("Striped Flight" and others).

So, Soviet actors glorified the national cinema with cult roles.

Music film actors

Special mention should be made of artists who played mainly in musical comedies.

world screen comedians ranking
world screen comedians ranking

They are remembered by the audience for their great vocal abilities.

Artist Brief description of creativity
A. Mironov This actor played in films of various genres, but the audience fell in love with his participation in such films as "Straw Hat", "12 Chairs" and others. In these pictures, he not only played, but also brilliantly performed songs that became real hits.
D. Kelly Comedians of the US world screen have made a great contribution to the development of the humorous musical. This actor became famous not only for his extraordinary comedic gift, but also for his amazing ability to dance. His most successful painting is "Singing underrain".
F. Aster The same can be said for this remarkable artist who, along with his partner D. Rogers, set the musical comedy song-and-dance vogue for decades.

So, the genre of musical comedy has become widespread all over the world.

D. Kerry

Currently he is one of the most successful and popular comedy performers. And although he established himself as a dramatic actor, nevertheless, the mass audience remembered him primarily for the comedic images that he has been creating on the screen with such success for more than twenty years. The most famous tapes with his participation are "Mask", "Ace Ventura".

G. Vitsin

This Soviet actor is known for Gaidai's films, in which he played the role of a Coward. This characteristic character was so fond of the domestic audience that many still remember him from the films “Dog Mongrel and the Extraordinary Cross”, “Moonshiners”. Despite the fact that he successfully played serious dramatic roles.

D. Chan

This actor has become famous all over the world for his combat stunts, performed in a humorous style. Each scene of a fight or chase with his participation was remembered by the viewer thanks to witty productions.

world screen comedians book
world screen comedians book

In addition, D. Chan has established himself as a great comedian. His expressive facial expressions and gestures further enhanced the comedic effect. The most famous films with his participation are "Rush Hour","Shanghai Knights".

A. Celentano

This popular Italian actor, songwriter and singer has become world famous for his extraordinary comedic acting talent. A feature of his game is a combination of grotesque and humor, which organically fit into the original musical compositions that sounded in films with his participation. The actor himself performed a number of songs that are still popular. Among his works are the films "Bluff", "Madly in Love".

All those interested in this genre should pay attention to the publication about the actors. "Comedians of the World Screen" - a book published by a team of authors, which presents biographies of leading performers. She describes their work in detail.
