A. S. Pushkin, "Madonna": analysis of the poem

A. S. Pushkin, "Madonna": analysis of the poem
A. S. Pushkin, "Madonna": analysis of the poem

Pushkin put all his love experiences, failures and successes on paper. "Madonna" refers to the poet's love lyrics, this is one of the poems dedicated to Natalya Goncharova, the wife of Alexander Sergeevich. It was written just six months before the wedding, in 1830. Pushkin again asks his chosen one to become his wife, and this time he receives consent. The poet is in a state of euphoria, preparing for the wedding and looking forward to a happy and prosperous family life.

Pushkin madonna
Pushkin madonna

Natalia Goncharova leaves Moscow for a short time with her parents, Alexander Sergeevich writes letters to her, saying that he has hung a portrait of the “blonde Madonna” in the house, reminding him of his bride. The girl replies that soon he will admire his wife, and not the picture. These lines from the letter inspired the man so much that he wrote his famous work "Madonna". Pushkin, whose verse radiates an atmosphere of harmony, peace and happiness,always dreamed of a successful marriage built on love and mutual respect.

Madonna Pushkin verse
Madonna Pushkin verse

In his poem, Alexander Sergeevich claims that he does not need old paintings by famous artists. He dreams of only one, which would depict an ideal married couple - "he is with reason in his eyes, and she is with greatness." To live with his chosen one in peace and harmony for a long life is all that Pushkin dreamed of. "Madonna" is a picture of his future life, which the poet sees as if from the outside.

It would seem that the man was really lucky, because Natalia is young, quite educated, smart and beautiful. Alexander Sergeevich thanks God for sending him such happiness, while not suspecting that very little time will pass, and he will be ready to terminate the engagement. Pushkin wrote the poem "Madonna" in anticipation of a miracle, he hoped that his life would change dramatically for the better with the advent of a family. Goncharova was from a noble family, but impoverished, so for the poet it was an unpleasant surprise that, along with his bride, a bunch of family debts would be hanged on him.

There was a major scandal between the young, Alexander Sergeevich even wrote in a letter that the bride was St

poem madonna pushkin
poem madonna pushkin

was free from obligations to him. Despite some disagreements, the wedding still took place. It is known that after the marriage, Pushkin did not dedicate a single poem to his wife. "Madonna" appeared before him no longer so holy and immaculate, so her image has faded significantly. The poet was verysuperstitious person, and for him it was a real blow that during the wedding the candle went out in his hands, and the bride dropped his wedding ring. These events were considered a bad omen by Pushkin. "Madonna" remained only a picture of a happy family life. The poet loved his wife, and until the last she remained for him the most desirable woman on earth. But still, Alexander Sergeevich treated marriage as an inevitable punishment, and not a gift from heaven, and he was not mistaken in his bad forebodings. It was because of Natalia Goncharova that he went to a duel with Dantes in order to defend the right to own his wife. Perhaps, if not for the marriage, Pushkin would have lived a longer life…
