Most popular action movie actors

Most popular action movie actors
Most popular action movie actors

Today, actors of action films and action films are the most highly paid and sought-after stars in both domestic and foreign cinema. They are restrained and ironic, courageous and self-confident - who are they, the most popular actors of action stories with countless tricks and a gun at the ready?

Legendary Action Actors

Arnold Schwarzenegger or "Iron Arnie" became a real megastar of the last century thanks to his amazing physical shape, charisma and acting talent. Action films with his participation today have become classics of action cinema. What is the notorious "Terminator" worth.

action movie actors
action movie actors

Dolph Lundgren is one of the most sought-after people in the world of cinema of the last century. Thanks to his appearance and amazing physical data, Dolph managed to become a legend. Actors of action films of his level received crazy fees, and Mr. Lungren himself, even today, despite his considerable age, is ready to show a couple of tricks on the set. The actor has more than 60 works on his account, and almost all of them are action films.

Sylvester Stallone - the legendary Rocky and Rimbaud rolled into one - after the release of these movie masterpieces won the status for a long timeexclusively an actor for action films.

Stephen Seagal is an old school Hollywood superhero. He alone was able to save the world and even the universe. Steven Seagal is as fearless in real life as he is on screen - he is a sheriff and a martial artist.

Bruce Lee is a legendary actor whose early death shocked the whole world. By his example, this man proved that nothing is impossible for a person in terms of physical fitness. His films are considered action classics today.

Soviet action movie actors

Dmitry Pevtsov is one of the cult actors of the former USSR. His career began with small theatrical roles, but participation in the series "Gangster Petersburg" glorified the young actor and made him a superstar.

On account of Vladimir Mashkov about a hundred roles, not only in domestic cinema, but also in Hollywood. The stage range of this man is endless, but action movie actors of this level are rare for Russian cinema. His brightest roles in this genre are "Let's do it fast", "Behind Enemy Lines", "Piranha Hunting".

actors of Russian militants
actors of Russian militants

Actors of action films in the Soviet period were the most sought-after stars of Russian cinema. The most striking negative character was Dmitry Nagiyev. He participated in such films as "Mole", "Hunting for deer".

Vladimir Porechenkov is one of the brightest actors of Russian cinema. Textured, courageous, fearless, hetransforms into both heroes and villains.

Russian action film actors

Gosha Kutsenko, despite his mature age, is an actor in demand. He continues to act in action films and crime films. One of the most striking characters in Kutsenko's career was the hero Fox from the Antikiller trilogy.

Aleksey Serebryakov is another pride of Russian cinema, in which good action movie actors are a rarity. This person is so versatile that he can embody any role on the screen. "Agent", "Fan", "Gangster Petersburg" are just a few action films from Serebryakov's list of works.

action movie actors
action movie actors

Danila Kozlovsky is "our everything", as domestic directors jokingly say about this talented young actor with a decent track record. The filming schedule for Mr. Kozlovsky is so tight that films with his participation are released almost every season. Danila is a multifaceted actor, he plays in dramas, comedies, and action films. Russian action movie actors are trying to reach Danila's fees, but so far it's only a dream.

Hollywood Stars

Hollywood action movie actors receive huge fees and the love of the audience, and all thanks to their skill and absolute return to the film in which they are shot. Tom Cruise is one of the highest paid foreign movie stars. Despite the difficult nature, the directors are in line for the opportunity to work with this person. His participation in films such as "MissionImpossible" and "Jack Reacher", have become the hallmark of the actor.

Russian action movie actors
Russian action movie actors

Bruce Willis is the legendary actor of foreign action movies. Playing a simple, but very charming, fearless and almost immortal guy, Bruce earned himself credibility and millions in fees. The most striking militants with his participation are "Die Hard", "Pulp Fiction", "Jackal".

Matt Damon is a versatile actor, director and even screenwriter. The most striking role of an actor in the Bourne franchise.

Top 3 Most Wanted Action Actors

Jason Statham started his career in 1998. Success came to the actor after participating in the film "Cards, Money, Two Smoking Barrels". Action films are the main genre in which this actor organically looks.

From lingerie model to actor/director Mark Wahlberg has come a long way. Talent and efforts were appreciated by critics and viewers on merit. The most striking roles are "Renegades", "Shooter".

Despite his advanced age, Liam Neeson remains on the crest of the wave. Moreover, the main genre in which the English actor has succeeded is action films. "Hostage", "Night Fugitive", "Air Marshal", Three Days to Escape" are grains from the bright filmography of the actor.

Actors of Russian action films are less in demand, and yet today films of this format are beginning to interest viewers again. Perhaps in the near future, domestic cinema will be full of new names.

Young andup-and-coming action stars

The younger generation is already stepping on the heels of the luminaries of the film business. Action movie actors of the new generation are courageous heroes, a mountain of muscles, maximum erudition and a sense of humor.

Callan Lutts is one of the representatives of Hollywood youth. After the release of the Twilight franchise, success simply overwhelmed the actor. Thanks to his masculine appearance, the actor has comfortably mastered the niche of action cinema. His work in the action films "The Expendables" and "Meskada" received positive feedback from the audience.

Theo James is the new star of Foggy Albion. He started with episodic roles in detective series, popularity surged after the film "Divergent".

Hollywood action actors
Hollywood action actors

Brilliant figure, breathtaking appearance, the grace of a cat and super performance made Channing Tatum one of the most sought-after and highly paid actors of our time. He is harmonious in any role, but the role of a hero who saves America and the world suits him. He played in such films as "Storming the White House", "Jupiter Ascending", "Fight Without Rules".
