Let's look at how to learn how to draw people: some practical tips

Let's look at how to learn how to draw people: some practical tips
Let's look at how to learn how to draw people: some practical tips

Unfortunately, not every art school fully talks about how to learn how to draw people. Yes, of course, there are certain proportions of the human body that are written in books and manuals. There are also drawing mannequins, with which you can catch and convey in perspective a particular movement or pose of the body. The same is true with the face: there are certain parameters, the laws of the fall of light and shadows, which all novice artists follow. However, to convey facial features, features of the figure of a particular model is given only to the elite, people who have a special talent for fine arts. Why is that? How to learn to draw people and convey all their features on paper? Read about it in the article.

how to learn to draw people
how to learn to draw people

Practice as often as possible

So, in order to be able, so to speak, on the fly to grasp the faces of people, their figures and transfer them with a pencil, charcoal orcolors, you need to train for a very long time from nature. Start drawing your loved ones every day in different poses, from different angles. For example, today you are depicting a wife sitting facing you. The next day, she is already standing, turned in profile towards you. Come up with new positions for your models each time and try to grab them, transfer them on paper.

how to learn to draw portraits of people
how to learn to draw portraits of people

Proportion is your credo

In the question of how to learn how to draw people, proportions are the key. Forget about everything you were taught in art school and start from scratch. If you are drawing a full-length person, note how much their upper body is smaller (or larger) than their lower body, and also measure how many times its total width fits in height. All this can be done with a pencil: we stretch out our hand, mark the distance we need with our finger on the pencil (from the top of the head to the bridge of the nose, from the shoulder to the elbow, and so on), transfer it to paper. In this case, the model should be at such a distance that you can place her face on your canvas.

Mistakes of the majority

Many, not knowing how to learn how to draw people so that they look like themselves, begin by carefully drawing all the details. It is strongly not recommended to do this, as your drawing will leave a lot of marks, which will then confuse you, while the proportions will be violated. Start with a sketch in which you depict the true forms of your model, this can be a completea person is either thin, with a long face or with large cheeks. His nose can be small or, conversely, wide and long. Apply the drawing gradually, first in the form of "spots", light outlines, then draw more precise lines, later you can already draw the lines of the cheekbones, pupils, muscles, and so on.

how to quickly learn to draw people
how to quickly learn to draw people

Some useful tips

If you know how to learn how to draw portraits of people, you are guided by proportions, then you just have to be patient and practice in this matter. The more drawings you make, the more perfect your artistic skills will be. Look for new people to pose for you, capture their features. At first, you will depict only their features exactly and in all their glory, and later you will be able to convey the mood of the model.

Now you know how to quickly learn how to draw people. With a little experience, you can become a "street artist" and even earn money from your talent.
