Virginia Henley: biography, books, features of creativity and reviews

Virginia Henley: biography, books, features of creativity and reviews
Virginia Henley: biography, books, features of creativity and reviews

Many ladies from all genres prefer the romance novel, and this is understandable. Where else can you see the story of Cinderella embodied in reality in a new way? Romance, beautiful characters, sensual scenes allow you to renounce reality and find yourself in a fairy tale for a moment. At the same time, some people like modern princes and princesses, others prefer historical romance novels, where the atmosphere itself, although far from life's realities, is full of attractive charm, and the characters are all noble and beautiful not only in soul. The second category includes novels by Virginia Henley. Pirates, lords, knights and wayward young beauties fight for their happiness on the pages of books, causing serious worries for their fate.


English writer Virginia Henley was born December 5, 1935 in Bolton. Since childhood, Virginia has been fond of history, so it is not surprising that the girl chose this speci alty at the university, successfully graduating from it with a scientific degree. Virginia married Canadian Arthur Henley in 1956 and became a housewife.

virginia henley
virginia henley

In her free time from household chores, the girl enjoyed reading romance novels. Henley Virginia one day, strongly impressed by one of them, decided to try writing her own story. The girl sent the manuscript to Avon Books, and, to her surprise, she liked it. In 1982, the author's first book was published. Subsequently, Virginia wrote 18 novels and 3 short stories, received several prestigious awards and won the love of numerous readers.

Features of creativity

In her novels, Virginia Henley pays a lot of attention not only to the emotional component, but also to the background. The author tries to recreate the details of the time he writes about: traditions, fashion, historical events. In addition to the bright main characters, the novelist carefully prescribes secondary characters. They are not faceless shadows, created only as a background for the main characters, but full-fledged personalities, whose adventures are interesting to follow.

virginia henley all books
virginia henley all books


The cycle of novels tells about the life of representatives of one family and their attempts to find that very, true love, despite obstacles and hardships. These books by Virginia Henley are a bit heavy on historical details, but overall leave a good impression.

Marriage Prize

What are court beauties taught? Everything that is useful to a noble bride in search of a husband: singing, dancing, the ability to keep up the conversation and the art of conquering men's hearts with one wave of eyelashes. Are theseknowledge to the future wife of an uncouth knight, accustomed not to royal balls, but to campaigns and battles? Hardly. So Rosamond Marshall will have to conquer Roger de Leyburn in some other way, so that he believes that the girl is not an empty-headed beauty forced into his wife.

virginia henley enslaved
virginia henley enslaved

The Falcon and the Flower

Jesmin was taken in by her grandmother after her mother's death. The lady was, though of noble blood, but with a very peculiar view of the world. As a result, the girl learned not only to sing, dance and housekeeping, but also learned the basics of magic and herbalism. Once during the ritual, Jesmine saw the face of a man in a crystal ball and decided that it was the devil himself. It is difficult to convey the horror of the girl when she met Falcon de Berg in reality. The knight, on the other hand, was inflamed with the desire to marry her, even knowing that Jesmine was a dowry with oddities. Young people will have to overcome a lot before they truly love each other.

The Historical Romance Novels of Virginia Henley
The Historical Romance Novels of Virginia Henley

Dragon and Treasure

What happens if you stubbornly go to the goal, believing that this is fate? Virginia Henley assures that at least a coup d'état, betrayal of loved ones, bloodshed. Is the game worth the candle? The dragon is convinced that yes. And he is ready to move mountains, if only the beautiful Elinor would reciprocate his feelings.

Kennedy clan

The difficult relationship between England and Scotland has always been fertile ground for romance novels. Virginia Henley came up with nothing new, following the canons, but reading about the misadventuresrepresentatives of the same family are quite interesting.

Readers note that both books in the series are written in good language, in addition to the personal relationships of the characters, the author pays attention to minor characters and events of the surrounding world. This does not make the books more boring, but acquires depth and certain authenticity.

Virginia Henley books
Virginia Henley books

Conquered by Passion

In the 16th century, girls didn't have much choice: the king said to get married, so you need to get out. It is pointless to resist: after all, not only your life is at stake. Beauty Valentina from the Kennedy clan is not happy about the upcoming wedding with the hated Lord Ramsey. Yes, handsome, yes, charismatic, but he is the enemy, the leader of the Douglas clan. Reconcile? Never! You can marry against your will, but never make you fall in love. And the future husband is also not happy with the upcoming marriage and the bride.

Witch Love

One day, Scottish Lord Heath Kennedy went on business to the borderlands and met a beggar gypsy woman there. Lady Raven Carlton fate brought with the robber from the main road. The first impression turned out to be more than deceptive, which did not prevent young people from becoming interested in each other.

The De Warrens

Another series of the author. Historical romance novels by Virginia Henley are often criticized for their psychic abilities and their strong focus on the political life of the era. All this is present here, but if you are not confused by such trifles as clairvoyance and tamed wild animals, then books caninterest.

Many fans of Henley's work note that the first and third books of the series are the most interesting, the second is also not bad, but slightly inferior in drawing the characters of the characters.

Virginia Henley novels
Virginia Henley novels


Scottish Jane Lacy almost with her mother's milk absorbed hatred for the British invaders. In addition to the unshakable belief that all the British are evil, the girl also firmly knew who her betrothed was. After all, he appeared to her in visions. When Jane met Lynx de Waren in real life, she was shocked: her lover turned out to be an English knight. And now what i can do? Follow centuries of tradition and hate or let your heart decide?


Marjorie de Warenne can hardly be called an ideal girl: she is beautiful, well-mannered, but her character let us down - the charmer is capricious and stubborn, like a mule. And she knows best what she needs. And she needs Guy de Beauchamp - a famous warrior and heartthrob. Of course, as a legal spouse. And after all, the stubborn one almost achieved her goal: the wedding is about to take place. Only the guardians do not agree with Marjorie's choice and will do their best to separate the lovers.

Secret Marriage

The life of Brianna de Beauchard was calm and measured, but everything suited the girl, she was going to marry a rich aristocrat. However, the meeting with Wolfe Mortimer turned the usual life of the beauty upside down. And now she has a difficult choice to make: give up her suddenly awakened feelings or lose everything she has and put oncon life.

Out of series

It would be a mistake to believe that Virginia Henley combines all books in a series or writes only about members of the same families. In addition to serial works, the author has novels with completely new characters and plots.

henley virginia romance novels
henley virginia romance novels

Virginia Henley: "Enslaved"

Diana had everything one could dream of: good looks, a huge fortune, loyal fans. Only love was missing. Accidentally looking into an antique shop, the girl tried on an ancient helmet for fun … And ended up in another world. Yes, the owner of the helmet is damn attractive, but he has one significant drawback - he does not want to know anything about the independence of women. All alone, in an unfamiliar country, and even a slave… Will Diana be able to pass all the tests and not break down, will she believe in the feelings of a proud and powerful warrior?

This novel for many fans of the author, according to numerous reviews, has become one of the most beloved and re-read more than once.


How to get rid of an unwanted future husband? Yes, even so that there was no way to correct the situation? With a guarantee? Alexandra Sheffield, after some deliberation, decided to go for broke and ruin her reputation. Who needs a girl who is whispered about in the corners? Alexandra decided that no one. The only thing left to do is to choose a candidate whose notoriety leaves no doubt. The perfect "bad guy" Nicholas Hutton is a great option! Beautiful, attractive, does not miss a single skirt. All you need to do is persuade the rakeseduce her. And, of course, there is no question of any love.

Hawk and Dove

What could be worse than a wedding with an unloved and unwanted fiance? Nothing? And here you are wrong! Worse - this is when the unwanted groom leaves you at the altar and disappears in an unknown direction. What remains to be done in this case, a proud girl? Cry a little and forget? Find and make you regret what you have done? Sarah Bishop chose the second option and vowed that she would conquer Shane and make him suffer.
