Actress Chloe Sevigny: biography, personal life, filmography

Actress Chloe Sevigny: biography, personal life, filmography
Actress Chloe Sevigny: biography, personal life, filmography

Chloe Sevigny is a famous American film actress and director. She is also widely known as a model and fashion designer. Thanks to what projects did Chloe Sevigny become famous? "Children", "Big Love", "Boys Don't Cry" are just a small part of the films that allowed the artist to acquire the status of a real Hollywood star.

How did your career as an actress start? How was her fate in the cinema? What can be said about the personal life of this outstanding woman? What are some interesting facts from the biography of Chloe Sevigny? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our publication.

Childhood and youth

chloe sevigny
chloe sevigny

Chloe Stevens Sevigny was born on November 18, 1974 in the small town of Springfield, Massachusetts. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, the parents decided to move permanently to a place called Darien, which was located in Connecticut. Here, the head of the family began working as an accountant, doing financial reporting at the art school.

Chloe Sevigny was brought up in fairly strict Christiantraditions. From an early age, the girl discovered a craving for high art. Dreaming of becoming a professional actress, the little girl spent every summer at a theater camp. Here she played her first roles and gained stage experience.

Chloe Sevigny's family was frankly poor. For this reason, our heroine had to help her parents since childhood, moonlighting as a nanny and cleaner for we althier neighbors.

As often happens, a difficult childhood had the most negative impact on the girl's growing up period. With the onset of adolescence, Chloe Sevigny began to get involved in smoking and alcohol, and indulge in soft drugs. Our heroine often spent time with informal personalities, in whose company she often used hallucinogenic mushrooms and other psychotropic substances.

The dissolute behavior of young Chloe Sevigny did not go unnoticed by her parents. The latter forced the daughter to attend meetings of anonymous narcotics. This practice has paid off. Soon, the “lost sheep” noticeably wised up and decided to part with addictions.

First successes

chloe sevigny movies
chloe sevigny movies

Having reached adulthood, Chloe decided to move from the provincial town of Darien, where she spent her entire childhood, to New York. Thanks to personal savings, she managed to rent a decent apartment in the metropolis and start an independent life. Already at that time, the girl was distinguished by her ability to create original images, well versed in fashionable clothes.

During a visit to one of Chloe's hangoutsSevigny struck up an acquaintance with the editor of the reputable fashion magazine Sassy. The latter was attracted by the extraordinary street style of the girl. Soon pictures of Chloe began to appear on the pages of the publication. In parallel, our heroine worked as a model for the New Yorker magazine. All this allowed the girl to become the face of the popular youth clothing brand X-girl and get the position of creative director at Imitation of Christ. Chloe had rather atypical "heavy" facial features for a model. However, the comparative disadvantage was fully compensated by the presence of a perfect figure.

Movie debut

chloe sevigny biography
chloe sevigny biography

In the early 90s, the already quite successful fashion model Chloe Sevigny decided to appear on television. Her debut work in this field for her was shooting in a music video for the song Gamma Ray by the popular artist Beck.

Several years have passed, and our heroine managed to make her way into a big movie. Chloe had a good camaraderie with publicist, director and writer Harmony Korine. It was he who in 1994 attracted a girlfriend to participate in his new project called "Kids". Here, aspiring actress Chloe Sevigny performed as a schoolgirl named Jenny, who suffers from HIV infection.

Participation in the debut picture allowed our heroine to become famous throughout Hollywood. The film was nominated for the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Chloe decided to spend her first impressive fee in her career on a trip to numerous European countries.


chloe sevigny personal life
chloe sevigny personal life

In 1996, Sevigny was invited to one of the leading roles in the film "The Truth in Wine". Here, the young actress was lucky enough to work on the same set with Steve Buscemi himself, whose career at that time was on the rise.

Then for the young artist was another collaboration with director Harmony Korine. Chloe starred in the author's next film - a dramatic film called Gummo. In the picture, which was released on wide screens in 1997, our heroine not only played one of the main roles, but also acted as a costume designer.

1998 was no less eventful for Chloe to shoot. During this time, she took part in the work on a whole series of independent projects. The most successful for her were roles in films such as Palmetto and The Last Days of Disco. In parallel, the girl periodically played in the Broadway theater production called "Hazelwood Junior High", where she acted as one of the teenagers who committed a serious crime.

The finest hour of the actress

chloe stevens sevigny
chloe stevens sevigny

In 2000, Chloe Sevigny, whose films could be counted on the fingers of one hand, received an offer to participate in the promising project "Boys Don't Cry". By the way, in the subsequent film made a lot of noise around the world. Here, the young actress appeared on the screen in the image of the girl Lana, who was in a relationship with a transsexual named Brendan. The role of the latter was played by Hillary Swank.

Sevigny did a great job of working out the image entrusted to her in the smallest detail. The result was the creation of an extremely "live", believable character. For her masterful acting work beyond her years, our heroine was awarded several prestigious awards. Immediately after the release of the picture on wide screens, the actress was awarded the Independent Spirit Awards. Then the artist was nominated for the Golden Globe and Oscar.

Chloe Sevigny Movies

chloe sevigny babes
chloe sevigny babes

At the moment, behind the shoulders of the famous actress there are shootings in the following films:

  • "Children".
  • Gummo.
  • "The Last Days of Disco".
  • "Under the canopy of the crowns".
  • Palmetto.
  • "Boys don't cry."
  • "Ten minutes older."
  • "American Psycho".
  • "Dogville".
  • "If walls could talk."
  • Club mania.
  • Melinda and Melinda.
  • "Brown Bunny".
  • "Broken Flowers".
  • The Stephen Glass Affair.
  • Manderlay.
  • Zodiac.
  • "Mr. Ganjubas".
  • "Big Love".
  • "All for the best."
  • "Death Room".
  • Lovelace.
  • "My son, my son, what have you done?".
  • "Crossroads".
  • Portlandia.
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
  • "Pedigree".
  • "Gentleman robber".
  • American Horror Story.
  • "Love and friendship".

Design activity

actress chloe sevigny
actress chloe sevigny

Chloe Sevignyalways distinguished by a special sense of style and impeccable taste. The ability to create unique images was noted by others at the start of her career as an actress in big cinema. In the early years, our heroine often devoted her free time to tailoring out of boredom. Love for such an occupation was carried over into adulthood. So, in 2006, Sevigny launched her own fashion line. Things from the collection immediately began to cause genuine delight among people who understood fashion trends. The success of the actress in the design business was facilitated by the creation of clothes without frills, with simple and well-balanced forms.

Chloe Sevigny - personal life

From the life of our heroine outside the set, few details are known. In her youth, the actress had a romantic relationship with the famous director and screenwriter Harmony Korine. However, this novel did not have a logical ending and ended in the late 90s.

Subsequently, there were rumors about the love affair of the actress with the popular musician Jarvis Cocker. Chloe then dated Matt McAuley, a member of the American rock band ARE Weapons. Our heroine broke up with the last one in 2008.

Since then, the actress has not been able to find that one life partner. Chloe has never been married. The artist has no children to this day. In one of her recent interviews, Sevigny even stated that she was not going to become a mother, since her main priority in life is personal freedom, independence, as well as the desire to keep youth and beauty as long as possible.


In recent years, Chloe Sevigny has been actively filming in television series, among which the most notorious success was her role in the sensational multi-part project American Horror Story. Due to her popularity, the actress has the opportunity to choose the most promising projects, collaborating with reputable directors.

To date, the last film with the participation of the famous artist is the film "Love and Friendship". In the tape, which was released on wide screens in 2016, Sevigny appeared on the same set with such stars of the big screen as Stephen Fry and Kate Beckinsale. Today, the actress continues to work without interruption on the creation of television projects and to develop a career in the fashion world.
