Actress Zoya Vinogradova: biography, creativity

Actress Zoya Vinogradova: biography, creativity
Actress Zoya Vinogradova: biography, creativity

Zoya Vinogradova, the legend of the operetta, was born in the small village of Podlyadye, in the Tver region. On November 27, 1930, a cheerful and cheerful girl was born, who was destined to make a huge contribution to the development of culture.

Today she is known as a world famous singer and actress. She lit up the stage of her beloved musical comedy theater in St. Petersburg with light and joy. For the first time her foot stepped on the stage in 1949 - it was the first step in a dizzying career as an artist and singer. But not everything was so smooth and easy in the life of Zoya Akimovna. The childhood of the "ringing voice" cannot be called sweet. It fell on the hard times of the war, when I had a chance to fully sip so much grief, fear and deprivation that the memories of them were enough for the rest of my life. But despite the difficulties and vicissitudes of fate, Zoya Vinogradova remained a cheerful, sincere person devoted to her talent.

Zoya Vinogradova
Zoya Vinogradova

Childhood of the legendary artist

The war came when Zoya Akimovna Vinogradova celebrated her 11th birthday. The girl already knew the bitterness of loss, having lost her father andyounger brother. Left with a sick mother and middle brother, the singer went through all the unimaginable difficulties. I had to collect water at night and carry it in buckets to the fourth floor. Mom could not move on her own, and her brother was still small and helpless. Having coped with night duties, it was necessary to run for bread. Often it was gone. Food cards were cherished like the apple of an eye. But one day they were stolen. Left without a crumb of bread, they starved for a long time. My mother's cousin came to the rescue by sending modest food parcels to her relatives. The soldiers who brought them openly pronounced their verdict - the girl, like a skeleton, would not survive. But she survived!

Kuban village

The circles of hell blockade ended thanks to the organized "Road of Life". It was on her that the family began its difficult journey to the Kuban. The emaciated Zoya saw everything - a truck that fell through the ice, children frozen to death, despair and great grief of mothers. Despite all the suffering, the girl did not lose heart and constantly sang funny songs to herself, read poetry and entertained exhausted adults. Arriving in the village, the family again faced misfortune - the new place was occupied by the Germans. Now Zoya carried water from the well for them. Starved.

How happy everyone was when the village was liberated from the Nazis and she began to live a different, free life. The local house of culture was opened. Zoya's talent did not go unnoticed and was in demand among the creative environment of local actors.

Zoya Akimovna Vinogradova
Zoya Akimovna Vinogradova

Youth of the "ringing voice"

CherishedThe dream of Zoya Vinogradova, who returned to Leningrad, was the Bolshoi Drama Theater. But fate turned out differently, she was late for admission. I had to enter the Architectural School, which the talented singer left very quickly. She got a job - a factory where her mother worked. There the main event in her life happened. Being engaged in amateur performances in the factory "theater", she was noticed by Galina Yuryevna Kauger, one of the teachers and accompanists of the musical comedy. With her blessing, Zoya decided to enter the musical comedy theater of the northern capital.

Successfully enrolled, Zoya Vinogradova began her creative career. At first, I had to play different roles, perform on the radio, take on everything that just turned up. She was engaged in great and famous actors, directors, among whom were Nina Pelzer, Lydia Kolesnikova, Alexander Iosifovich Talmazan. Zoya received invaluable knowledge and practice first hand. Her voice was admired, her cheerfulness was surprised. She was the light on the stage, the audience instantly appreciated the talent of the artist.

Zoya Vinogradova spent most of her life in the theater of musical comedy - 64 years old. She is devoted to him to this day and believes in the eternity of the operetta, its magical appeal.

Zoya Vinogradova actress
Zoya Vinogradova actress

Creative achievements in theatrical life

Zoya Vinogradova, actress and singer, has played a large number of roles in her favorite theater. When journalists ask how many performances have passed with her participation, she thinks and is no longer able to calculate thishuge number. At least a hundred roles, more than half of which became debuts and extremely popular. Here are just the most famous ones:

  • Mr. X - 1956 production.
  • The Duchess of Gerolstein - 1963 production.
  • My Fair Lady - 1964 production.
  • Rose Marie - 1971 production.
  • "Krechinsky's Wedding" - production of 1973.
  • "Delo" - played by Atueva.

The list is long and solid, not only the artist herself, but the whole country is proud of it. The singer preferred the stage rather than the cinema. In those days, acting in a movie was considered something additional, not the main thing. Filmed only in their free time from the theater. But the singer left a mark in the cinema.

Zoya Vinogradova movies
Zoya Vinogradova movies

The creative path in cinema

The singer's career in cinema began with the filming of the film "Mr. X". It happened in 1958. It was during this period of life that Zoya Vinogradova, an actress, became truly famous and popular. Today, many people recognize the legendary operetta from such films as "Sonka - the Golden Pen", "Let's Get Acquainted", "Children of the Siege", "It's Not Evening Yet" and "Streets of Broken Lanterns". The talented artist managed to realize herself in any role. Her career can be safely called successful and brilliant. She got everything she dreamed of as a girl hiding from the bombings. A successful creative path was accompanied by a happy personal life.

Beloved and dear Vitaly Ivanovich Kopylov

The artist considers her secondhusband - Vitaly Kopylov. They were friends, colleagues and a wonderful couple. The union of two bright and talented people lasted 57 years. A long and happy family road, where not a single bump met. The singer's husband came to their theater shortly before Zoya's divorce from her first companion, a military man. After that, the actors became inseparable. They fell in love and became husband and wife for many years. In 2012, Vitaly Ivanovich died. But Zoya Vinogradova, whose films and performances are known to the whole world, does not lose heart. She feels the closeness of a loved one within the walls of her home and in her heart.

anniversary of zoya grape
anniversary of zoya grape

Recently, the honored artist celebrated her 85th birthday and 65 years on the stage of her native theater. The anniversary of Zoya Vinogradova was celebrated on a grand scale. The theater invited everyone to celebrate the achievements of the great voice of Russia. Despite the years, the artist is in excellent shape and continues to delight the audience of her native theater devoted to her with her talent.
