Tsereteli Gallery: creative laboratory for creating a new world

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Tsereteli Gallery: creative laboratory for creating a new world
Tsereteli Gallery: creative laboratory for creating a new world

Video: Tsereteli Gallery: creative laboratory for creating a new world

Video: Tsereteli Gallery: creative laboratory for creating a new world
Video: Саша Кутовой о совриске, Осмоловском и МакКарти |Sasha Kutovoy On Sculpture, Osmolovsky and McCarthy 2024, June

The Zurab Tsereteli Gallery is located in the Dolgorukovs' house. Prechistenka, the street on which it is located, is the very center of Moscow. It was called Chertolskaya in the Middle Ages. Then this dissonant name was changed and divided into two parts: Prechistenka and Lenivka (Volkhonka). It is interesting not only because it houses the Tsereteli Gallery. It also contains a number of historical buildings.

Dolgorukov House

The history of the two-story house where the Tsereteli Gallery is located, on Prechistenka, 19, is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that it was created by the great M. F. Kazakov. After the fire in Moscow in 1812, it was repeatedly rebuilt, completed and changed its purpose. After 1990, another change takes place and it is reborn in its original form. This is facilitated by the charitable activities of the sculptor and artist Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli.

Tsereteli gallery
Tsereteli gallery

In 2001, the Tsereteli Art Gallery opens its doors to visitors. This is a whole complex, which consists of about 50 rooms. Their total area inside the building is colossal and is about ten thousand square meters. In addition, there isa huge atrium - a large open courtyard inside the building. The gallery contains all the most modern museum equipment and technical equipment. Since the square allows, grandiose Russian and international exhibitions are held in it, where visitors are shown all types of fine arts, architecture and design. The exposition contains casts of ancient sculptures, which attracts young artists, since sketches from them are included in the compulsory education program. In the gallery you can get acquainted with the whole variety of works of its creator Zurab Konstantinovich, who is the president of the Academy of Arts.

Permanent exhibition

The Tsereteli Gallery allows you to get acquainted not only with his works in various techniques (painting, sculpture, graphics, monumental enamel panels and miniatures, design), but also to recognize the artist as a philosopher who reflects on the complex and controversial events and realities of life modern society.

Ceremonial halls

In the portrait images of our contemporaries and historical figures, which are in the enfilade of the gallery, the artist shows the rise of the human spirit. The Tsereteli Gallery allows the visitor to see the models of monuments that are installed in our country and in other countries of the world: "Friendship Forever" (Moscow), "The Birth of a New Man" (Seville), Peter I, Columbus, Balzac, Mother Teresa, Lady Diana, General de Goll. In the hall, which is dedicated to the memory of Charlie Chaplin, there are paintings and sculptural portraits.

Zurab Tsereteli gallery
Zurab Tsereteli gallery

Among the halls of the front suitethere is a hall "House Church", completely restored. It is decorated with enamel panels depicting scenes from the Bible and the Gospel. It hosts concerts.

Religious Themes

Paintings and works in other techniques reflecting religious subjects are presented in the atrium. They often repeat each other from different angles of view, entering into a dialogue with each other. The epic theme of the knowledge of good and evil is monumental. The most interesting graphic works, made both in monochrome technique and in color, are devoted to the same topic. The portraits of the Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II and the Catholicos of Georgia Ilia II are very interesting. No one will pass by the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.


Tsereteli Gallery shows his work from all the years. It presents portraits, a special role is given to still lifes with flowers. They are often combined with portraits of women.

Tsereteli Art Gallery
Tsereteli Art Gallery

The characters of his works move from one picture to another, providing the interconnection of the works. This is especially true for those paintings that depict the childhood and youth of the master. These works are especially significant in the collection. In his youth, Zurab Konstantinovich was deeply interested in the history of Georgia, took part in archaeological excavations, and studied ethnography. These memories serve as a living source of creative inspiration. Large-format paintings will also attract attention, although they are done in a completely different manner.

High reliefs "My Contemporaries"

This sculptural section is very varied and expressive. Each image gives a specific characteristicand a special vision of a person by the author, with which one can agree or deny it, but it is impossible to pass by. Created images attract. The Tsereteli Gallery presents images of artists from the early twentieth century. Achievements in plastic art, music, and literature are associated with their names. We list only a few: F. Chaliapin, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov, I. Bunin.

Tsereteli Gallery on Prechistenka
Tsereteli Gallery on Prechistenka

When in the sixties the intelligentsia received a breath of fresh air filled with freedom, personalities appeared who were also captured by Zurab Konstantinovich. He feels his spiritual connection with them. These are portraits of poets, musicians, artists, filmmakers. Our nameless contemporaries also found their place among the big names. Each portrait conveys the deep inner world of a person.

Enamel work

The art of cloisonne enamel, which does not lose its bright colors over time and can be used to decorate public buildings and interiors, is rethought and revived by the master. These works immerse the visitor in a festive and vibrant world, from which he comes out filled with the joy of being.

zurab tsereteli gallery prechistenka
zurab tsereteli gallery prechistenka

Zurab Tsereteli's gallery is a whole cosmos that reflects the master's spiritual quest throughout his life, his dynamic creative process, which does not stop and speaks the language of art understandable to everyone.
