How to draw a mouse: two master classes

How to draw a mouse: two master classes
How to draw a mouse: two master classes

If an adult suddenly faces the problem of what to do with a child when he is bored, then it can be easily solved with the help of drawing. And since it is easiest to draw a mouse, then this option should be offered to the baby. To simplify the task, it is important to present a master class to an inexperienced artist, where a detailed description of the entire process is given.

Master class "How to draw a mouse"

how to draw a mouse
how to draw a mouse

1. Begin the drawing process with the eye. To do this, first draw a circle, and in it - another one, but smaller, which is painted over.

2. Now a sinuous forehead line is drawn above the eye.

3. It is better to make the nose of the mouse sharp, on its tip draw an oval “peep”, also painted over.

4. The mouth can be made with a slightly protruding lower lip, if possible. But if it will be difficult for the baby to cope with this task, you can simply make an even chin by placing a smile on it - a small arc.

5. Since it is impossible to draw a mouse without ears, since every mammal hashearing organs are located on the head, then we will draw huge circles with a fold inside. In fact, mice do not have such large ears, but somehow it is customary in children's art to portray these rodents as big-eared - they become cuter.

6. The back of the mouse begins immediately after the ears. Draw it round. But under the chin they make a small depression - the neck. The guide of the front foot should move forward from it.

7. Before you draw a mouse, you should determine its main distinguishing features. Of course, every child will confidently declare that this is a long moving tail! Therefore, from the end point of the back, two long winding lines are drawn, passing next to each other and converging at the end point. This will be the famous mouse tail.

8. At this stage, they also sketch out the line of the tummy with an arc and draw up the guide of the hind leg.

how to draw a mouse for kids
how to draw a mouse for kids

9. The last stage of drawing is the image of the paws. It should be explained to the child that the mouse has five fingers on its paws.

Master class "How to draw a mouse" (step by step for the smallest)

Very often, when teaching drawing to children of primary preschool age, adults use the simplest geometric shapes, such as circles. This image method can be traced in this master class.

how to draw a mouse step by step
how to draw a mouse step by step

1. Since it was decided to draw a mouse for children using circles, you must first depict a circle-head.

2. At the top of this circle shouldcontact with two others, slightly smaller in size - ears.

3. Two more small ones are drawn inside the larger circle in its upper part - these will be the eyes of the mouse.

4. Inside the ears, one more circle of a smaller size is depicted with centers shifted downwards. And inside the eyes there should be circles shifted in the direction where the character’s gaze will be directed. Those are pupils.

how to draw a mouse step by step
how to draw a mouse step by step

5. In the pupils, reflections are depicted with the help of small circles. In the same place, in a large circle, you should draw a mouth, shaped like a slice of an orange.

6. It is appropriate to make a strip on one side of the mouth, which will help shade the depth.

7. Now the last stage of drawing remains - coloring. The pupil of the mouse must be made black, leaving the smallest inner circle unpainted - a reflection. Do the same with the mouth.

8. It is recommended to paint the inside of the ears pink.

9. The rest of the muzzle is usually made gray - it is not without reason that the phrase “gray mouse” is often used in speech. Although there are absolutely white mice in the world, and this can be reported to the little man while drawing.
