Radio program "Aerostat" Grebenshchikov - a journey to the land of rock

Radio program "Aerostat" Grebenshchikov - a journey to the land of rock
Radio program "Aerostat" Grebenshchikov - a journey to the land of rock

Boris Grebenshchikov is one of the extraordinary and odious figures of Russian show business. An interesting fact is that the musician and his group "Aquarium" did not strive for mass character and did not claim to be universally adored, and nevertheless, over time, the group turned into a cult, and its leader began to bear the unspoken title of guru of domestic rock. Today, this unique person is not only a musician and prose writer, but also the host of the Aerostat program. Grebenshchikov is loved by the listener, his knowledge of world-famous rock musicians and only novice performers is amazing and makes each program informative and unique. Many musicologists consider the program "Aerostat" a good tool for people who want to learn interesting facts about musical styles, trends, musical slang, classics and musical contemporaries.

Aerostat Grebenshchikov
Aerostat Grebenshchikov

Aquarium Group

In 1972, the Aquarium group appeared in the USSR. It was created by a group of like-minded people who love rock and dream of saying the most important things through their lyrics. The main inspirers were Boris Grebenshchikov and Anatoly Gunitsky. Eight years after their quiet start, the group wasofficially banned, and Grebenshchikov expelled from the party. The team goes deep underground and performs only for a close circle of fans. Who would have thought that in a few decades the Aquarium group and its soloist would become cult characters of the Russian rock scene. And the genius of Russian rock himself will decide that he wants to become not only a poet, prose writer, singer, philosopher, but also that he needs his own air on the radio. Grebenshchikov's program "Aerostat" today airs with enviable regularity on the FM waves of his native country.

Boris Grebenshchikov

The future rock legend of Russia was born in Leningrad in November 1953, in the family of the director of the shipping company "B altic" and a lawyer. Boris received a good education, but due to his passion for rock music, he was expelled from the party and devoted himself entirely to his passion.

Boris Grebenshchikov Aerostat
Boris Grebenshchikov Aerostat

The texts of Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group were and remain sharp and topical. The only difference is that in the USSR such attempts to criticize the authorities were nipped in the bud, today this rock and its performer have gone beyond underground apartments, have their fans in the circles of the country's leadership and can exist without worrying about tomorrow.

Boris Grebenshchikov is a versatile personality, so it is not surprising that, having accumulated certain knowledge and experience, he decided to establish his own radio program and share it with connoisseurs of rock culture.

Boris Grebenshchikov: Radio Aerostat

The idea of educating your listener in a musician has been spinning in my head for a long time, but in the Soviet period it was a prioriimpossible, but already with the beginning of a new era and after becoming the favorites of the "thinking" public, the old idea of the father of Russian rock and roll became possible.

Grebenshchikov Radio Aerostat
Grebenshchikov Radio Aerostat

In 2005, the author's program of the leader of the Aquarium group began to appear on the channels "Radio Russia" and "Culture". "Aerostat" Grebenshchikov immediately became a program not for everyone. The presentation style of the presenter, and the topics are highly intellectual. The author touches on many non-trivial topics that are not always clear to the mass listener. Each radio broadcast with Boris is a kind of epic or an excursion into the history of music, where topics are covered that are not only related to Aquarium's contemporaries, but interesting lectures are held about people who formed the musical styles of different countries. The program is very informative and diluted with good music. The compositions, tastefully selected by the author himself, is what distinguishes Grebenshchikov's "Aerostat" from many cultural and educational programs.

This year the program celebrated its tenth anniversary, the author and part-time host continues to attract new listeners, creating interesting programs. Today, 530 episodes of the Aerostat program have been released. Grebenshchikov is deservedly called a philosopher and an intellectual, because with the scrupulousness of a scientist he analyzes every little thing and detail that interests him.

Grebenshchikov Aerostat program
Grebenshchikov Aerostat program

English, Indian and American music is a separate "story" in a radio monologue called "Aerostat" by Grebenshchikov. The author talks with such love about the world-famousjazz and rock performers, that every caring listener absorbs every word with fascination.

Fan Reviews

Everyone who is trying to join the national and world musical culture should add Grebenshchikov's "Aerostat" to the list of obligatory material for acquaintance. The layer of knowledge of the presenter is inexhaustible, it is undoubtedly interesting to listen to him, but, as usual, there is one “but”. It is necessary to feel this music and listen to the author's monologue. In order to plunge into this culture and understand who Boris Grebenshchikov is, Aerostat must be “tasted” without fail, but you should not listen to its program between times and in a hurry.
