Director Vladimir Fetin. Films by Vladimir Fetin

Director Vladimir Fetin. Films by Vladimir Fetin
Director Vladimir Fetin. Films by Vladimir Fetin

Vladimir Fetin - Soviet director, creator of the famous comedy "Striped Flight". He made a few films, but each of them fell in love with the audience.

vladimir fetin
vladimir fetin


The future filmmaker was born in 1925. Fetin's ancestors were German nobles, hence the surname - Fitinghoff, which later had to be replaced with Feting, and then, just before the release of the legendary "Striped Flight" and completely Russified, removing the last letter.

The biography of Vladimir Fetin includes years of work as a draftsman in a design bureau. The director also worked for some time at the plant as a master of technological equipment. Fetin entered the Institute of Cinematography in 1955. He began his career by creating plots for the Wick program, but already in the year of graduation from VGIK, he made his directorial debut. It was a film adaptation of the work of Mikhail Sholokhov"Foal".

In 1964, director Vladimir Fetin, whose biography is interesting to many admirers of Soviet cinema, again turned to the work of the Soviet prose writer. This time he filmed "The Don Story". While working on the film, the director met actress Lyudmila Chursina, who later became his wife. They didn't have children. Vladimir Fetin lived all his life in Leningrad. Passed away in 1981.

Vladimir Fetin biography
Vladimir Fetin biography


Director Vladimir Fetin made his last film in 1981 - "Missing Among the Living". This film was released after his death. Fetin's other films:

  • "Virineya";
  • "Open Book";
  • "Taiga Tale";
  • "Sweet woman".

Striped Flight

Comedy Fetin in 1965 was watched by more than forty-five million Soviet viewers. In addition, Striped Flight won an award at the Kolkata International Film Festival.

How did the creation of one of the best Soviet comedies begin? From above, the authorities of Lenfilm were instructed to make a feature film with the participation of M. Nazarova's trained tigers. The circus artist played in the film by Vladimir Fetin a barmaid who suddenly discovers the talent of a trainer in herself. It makes no sense to retell the plot of the "Striped Flight" in more detail, because everyone knows it.

The authors of the comedy script are Viktor Konetsky and Alexander Kapler. ATThe film was played by Alexei Gribov, Evgeny Leonov, Vladimir Belokurov, Alisa Freindlich. Vasily Lanovoy, who played the episodic role of a young man who liked the swimming "team in striped swimsuits", was not listed in the credits.

director vldimir fetin biography
director vldimir fetin biography

Don story

The film-drama was filmed based on Sholokhov's works "The Mole", "Shibalkov's Seed". The main role in the film was played by Evgeny Leonov. Lyudmila Chursina, Boris Novikov, Alexei Gribov also played in the Don Story. This work was highly praised by critics, although it is not the best in the filmography of Vladimir Fetin. Evgeny Leonov received several prestigious awards for the role of Yakov Shibalok.


Lyudmila Chursina played a major role in Fetin's next film. In the film Virineya, the actress played the role of a simple village woman who is trying to find herself in a new life (the events of the Civil War are reflected in the film). The film is based on the story of the same name by Lidia Seifullina. The plot of the film can cause conflicting feelings among today's viewers, which cannot be said about the cast. Fetin in this work involved the most talented artists of the Soviet era: Anatoly Panov, Vyacheslav Innocent, Alexei Gribov.

film director vladimir fetin
film director vladimir fetin

Sweet woman

The director's wife also performed the main characters in films that appeared on the screen in the early seventies, namely: "Love Yarovaya","Open book". And three years after the premiere of the film adaptation of Kaverin's work of the same name ("Open Book"), Soviet viewers watched the new work of Vladimir Fetin. It was a melodrama based on the book "Sweet Woman" by Irina Velembovskaya. Initially, Fetin approved Chursina for the main role, and the director started shooting this picture solely for her sake. But for unknown reasons, the actress refused.

The main character in the film "Sweet Woman" was played by Natalia Gundareva. Then the aspiring actress managed to create on the screen the image of a stupid, empty and self-serving woman. For Gundareva, this role was the first serious work in the cinema, although initially she even refused screen tests in Fetin's film. The main male role in the film was played by Oleg Yankovsky. The film also starred Pyotr Velyaminov, Rimma Markova, Fyodor Nikitin.
