David Fincher's films are an example of box office success

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David Fincher's films are an example of box office success
David Fincher's films are an example of box office success

Video: David Fincher's films are an example of box office success

Video: David Fincher's films are an example of box office success
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Famous American director David Fincher was born on August 28, 1962 in Denver, Colorado. Even as a child, David became interested in cinema, disappeared all day in the nearest cinema and did not miss a single film. And when, at the age of eight, he watched the western "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", he was long under the impression of what was happening on the silver screen.

Father, noticing his son's passion, gave him an 8mm movie camera so that the child could realize his craving for creativity. David quickly mastered the simple apparatus and began to shoot his own films. Adults liked David Fincher's first children's films, and some even predicted a great future for him.

david fincher movies
david fincher movies


As soon as Fincher turned 18, he immediately got a job at a film studio located nearby in order to be closer to cinema. David was hired as a stagehand, his duties included simple installation and dismantling of filming equipment and other equipment. The diligent young man soon became an indispensable participant in all creativeprocess on set.

When Star Wars, directed by George Lucas, was released in 1980, it was a shock to David. He watched and rewatched one series after another, and in the end decided to meet the director at all costs. To this end, Fincher took a job at a special effects factory owned by Lucas, and thus managed to indirectly participate in the production of the films "Indiana Jones" and "Return of the Jedi".

david fincher movies list
david fincher movies list


David's creative nature required activity, he wanted to somehow realize himself in cinema. In 1982, the future director found himself in the production of short films of an advertising nature. His innate ability to filmmaking manifested itself to the fullest precisely at the time when he received the first order for a commercial, and then several more. David Fincher's promotional films quickly became popular, with more applications.

The projects of the young director attracted with novelty of solutions, good plot content and professionalism. An important role was played by the terms of order execution: they were ultra-short. David Fincher instantly gained popularity as a talented short film director, with major companies such as Revlon, Nike, Levi's, and Coca-Cola lining up for him.

Two years later, David refocused his work, getting a job at the studio PropagandaFilms, where they created music videos for the most famous pop music performers. Fincher's first clients were the legendary Rolling Stones and Aerosmith, then George Michael turned to him. And when Madonna visited his studio with a request to create a double video for songs Bad Girl and Vogue, the young music video director felt really in demand.

Film debut

However, the production of music videos did not fully meet David's creative plans, he wanted to work in a big movie. But his film debut did not come until 1992, when Fincher was offered to direct Alien 3, the sequel to Ridley Scott's Alien and James Cameron's Aliens.

The debut did not take place in full, because the director had disagreements with the management of the 20th Century Fox studio, where the picture was shot. After shooting some of the material, Fincher left the set. The film was finished, but it was not successful and barely managed to avoid a box office failure.

best david fincher movies
best david fincher movies


Director David Fincher's finest hour came in 1995 when he received an invitation to take the director's chair on the set of the psychological thriller Seven. The thirty-three-year-old director directed the film from start to finish. The picture was a triumph, unconditional and complete, the box office more than ten times exceeded the budget. And this despite the fact that Fincher did not bother with a happy ending, without which noone American western or detective. There was simply no happy ending, but there was a great directorial work. Many of David Fincher's films are built in a similar way: the director does not seek to embellish the finale of the film. Nevertheless, the degree of reliability in his works is very high.

David Fincher's best films: list

After the triumphant film "Seven", the doors of all Hollywood film studios were opened to the talented director. Over the following years, the following films were made:

  • "Game" - 1997.
  • "Fight Club" - 1999.
  • "Panic Room" - 2002.
  • "Zodiac" - 2007.
  • "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - 2008.
  • "Social network" - 2010.
  • "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - 2011.
  • "Disappeared" - 2014.

These are not all David Fincher's films, the list could be continued, as the director, like any creative person, has more successful and less successful works.

films directed by david fincher
films directed by david fincher

Special staging style

The films directed by David Fincher are currently the highest-grossing film projects. The secret of their success lies in that special manner of staging, which, on the one hand, intrigues with its unpredictability, and on the other hand, enables the viewer to predict the further development of events. Balancing between these two criteria, the director is inconstant dialogue with the audience. The films of David Fincher are perceived ambiguously and cause controversy, but one thing is clear: every viewer finds something in the film for himself.
