Polina Agureeva - biography, personal life, creativity

Polina Agureeva - biography, personal life, creativity
Polina Agureeva - biography, personal life, creativity

Polina Agureeva is a young film actress with a small filmography. But many famous Russian artists are already jealous of her popularity. And all because each of her roles is a standard of mastery of acting reincarnation. She does not play - her heroines live on the stage or on the movie screen absolutely fully. Such a unique work could not go unnoticed by either ordinary moviegoers or experts in the field of cinematography. So, the subject of our conversation is the biography of Polina Agureeva.

Polina Agureeva
Polina Agureeva

Childhood and school years

Agureeva Polina Vladimirovna was born in Volgograd on September 9, 1976, but almost immediately after this event, her family moved from the regional center to the village of Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region, where Polina spent her early childhood.

In 1983, she moved to Moscow with her parents, younger brother and sister. Polina's teachers and classmatesspeak of her school years in different ways: on the one hand, the girl was a quiet "bookish" child, on the other hand, she was always very active in public life (for some time she even led the school's pioneer squad). But no one ever doubted that Polina would certainly become an artist.

No one doubted her talent

Polina Agureeva personal life
Polina Agureeva personal life

The girl's acting talent began to manifest itself in her school years. Starting from elementary grades, almost all school performances were held with her participation. The provincial spontaneity that she did not lose in the capital, combined with her innate acting talent, already then fascinated both teachers and peers.

In high school, the girl was already purposefully preparing to enter GITIS, where, after graduating from school, she entered on the first attempt - Pyotr Fomenko immediately saw the future star and took her to his studio.

Agureeva Polina - theater actress

Fomenko did not fail - his student was already a well-established artist, whose talent had only to be slightly polished. The debut for Polina was a small role in the student production of "Barbara" (1997), with which the aspiring actress coped brilliantly. Very soon she was given the first major role in her creative career in the "big" theater - the play "One absolutely happy village." This role opened up a new rising star to the theatrical world. And the production itself, primarily due to the outstanding performance of Agureeva, was recognized as the best performance."Fomenko Workshop" repertoire of 1997 and the highlight of the theatrical repertoire for several seasons in a row.

biography of Polina Agureeva
biography of Polina Agureeva

Awards found their heroine

The talent of the rising star did not go unnoticed by theater critics and experts: at the end of 1997, Polina Agureeva was awarded the Grand Prix of the Moscow Debuts theater festival. This was only the first of Agureeva's theatrical and "cinema" awards that followed:

  • Chaika-2000 and Triumph-2000 awards.
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation 2001.
  • Prize of the festival "Kinotavr" 2004.
  • Small golden lion of the 2006 Venice Film Forum.
  • 2014 Golden Eagle Award.

The first years of her creative career Agureeva devoted exclusively to the theater - she was involved in several productions of the Fomenko Workshop. However, despite her incredible employment in her native theater, the young actress gladly accepted Oleg Menshov's offer to take part in the production of his entreprise "Woe from Wit". She did not refuse the director of the Parisian theater Nevezhina, playing in her production of the play by the English playwright Tom Stoppard.

Polina Agureeva: films

In the movie, Polina Agureeva made her debut in 2000, when she was offered to play the role of the servant Liza, "familiar" for her in the theater, in the film "Woe from Wit". Well, her recognition as the most talented film actress brought the reincarnation of Lyalya Telepneva in the film by Sergei Ursulyak "The Long Goodbye" (2004).

Short oblivion

Polina Agureeva personal life
Polina Agureeva personal life

Despite the huge success of "The Long Goodbye" and the instant audience popularity, two years after that no one offered Polina new film roles. This was partly due to her pregnancy (in 2005 she gave birth to a son). And only in 2006, Ivan Vyrypaev invited Agureeva to play the main role in the lyrical film drama Euphoria. The film turned out amazing (it was noted by experts at many film festivals). But Polina again fell out of the cage of film actors for two years, only this time through her own fault - she did not have a soul for what she was offered at that time. In addition, she loved the theater with all her heart and was not ready to exchange the stage for the "cheap" popularity of the "soap-opera" film artist.

The breakthrough in her career happened in 2007 when she agreed to play the singer Tonya Tsarko in Sergei Ursulyak's series Liquidation. After the release of this film on television, offers fell on Polina one after another. In less than four years, she starred in five films:

  • the image of Anna in the series "Isaev" (2009);
  • the role of the maid in the movie "It's OK, Mom!" (2010);
  • Anninka's image in the painting "Golovlevs" (2010);
  • Katya's role in the film "Which Was Not" (2010);
  • the image of Evgenia Shaposhnikova in the film "Life and Fate".

Film critics noted that each of these images of a young talent can be considered a real masterpiece,deserving of the highest marks. Polina surprisingly combines lyrical trepidation and spontaneity with pronounced sexuality. It's impossible not to fall in love with such a woman.

Agureyeva's vocal data

In addition to excellent acting skills, film critics note the talented performance of Agureeva's romances. The songs that she independently performed in the series "Liquidation" and "Isaev" are now an integral part of her theatrical concerts and creative meetings with the audience. The already touching and lyrical romances performed by Polina sound so tender and sincere that many listeners have tears in their eyes.

polina agureeva actress
polina agureeva actress

Polina Agureeva: personal life

In this area, the biography of Polina Agureeva has not developed as well as she would like. The marriage with director Ivan Vyrypaev (with whom they got along during the filming of "Euphoria") was short-lived. 4 years of continuous struggle between personal life and creative plans of both spouses ended in divorce in 2007. Ivan Vyrypaev and Polina Agureeva could not combine family and work. Even the birth of Petya's son in 2005 did not help save this patriarchal (as the artist herself calls it) marriage. The divorce was peaceful: as Polina says, smart people will not throw at each otherstones.

Ivan Vyrypaev and Polina Agureeva
Ivan Vyrypaev and Polina Agureeva

Speaking about her personal life after marriage, Agureeva honestly admits that she can be safely called a "mom-fan" - she spends all her free time from rehearsals, performances and filming with her son. Together they read, sing, play computer games, roller-skate. Her mother, brother, sister, as well as a nanny help raise the baby to the actress. Remarriage is not yet included in the artist's life plans.

Agureyeva is a big fan of Soviet and Russian military films, which she is ready to watch continuously all day long. From foreign cinema, she likes the works of such masters as Fellini, Bertolucci, Almodovar, Blier and Kusturica. When asked about her musical preferences, she shyly said that she did not like modern pop at all. Polina prefers to listen to classical masterpieces: works by Mozart, Saint-Saens and Shostakovich.
