Historical novels. Love stories come to life in touching films

Historical novels. Love stories come to life in touching films
Historical novels. Love stories come to life in touching films

Historical romance novels can be safely attributed to a separate genre of cinema. And today we will talk about the best works of this kind, which resonated in the hearts of thousands and even millions of viewers around the world.

historical romance novels
historical romance novels

The Glass Virgin (1995)

The main character, Anabella, has always imagined herself in the future as a rich and respected lady living in luxury. In the dreams of a girl, a refined and charming aristocrat became her husband, who requires only one thing from his chosen one - to always remain beautiful, blooming, graceful and delight the views of others. However, fate decrees otherwise. Anabella loses all her fortune and finds herself on the street, among the poor and the poor. All the knowledge that she possessed - how to dress in a particular case, what rules of etiquette should be observed in various companies - are useless here. And now, in order to survive, the heroine needs to learn how to earn money herself and not give up, despite any obstacles.

Wuthering Heights (2009)

Speaking of historical romance novels, it would be simply unacceptable to ignore this film. Events begin with a little backstory: many years ago, Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of the very Wuthering Heights estate, returned to his children (Hindley's son and Catherine's daughter) in the company of a ragged, impoverished gypsy boy. Hindley immediately disliked the new inhabitant of the estate, but his sister became friends with Heathcliff (as the gypsy was called). Catherine and Heathcliff were practically inseparable, and over time, their feelings were reborn into deeper ones. However, the lovers were not destined to become happy together. Having lost the love of his life, Heathcliff vows revenge on everyone who has ever hurt him. Sooner or later, Wuthering Heights itself will be in his hands, and the offspring of Hindley, Catherine, and Heathcliff himself will have to suffer for the mistakes made by their parents.

best historical romance novels
best historical romance novels

Jane Eyre (2011)

Historical romance novels based on the plots of books by the writer Charlotte Bronte are popular among representatives of different generations. And the story of Jane Eyre is one of the most striking examples. Jane is an orphan who lived for 8 years in a boarding school for poor girls. The girl manages to get a job as a governess in Thornfield - the patrimony of Edward Rochester. In his native land, the owner rarely appears, and Jane herself must at this time look after 8-year-old Adele Varans, who is a pupil of an aristocrat. The romantic story itself begins at the moment when, after a longabsence, Rochester returns…

The Leper (1976)

Interesting in plot and rather unusual historical romance novels by Polish authors. "The Leper" is a famous work of director Jerzy Hoffmann. Despite the fact that the film cannot be called a new one, it still remains a favorite for many. The main character of Hoffmann is Stefania Rudetskaya, a young poor noblewoman who is teaching the girl Lucia, the heiress of the noble Popovsky family. In the heart of Stephanie, love for Valdemar Mihorovsky, the grandson of the owner of the estate Maciej, is born. Many years ago, Maciej himself was in love with Stefania's grandmother, but he was forced to part with her - class inequality became an obstacle to happiness. Valdemar, as if repeating the story of his grandfather, falls in love with Stefania, but, unlike his ancestor, risks challenging the high society and declares the girl his bride. However, not everything is so simple - the Mirokhovsky family is against this marriage.

Northanger Abbey (2007)

Speaking of the best historical romance novels filmed at different times, this amazing film is worth noting. The main character, a girl named Catherine Morland, goes to a resort in Bath with her aunt. The young lady hopes to experience the same adventures there as the characters in her favorite gothic novels. Katherine meets Henry Tilney, the son of a once we althy general who squandered his entire fortune due to gambling addiction. General Tilney himself is misinformed and he, considering Katherine a promising bride, invites her to his place. However, the truth quicklyfloats to the surface. Upon learning that the girl herself is from a poor family, Tilney Sr. is furious. However, Henry and Katherine have already fallen irrevocably in love with each other.

historical romance novels movies
historical romance novels movies

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)

This piece by Justin Chadwick deserves to be the end of our article on historical romance novels. Films dedicated to the fate of Mary and Anne Boleyn were shot before. However, it was Chadwick who managed to make this story especially sensual, to allow the audience to be imbued with every experience of the characters. Driven by their family's ambitions, both sisters fight for the favor of the monarch Henry VIII. But, despite the fact that the bed with Henry will have to be shared by both of them, only one is destined to ascend the throne for a short reign.
