2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
There is a saying that readers will always lead those who sit in front of the TV. Therefore, in this article, we bring to your attention 10 books that everyone should read.
Today there are many lists of "fiction for educated people" and other readers on the net today. However, in today's world, you have to first create yourself, secure financially, and only then enjoy life.
Our selection concerns only one facet of personality - maximum self-realization.
Read on and you will meet the best authors in the field.
Dale Carnegie
We start our selection with one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century. Without a doubt, his work is one of the 10 books every psychologist should read.
This Americanprobably made a contribution to society equivalent to the invention of electricity.
It's about Dale Carnegie. This is a speaker, teacher, motivator and writer. He saw the goal as the creation of a convenient system of practical knowledge from the academic theory of his time. The main principle of this man was the following statement: "There are no bad people, there are just unpleasant circumstances in which they sometimes find themselves. But this does not mean at all that you need to spoil the life of other members of society."

The author's most famous work is How to Win Friends and Influence People. Without a doubt, it is included in the list of 10 books that everyone should read. Let's talk about her in more detail.
The guide consists of a series of quotes from successful, we althy and powerful people, most of whom were contemporary with Dale Carnegie. In particular, practically his namesake Andrew, in those years already had a millionth fortune.
If you try to analyze the book, it becomes obvious that it is divided into four parts. In the first, the reader receives advice on how to win over the interlocutor. That is, we get to know each other, strike up a conversation and become friends.
The second part teaches the basics of communication. After reading it, you will be armed with the basics of persuading people to your point of view.
From the third point, the reader will understand how you can quietly put your thoughts into the head of another person. That is, from this material you will learn not to offend the interlocutor when you influence his opinion.
And finallyThe author gives a lot of practical advice on how to make a marriage happier. Since a family is also a process of communication between two people, Dale Carnegie's advice will fit perfectly here.
Robert Kiyosaki
Continues our selection of 10 books every American businessman should read. He is a fourth-generation Japanese by origin. Born to a Ph. D. and the Minister of Education of the State of Hawaii.
Subsequently, in his books, Robert mentions his biological father as "poor dad", from whom he learned universal human values and principles.

He received a completely different education from "rich dad", the father of his friend Mike.
Thus, in the first of twenty-five books, the author talks about the path of becoming based on his personal biography. We go through childhood, the army together with him and take the first steps towards millions. Robert Kiyosaki survived two bankruptcies, created and lost companies. But in the end, this man became a multimillionaire who today teaches people around the world.
For a better process of assimilation of the material, he invented the board and electronic version of the game "Cash Flow", also called the "rat race". It is the foundation of entrepreneurial knowledge. If you read Kiyosaki's books, it will help you learn how to put them into practice in the most painless way.
Thus, the 10 books that every person who wants to be successful should read are: "Rich Dad …", "A Guide toinvestment” and other works of the American multimillionaire.
Jim Rohn
The next author we'll talk about is Jim Rohn. In fact, this is our contemporary. He was a powerful speaker, practitioner, business coach and motivator. He has received several honorary awards from the US National Speakers Association.

Today there is a company created by Jim Rohn. She provides consultations, trainings and seminars in the field of career building, psychology of motivation, effective sales management and personal development.
During his long life, Jim Rohn managed to personally speak to an audience of about five million people in total.
His "Vitamins for the Mind" and "The Seasons of Life" are among the 10 books everyone should read, from teenagers to older generations.
In his works, Jim Rohn tells in simple words and shows with examples from everyday life how to achieve heights in any business. The best aphorisms of the author were subsequently published as a separate book called "Treasury of Wisdom".
So, in The Seasons of Life, he compares one man's financial year to the natural cycle that guides the peasant. Thus, if now you have a “winter” in terms of well-being, that is, there is a certain deficit of something, you should heed the advice of this wise person.
In the spring, a peasant goes out into the field. First, he plows it, prepares it for sowing. Then he sowsseeds. In summer, he takes care of the seedlings, protecting them from birds and weeds. If everything is done correctly, then with the advent of autumn there will be a bountiful harvest. And as a result, the coming winter will be a period of well-deserved rest, we alth and planning.
Dramatically different from a year ago, isn't it?
Brian Tracy
The 10 books every educated person should read includes some of Brian Tracy's work. This man is seventy-one years old today. He was born and raised in a poor American family.

Due to lack of finances, the boy had to leave his school education unfinished and start working. At first, he got a job as a laborer on a liner and visited eighty countries in five years. However, after I came to the idea that you need to live your own life.
Abandoning swimming, Brian gets a job in sales and two years later, at twenty-five, becomes vice president of a small company. In the early eighties, he comes up with a personal system for achieving goals and creating a successful life called the Phoenix Seminar.
Subsequently, Brian improved it, and in 1985 the "Psychology of Achievement" was published - a special course of motivational lectures and seminars.
Currently, Tracy is the author of over sixty books and audio courses. In 2008, he created his own company and is now engaged in education and training. Its clients include more than three hundred and fifty prominent global companies.
"Leave your disgust and eat a frog" andMillion Dollar Habits are his two most famous books. In them, Brian Tracy gives practical advice on time management, planning, personal growth and achieving goals.
Kelly McGonigal
The 10 books every educated person should read without a doubt include the work of Stanford University professor, psychologist and Ph. D. Kelly McGonigal.
She has been working on stress, personal effectiveness and willpower for many years. For achievements in this area, the girl was awarded the highest award for teachers at the university.
The following is one of the 10 books every man should read. It does not teach how to build athletic muscles or become a master of martial arts. The advice of this fragile-looking woman will give you much more. After reading the book, everyone will be able to develop unprecedented willpower.
You will be surprised, but to improve this quality is officially taught at Stanford University. Moreover, the course is personally taught by Kelly McGonigal. And the book "Willpower" is a summary of the best materials on this topic.
So, the girl proved that this skill can be trained just like any other. After many years of research, as well as studying the experience of the luminaries of science, she published amazing results.
Kelly McGonigal in the book claims that willpower is equivalent to any muscle. The more we train her, the stronger she will become. In addition, the principle is proved that proper rest helps to strengthen this quality. Also in the book arepractical recommendations and exercises for “pumping up” willpower.
David Allen
Without a doubt, the works of this cheerful and wise man are among the 10 books that everyone under 30 should read. After all, until you learn how to organize, plan and easily achieve goals, nothing will work out.

So, David Allen started his career by saying that when a person memorizes a to-do list, he blocks the brain. Thinking is designed for only one task, so only written goals can be realized. They no longer need to be remembered, so consciousness can begin to incarnate.
In Getting Things in Order, the author makes recommendations for organizing the process exclusively in the work environment. Even before the translation into Russian, this work became a bestseller among domestic managers.
After reading this book, you will master the art of a workaholic who gets indescribable pleasure from the process. You will learn how to work, achieve goals and enjoy it.
Timothy Ferris
Next, we'll talk about the thirty-seven-year-old rich man, the nouveau riche. He became famous for his "Four-Hour Workweek", which was included in the list of 10 books that everyone should read by the age of 27.
After reading this work, you will find the beginning of irreversible and pleasant changes. The information in the book will teach you how to delegate tasks, develop strategic vision and leadership skills.
Due to its popularity in the blogging industry, Timothy Ferris' websiteinstantly hit the top thousand according to Technorati. Today, this writer teaches seminars and is considered a productivity classic.
Furris is also a successful business angel, investor and mentor.
Stephen Covey
Continuing our selection, it's worth talking about Stephen Covey. His 7 Habits of Effective People is one of the 10 books every man should read by the Times.

Its author has received several awards in his life. For fatherhood, services to humanity, special achievements in business leadership, for contribution to peace.
In addition, Stephen Covey was one of the twenty-five most influential Americans.
The books of this person are offered in our list. All of them are about management, as this American believed that until you take the liberty of managing your life on your own, it will be done for you.
Robin Sharma
The Monk Who Sold the Ferrari is definitely one of the 10 books everyone should read. This is the quintessence of the life experience and experiences of the young Robin Sharma.
He became a successful and we althy lawyer, but "there was a void in his soul." As a result, the young man leaves the practice and becomes interested in Eastern philosophy.
His first book is coming soon, bringing together the wisdom of the ancient Taoists and Zen Buddhists, as well as modern Western techniques for personal effectiveness and efficiency.
Subsequently, his research resulted ina series of books. The most famous of them, in addition to the above, are: "Who will cry when you die?" and "Super Life!".
And the main idea, which is expressed in all his trainings, is the following statement: "It's never too late to become yourself and succeed."
Richard Branson
Finally, we should talk about the greatest "eternal virgin", the founder and owner of the corporation "Virgin Group". This man set several world records, led to the fame of several world-class stars (for example, the Sex Pistols), acted in films and today is engaged in the delivery of tourists to earth orbit.

"To hell with everything!" Richard Branson is without a doubt one of the 10 books every businessman should read. It reflects the entire life experience of the sixty-year-old British billionaire, the founder of more than four hundred diversified companies, most of which still exist today.
In addition, this work is one of the 10 books that every teenager should read. Not without reason, the hallmark of the Branson Corporation is the word "virgin".
Read the book and you will understand that you don't have to be a "shark" in order to achieve billions of dollars. A burning desire to achieve the goal and live a full life is enough. And the slightest doubt is unearned millions and unfulfilled dreams.
If you carefully read his book, you can not only get acquainted with the formation of this extravagant man-show. The main asset of a thoughtful student will be the thoughts of Richard Branson, in which he expresses his personal attitude to life, shows his philosophy of the winner.
Thus, in this article we have made a selection of the best authors whose books will help anyone to succeed in life. If you read even a small part of these recommendations and immediately apply them to your own experience, in less than a year you will reach such heights that you used to fear and dream about.
Good luck to you, dear friends! Set goals and achieve them, live to the fullest!
10 books to read: list of the most read books

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