Primitivism in painting: children's fantasies in adult performance

Primitivism in painting: children's fantasies in adult performance
Primitivism in painting: children's fantasies in adult performance

The style of primitivism in painting has found wide application. First of all, self-taught artists who did not have sufficient professional skills, but sought to show themselves and their vision of the world, became representatives of this trend. Like any other innovation, primitivism caused a great public outcry. Artists who achieved fame for many years after their studies were dissatisfied with the new direction of painting, which did not take half of the life of the creators to polish their artistic skills. However, most art historians liked simple masterpieces, and primitivism nevertheless took its place in a huge variety of styles.

Features of primitivism

Primitivism in painting is characterized by simplification of images: artists distort the world around them, making the paintings more like ordinary children's drawings. However, the changes were made intentionally: through the illusion of simplicity and carelessness, the deep meaning of the work is visible. As in all other artistic styles, details are important in primitivism - they carry the main semantic load.

Art brut

Art brut is an important branch of primitivism. Synonymous with definitionis the term "outsider art." The works of this industry represent the world of the mentally ill or freaks who once moved away from society and plunged into a special reality. An important feature of art brut is the complete absence of clear boundaries between the artist's fantasies and real life. The abundance of small details suggests the thoughtlessness of life and the vain haste of the modern world - this is one of the most common messages of art brut.

primitivism in painting
primitivism in painting

The opinion that no idea is hidden behind the naivety of images is wrong. Artists saturate primitivism in painting not with the surroundings, but with the inner state of the soul. It can be noticed only after careful consideration and analysis of the depicted details - a cursory glance is inappropriate here.

How to learn to correctly identify primitivism in painting

Primitivism does not exist without the naivety and spontaneous inspiration of the author. A person who encounters such stories for the first time experiences a feeling similar to nostalgia. Children's vision of the world lies in broken proportions, bright and saturated colors, deep moral overtones. A man in primitivism looks more like a doll than a real character - this adds to his mystery.

modern painting primitivism
modern painting primitivism

The ability to pay attention to details and interpret them correctly is a real talent. When determining the artistic style, it will not be superfluous. You can learn to understand the artist yourself. To do this, remember a fewimportant criteria, noticing which it will be easy to distinguish works of primitivism from surrealism.

First, pure colors. The abundance of tones and semitones, chiaroscuro, depth of space - this is not primitivism. Naive art uses pure pastel colors or, on the contrary, overly bright shades. Secondly, broken proportions. If the picture resembles stylized illustrations for a science fiction book, then this is primitivism. Thirdly, mixing reality with fantasy ideas - primitivism in painting combines a calm landscape and too catchy colors, a person and incredible creatures.

primitivism style in painting
primitivism style in painting

Bright representatives of the primitivism style

Modern art is full of not only abstractionists and surrealists. Primitivism opened the way for many talented creators whose work had not previously been recognized. Among them are Babushka Mozes, Henri Rousseau, Niko Pirosmani, Maria Primachenko, Alena Azernaya and many others. Paintings by the most famous primitive artists are kept at the Museum of Naïve Art in Nice.

primitivism in painting artists
primitivism in painting artists

World of childhood

Primitivism in painting occupies a special place. First of all, this is due to the unique ability of artists to immerse a person in the world of carelessness, naivety and spiritual purity. Despite the lack of art education among many primitivists, the paintings are filled with what most other areas lack so much: mood. Art lovers understand and appreciate this, which is why works in the genre of primitivismare so popular.
