Sukhanov Alexander: biography and creativity

Sukhanov Alexander: biography and creativity
Sukhanov Alexander: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Alexander Sukhanov is. His biography will be discussed below. Our hero (born May 25, 1952) is a native of the city of Saratov. He grew up on the banks of the Volga and, of course, adds glory to his native land. The future celebrity of the entire Soviet Union and Russia from the very youth set an example for her peers: Alexander, being a truly gifted young man, managed not only to study impeccably at a school with a mathematical bias, but also graduated with honors from a music school in the violin class. From school days he was successful in the natural sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, but even then a talented student was drawn to creativity.


Alexander Sukhanov biography
Alexander Sukhanov biography

At the age of 17, Alexander Sukhanov writes his first song "The Stork Flies into the Clouds", which in the future will win the hearts of thousands of fans of the author's song genre. At the same time, he made his way to the All-Union Mathematical Olympiad, thanks to the results of which he wasit was proposed to study at once in the two best universities of the USSR: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State University. Sukhanov preferred Lomonosov University and entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. In his student days, the lyricist not only amazed the professors with his intelligence and talent as a mathematician, but also continued to write poetry, select melodies for them and even record songs for the works of such great poets as Pushkin, Khayyam, Verlaine, Rubtsov and Marshak. In addition, at this time Alexander Sukhanov leads the symphony orchestra of his educational institution. Surprisingly, the guitar, thanks to which the biography of this person is so interesting to all of us, fell into the hands of the bard in his student years. From childhood, he masterfully owned the violin, piano, accordion, but the love for guitar strings came later. Alexander Sukhanov graduated from Moscow State University with honors, and later defended his work for a Ph. D. All his life, in parallel with the work of the writer and composer, Sukhanov has been working as a mathematician, teaching first at one of the higher military schools, and then at his native university, where, already being a senior researcher, he receives a doctoral degree.


Alexander Sukhanov became famous at the age of 24 after performing at the Moscow Amateur Song Club. Later, he continues to play with concerts throughout the country, looking into its most remote corners, traveling with loved ones around Europe and North America. Alexander received a number of awards, including the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize and the prize of the Grushinsky Festival. In 2005, the composer deservedly received the title of "Honorary Citizen of Saratov" from his native city. Since the 80s, Sukhanov has been recording his own records, which were replaced by audio cassettes in the 90s and CDs in the 2000s. To this day, Alexander Sukhanov pleases fans of his work. His songs in 2015 are recorded performed by V. S. Berkovsky as part of the album "Russian Bards", and most recently, the composition that was once sung by heart throughout the union - "Green Carriage", sounded as a musical screensaver in one of the South Korean films.


Alexander Sukhanov songs
Alexander Sukhanov songs

The author of more than 150 songs still lives and works as a mathematician in Moscow. In one of his interviews, Alexander Sukhanov admitted that he most of all appreciates the work of B. Okudzhava and V. Egorov. In his free time, the poet enjoys table tennis.

Private life

Sukhanov Alexander
Sukhanov Alexander

Sukhanov Alexander is married to Liza Sukhanova, a former student of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. They met as graduate students of the country's main university. Together they raised 4 children: two girls from the first marriage of Alexander and daughter Liza. For admirers of his work, it is a great joy to see him now on television and radio broadcasts: the songs of our hero are the pride of the entire bard culture of the USSR and Russia.
