Register in music is The meaning and definition of the word

Register in music is The meaning and definition of the word
Register in music is The meaning and definition of the word

Register in music is, first of all, a series of sounds of a singing voice. It can also be a section of the range of any musical instruments. This is a short definition of register in music. And what is the meaning of this word? And how to explain the topic "Registers in music" at the solfeggio lesson?

Meaning of the word

The word "register" in late Latin (registrum) means "list, list". From Latin (regestum) - it is "inscribed, brought in".

Register in music is a segment of the range of any instrument or singing voice. It is characterized by one timbre.

In singing, this is the volume of the voice (there is lower, middle, upper). In the organ, these are special devices, thanks to which you can change sounds in different ways (both weaken and strengthen).

Reg. Definition in music

register in music
register in music

Used in various senses. Firstly, it is a series of sounds of a singing voice. Secondly, these are segments of the range of any musical instruments. And thirdly, these are devicesused on some instruments.

We should elaborate on each one.

  1. Considering the register as a sequence of sounds of the human (singing) voice, we must take into account that they are sung in the same way. From this it follows that they have the same timbre. For each person, the share of participation of the head and chest cavities may be different, so there are head, thoracic and mixed registers. Some voices can reproduce the sounds of the so-called falsetto register. Often this is possible for male voices, especially tenors. Singers, when moving from one register to another, may experience certain difficulties with sound production. This mainly happens with those whose voice is not delivered or does not have sufficient sound power. To achieve a high-quality result and smoothly move from one register to another, you need to try to follow the most even sound of your voice throughout the entire range.
  2. As for the second meaning, the register in music is the same segments of the range of various musical instruments that coincide in timbre. But if you play a melody on the same instrument in different registers, then the timbre of the sound will differ significantly.
  3. To change the timbre and strength of the sound, special devices and devices are used. So, for example, to change the sound on the harpsichord, a string is plucked closer to the peg or a set of strings is replaced.

How to explain the topic "Registers in music" at the solfeggio lesson?

registerdefinition in music
registerdefinition in music

To make the topic "Registers in Music" understandable for children, the teacher needs to think it over in advance and carefully prepare for it. First of all, it is necessary to prepare visual aids and handouts. It can be cards with a bear and a bird. They need to be made as many as there are children in the class.

registers in music for children
registers in music for children

You can start the lesson by checking your homework. Then sing chants and exercises with the guys. After that, you can start presenting a new topic. Distribute prepared cards. Play the plays "Sparrow" by Rubbach and "The Bear" by Rebikov and ask to raise cards with the character depicted by the music. After that, it must be said that the play "Bear" is written in lower case, and "Sparrow" - in high. There is also an average. In this register we sing our songs. Then the teacher gives the children red and blue pencils, cards with a drawn bear and a bird, and says that he will play sounds on the piano, and the students must determine which register it is. When high sounds sound, then children draw a blue circle in the basket to the birds, if low, then in the basket to the bear - red. You can play about 5-7 sounds. At the end of the lesson, you need to ask questions for consolidation, set marks for the lesson and determine homework.


So, a register in music is a series of sounds of a singing voice, a section of the range of any musical instruments, and also these are devices used on someinstruments.
