Nodar Revia: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Nodar Revia: biography, personal life, creativity, photo
Nodar Revia: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Nodar Revia was born in 1992 (March 18) in Moscow. The singer's height and weight are known - 178 cm at 72 kg. His zodiac sign is Pisces. Soon after the birth, the future performer went to Georgia with his mother. Even today he calls himself a "Moscow Georgian". In open sources, the double name Moscow-Tbilisi is indicated as his hometown.


Singer Nodar Revia
Singer Nodar Revia

Nodar Revia is the only child in the family. The boy spent his childhood near Tbilisi, outside the city, where his grandfather and grandmother lived. The mother of the future artist worked hard, and he still remembers how he was looking forward to her return.

Songs Nodar Revia performs all his conscious life from an early age. There is a known case when a boy at the age of three sang the hit Bamboleo Gipsy Kings, playing a toy guitar.


Nodar Revia - songs
Nodar Revia - songs

Already in childhood, Nodar Reviy showed an exceptional ear for music. About such features of the boy and his musical talent was actively discussed in the family. The teenager loved to sing everywhere, but most of all in transport. He sought audience acceptance even on trains and buses.

But an extraordinary talent also requires development, so the family decided that the young man should study vocals professionally. So the young man began attending singing lessons at the Palace of Pioneers of Georgia. People's Artist Tsitsino Tsitskishvili became its leader and vocal teacher.


Shortly after the start of training, Nodar Revia took the stage. First, he appeared at choral performances that took place at the Palace of Pioneers. Later he began to perform songs as part of a quartet. Quite a bit of time passed and the young man took up the solo performance of Georgian arias. At the age of 8, the boy performed for the first time in front of a full house of spectators on the stage of the Georgian Philharmonic Society.

Nodar Revia on "The Voice"
Nodar Revia on "The Voice"

At the age of 10 he moved to Moscow, where his father lived with his family. The singer recalls that at that time he practically did not speak Russian, but his father helped him learn. It also helped him communicate with peers. In addition, the future performer studied at a Russian school and read Russian-language literature.

The singer admits that his level of Russian language proficiency before entering the university could not be called perfect. He became a student at Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and entered the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities.

After moving to the Russian capital and until the age of 18, the talented young man spent almost no time on professional vocal studies. At the same time, he was a member of the choir of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Large-scale projects

Performed by Nodar Revia
Performed by Nodar Revia

At the age of eighteen, Nodar again took up what he loved - creativity - in earnest. He began performing at various venues: in restaurants and clubs in several cities. Currently, performing at events is the main, and perhaps the only way for this artist to earn money.

When the young man found out that the casting for participation in the Show No. 1 project, which was produced by Philip Kirkorov, had started in the Ukrainian capital, he immediately went to Kyiv and began to pass the selection. Nodar took second place and became the leader of a group called the Phantoms of the Opera. The artist also participated in the casting of the X-factor vocal show.

He was included in the list of top fifty contestants. After appearing in the Voice Channel One show, Nodar Revia gained real fame. He performed in the second season of the project. Revia did not get into the first season due to a combination of circumstances, then the recruitment ended immediately before the performance of the young artist. However, a year later he went to the casting again, and luck smiled at him.

The young man joined the vocal team of the singer Pelageya, he reached the quarterfinals and showed the audience his skills. Fans call Nodar a charismatic performer with outstanding vocal abilities. The combination of these qualities helped the singer become the favorite of many viewers.

One of the most popular songs performed by the young talent on the Voice project was the song Kiss, the original of which is familiar to fans of Tom Jones. Nodar Revia andGiorgi Melikishvili presented the composition "There" to the public. She is included in the repertoire of the singer Micah.

Also, the artist performed the work “Give me back the music” and the song of the Maroon 5 group called This love. At the same time, if you choose one work, the duet Nodar Revia and Melikishvili received the greatest response from the audience.

Private life

The singer lives in Moscow. He is active in creative activities, performs at weddings and corporate parties. However, after participating in the "Voice" he is sure that he will be able to go beyond the performance at small-town venues. Nodar did not have time to marry. In the ambitious plans of the young talent, active work and recording new songs are in the first place now.

In the near future he has concerts in Russian cities with the contestants of the show "Voice". To questions about further participation in various TV shows, Nodar usually answers that he considers himself a singer, not a showman, so he will be faithful to The Voice. Little is known about the artist's personal life. He prefers not to talk about it and turns all questions into a discussion of creative aspects.

It is known that he is not married. He spends his free time with friends, but the schedule is getting more and more busy. The singer also admits that he loves to read. Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is a self-confessed favorite book.

Interesting facts

Nodar Revia and Melikishvili
Nodar Revia and Melikishvili

Nodar admits that in his youth he actually lived in two cities at the same time, but his mentality was formed in Georgia. Moscow became the secondhome. Among the Georgians, he emphasized their best qualities: hospitality, dignity and wisdom. In Moscow, he learned to love work, the desire to continuously develop and think.

The performer admits that he does not consider himself an enviable groom, someone may consider him as such, while others consider him "the last number." During his school years, he was very fond of natural science, literature and history. The exact sciences were given to the boy with difficulty, in particular, geometry, algebra, chemistry and physics. The musician calls funk rock his favorite genre.

Nodar admits that he wants, first of all, to become famous in his native Georgia. The young man admits that he does not live according to the planned schedule and every day is different for him.
