Vysotsky's work. Vladimir Vysotsky: a short biography
Vysotsky's work. Vladimir Vysotsky: a short biography

Video: Vysotsky's work. Vladimir Vysotsky: a short biography

Video: Vysotsky's work. Vladimir Vysotsky: a short biography
Video: Soviet composers #2 - Ostrovsky, Tulikov, Ekimyan (English subtitles) 2024, September

Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich was born in Moscow in 1938, on January 25th. He died here on July 25, 1980. This talented person is an outstanding poet of the USSR, as well as an actor and singer, author of several works in prose, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (posthumously, since 1986). He also received the State Prize of the USSR (also posthumously, in 1987). The work of Vysotsky, his biography will be presented in this article.


As an actor, he participated in 30 films, including "Little Tragedies," The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "Vertical", "Master of the Taiga", "Short Meetings". Vladimir Semenovich was a member of the troupe, constantly performing in the Moscow theater of drama and comedy, located on Taganka. More Vysotsky's work will be discussed below.

The family of Vladimir Semenovich


His father is Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky(years of life - 1916-1997). This is a native of Kyiv, a veteran of the Second World War, a military signalman, a colonel. Nina Maksimovna (years of life - 1912-2003) - the mother of the poet, by profession she is a translator into Russian from German. Uncle Vladimir Semenovich - Alexei Vladimirovich (years of life - 1919-1977). This man is a writer, participated in the Second World War, was awarded three Orders of the Red Banner.

Where does the Vysotsky family come from?

Researchers currently agree that the place where the Vysotsky family came from can be considered the Grodno province, Pruzhany district, the town of Selets (now it is Belarus, Brest region). Probably, the surname was associated with the name of one of the settlements of the Brest region, the Kamenetsky district (Vysokoye town).

The childhood of the future artist

Vladimir spent his early childhood in a communal apartment in Moscow, located on 1st Meshchanskaya Street. In 1975, he writes about this period of his life, that families had only one toilet for 38 rooms at their disposal. In 1941-1943 he lived in the village of Vorontsovka in evacuation with his mother. This settlement was located 20 kilometers from the regional center - the city of Buzuluk, located in the Chkalov region (now Orenburg). In 1943, the future poet returned to 1st Meshchanskaya Street (which received the name "Prospect Mira" in 1957). In 1945 he went to the first class of one of the schools in Moscow.

In 1947, some time after the parents divorced, Vladimir Vysotsky, whose brief biography and work are presented in this article,moves to his father and his second wife (Vysotskaya-Likhalatova Evgenia Stepanovna). They lived in 1947-1949 in Germany, in the city of Eberswalde, where their father served. Here Vysotsky learned to play the piano. His life and work, however, took place mainly in Moscow.

He returned to the capital in 1949, in October, went here to the male school number 186, in the fifth grade. The Vysotsky family at that time lived in Bolshoy Karetny Lane, at house number 15 (now a memorial plaque can be seen on this building).

The beginning of an artistic career

Vysotsky since 1953 attended a drama circle in the Teacher's House, led by V. Bogomolov, an artist of the Moscow Art Theater. Vladimir graduated from school No. 186 in 1955 and, at the insistence of his relatives, entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, at the Faculty of Mechanics. He left after the first semester.


This decision was made on New Year's Eve (from 1955-31-12 to 1956-01-01). Together with Igor Kokhanovsky, a school friend, Vysotsky made drawings, without which they would not have been allowed to the session. The job was completed around 2:00 pm. But suddenly Vladimir got up and began to pour ink (the remains of brewed coffee - according to another version) on his drawing. He decided to study for a theater degree because he decided that mechanical engineering was not for him.

Studying at the Moscow Art Theater

Vladimir Semenovich from 1956 to 1960 was a student at the Moscow Art Theater, acting department. He studied with Vershilov, after which with Komissarov and Massalsky. Vysotsky met in his first year with Iza Zhukova. On this girlin the spring of 1960 he married.

First theater work

The first work in the theater was marked by 1959 (the role of Porfiry Petrovich in a play called "Crime and Punishment"). At the same time, Vysotsky received his first episodic role in the cinema (student Petya in the film "Peers"). The first mention of it in the press took place in 1960. It was the article "Nineteen from the Moscow Art Theater" by L. Sergeev.

Vladimir Semenovich worked in 1960-1964 at the Moscow Drama Theatre. Pushkin (with interruptions). He played in the play "The Scarlet Flower" (based on the work of Aksakov) the role of Leshy, in addition, about 10 more roles, most of which were episodic.

On the set of the film called "The 713th Asks for Landing" in 1961, Vladimir Semenovich met Lyudmila Abramova, who became his second wife. The marriage was officially registered in 1965.

First musical works

Vysotsky's musical creativity originates in the 60s. The earliest song is considered to be "Tattoo", written in Leningrad in 1961. Vladimir Semenovich himself repeatedly called her such.

But there is another, called "49 days", which dates back to 1960. The attitude of the author himself to this song was very critical. It was given an autograph overhead calling it a manual for hacks, "beginners and finished." At the end it was explained that in the same way verses on any topic that are relevant can be made. Despite the fact that the author himself excluded this song from his work, considering the first "Tattoo", the soundtracks of the performances of "49 days" are known, and they date back to 1964-1967.

Mature creativity


Vysotsky's songwriting, together with acting, became a matter of life for Vladimir Semenovich. Having worked at the Moscow Theater of Miniatures for less than two months, he made unsuccessful attempts to enter Sovremennik. Vysotsky in 1964 created the first songs for films, and also entered the Taganka Theater, where he worked until the end of his life.

Vladimir Semenovich met in 1967, in July, with Marina Vladi, a French actress (Polyakova Marina Vladimirovna), who became his third wife in 1970, in December.


Clinical death

Vysotsky sent a letter in 1968 to the Central Committee of the CPSU about the sharp criticism in the national newspapers of his early songs. At the same time, his first phonograph record was released under the title "Songs from the movie "Vertical"". The actor had a clinical death in the summer of 1969. He survived then only thanks to Marina Vladi. At that time she was in Moscow. The girl heard, passing by the bathroom, groans and saw that Vladimir Semenovich was bleeding from his throat.

Doctors, fortunately, brought him to the Sklifosovsky Institute on time. He would not have survived if the delay had been a few more minutes. Doctors fought for the life of this actor for 18 hours. Rumors have already spread around Moscow about his death.

In 1972, 15June, a program en titled "The Guy from Taganka" was shown on Estonian television. So Vysotsky first appeared on the Soviet television screen, not counting the films in which he participated.


He settled in 1975 on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, in a cooperative apartment. The exhibition hall of the committee of graphic artists was located in the basement of this building. Since 1977, exhibitions of various nonconformists have been held here. The actor visited them regularly.

For the first and last time in the same year, a poem was published during his lifetime, which marked the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, in a literary and artistic collection called "Poetry Day". It was called "From a travel diary".

The heyday of Vysotsky's work falls on the 1970s. In 1978, on February 13, by order of the Ministry of Culture, this artist was awarded the highest category of pop soloist-vocalist. After that, he deserved official recognition as a professional singer. The work of Vladimir Vysotsky was finally appreciated.


Usually his songs are classified as bardic compositions, but a reservation should be made. Their manner of performance and themes were very different from many other so-called intelligent bards. Vladimir Semenovich, in addition, had a rather negative attitude towards amateur song clubs. Unlike many bards of the USSR, he was also a professional actor, so his work cannot be attributed to amateur performances for this reason. ATcompositions touched on many topics. Among his musical works are love lyrics, and ballads, and thieves' songs, as well as political, humorous, fairy tale songs. Many later became known as monologues, as they were written in the first person. This is Vysotsky's songwriting, briefly described.

Vladimir Semenovich is recorded in 1978 on television, participates in the next year in the publication of an almanac called "Metropol".

In Paris in the 1970s, Vladimir Semenovich met Alyosha Dmitrievich, a gypsy artist and musician. They repeatedly performed romances and songs together, they were even going to release a record, but Vysotsky died in 1980, so this project did not materialize.

Tour abroad

Vladimir Semenovich, together with the troupe of the Taganka Theater, traveled abroad with tours - to Poland, Germany, France, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria. He also managed to visit the USA several times, received permission for a private visit to France to his wife, visited Tahiti, Canada. Abroad and in the USSR, he gave more than a thousand concerts.

On central television in 1980, January 22, Vysotsky is recorded in the Kinopanorama program. For the first time, its fragments will be shown in January 1981, and only in 1987 will it be released in its entirety.

Last days, Vysotsky's death

Performance at the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture (not far from Moscow) took place in 1980, July 3rd. According to eyewitnesses, the musician looked unhe althy. He himself admitted that he feltIt didn't matter, but he kept himself cheerful, playing a two-hour concert instead of the planned one and a half hour. In this love for the stage - all Vladimir Vysotsky. Creativity and his fate were still approaching the inevitable end.

One of the last performances took place in the same year, June 22, in the city of Kaliningrad. During it, Vysotsky again became ill. Speaking at the NIIEM (Moscow) on July 14, he performed one of his last songs called "My sadness, my longing …". In Kaliningrad (now Korolev) near Moscow, he held his last concert on July 16.

Vysotsky July 18 appeared for the last time at the Taganka Theater, in the role of Hamlet, the most famous of all his roles. These are the latest events that mark the work of Vysotsky.

Briefly about his death, we can say the following. Vladimir Semenovich died on July 25 in his sleep in a Moscow apartment. It is impossible to name the exact cause of his death, since no autopsy was performed. Several versions exist about this. Leonid Sulpovar and Stanislav Shcherbakov say that the artist died of suffocation, asphyxia as a result of excessive use of sedatives (alcohol and morphine). However, Igor Elkis refutes this version.

Artist's funeral

Vysotsky was buried on July 28 at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The actor died during the Olympic Games in Moscow. On the eve of this event, the city was completely closed to non-residents. The police overran him. In the Soviet media, reports of death were practically not printed at that time. Despite all this, at the Taganka Theater after his deathVysotsky, a huge crowd gathered. She was there for several days. On the day of the funeral, the roofs of the buildings located around Taganskaya Square were filled with people. It seemed that all of Moscow was burying such a great man as Vladimir Vysotsky, whose biography and work continue to arouse great interest even today.

Vysotsky's House of Creativity in Krasnodar

The house of creativity of this legendary artist in Krasnodar is located in the city center. Several halls display personal items that belonged to the artist, as well as photographs taken while studying at the Moscow Art Theater, materials related to various periods of his life. Here is the death mask of this artist. Entrance is free. There is a bust of the artist in front of the facade of the building. The life and work of Vladimir Vysotsky attract many people here today. In the House of Creativity there is also the opportunity to watch films about him, take a tour, and also completely free.
