Mark Kistler: drawing lessons

Mark Kistler: drawing lessons
Mark Kistler: drawing lessons

Mark Kistler taught millions of people how to draw. Some of them have achieved great success in the fields of animation, illustration, architecture. Kistler has his own show and several books that help all those who decide to get closer to art.


mark kistler
mark kistler

From childhood, Mark Kistler set himself the goal of teaching a million children to draw. Although he himself was only 15 at that time. On his eighteenth birthday, he decided that he would achieve the desired mark by the age of 21. Later, Kistler decided to create a drawing program. This would help make learning more accessible. Two years later the project was launched and Mark achieved his goal. The program was watched by 11 million viewers every week. People were delighted with the method of teaching drawing at home. Five years later, Mark created a new television program. It taught more complex techniques. Each show is filled with jokes and helpful tips.

Mark Kistler, whose drawing lessons made a big splash, continues to teach, participate in programs, has released several books, DVDs. He isone of the most famous and best art teachers in the world.


mark kistler you will be able to draw in 30 days
mark kistler you will be able to draw in 30 days

More than a dozen books have been created on various topics, which comprehensively cover the areas of drawing. Mark Kistler, whose books really help to learn the fine arts, has created educational literature for different ages. Artworks by Kistler:

  • "You will be able to draw in 30 days."
  • "Drawing in 3D with Mark Kistler".
  • “Mark Kistler's imaginary station. Learn how to draw 3D drawing with the best teacher.”
  • "Drawing in 3D. Unusual study guide.”
  • "You can do it in just 30 minutes: see and draw in half an hour."
  • "Draw! Paint! Paint! Monsters and Creatures with Mark Kistler.”
  • "Draw! Paint! Paint! Cartoon Animals with Mark Kistler.”
  • "Draw! Paint! Paint! Robots, gadgets, spaceships with Mac Kistler.”
  • "Draw! Paint! Paint! Crazy cartoons with Mark Kistler"
  • “Gadgets and gizmos. Learn to draw in 3D.”
  • Know How to Draw: Crazy Heroes.
  • And others.

Best book

What book is loved not only by fans, but also by Mark Kistler himself? "You Can Draw in 30 Days" is the most popular book. It has been translated into Russian, so many people in our country are trained on it. But what are its benefits?

mark kistler books
mark kistler books

Assignments go from simple to complex. First, you learn the basics of drawing on elementary examples such as a sphere, a square. Explanations are available to any beginner in this field. From the materials you only need a pencil, paper, eraser and cotton swabs (for shading). There are no lessons for the development of which you need colored pencils, felt-tip pens. For those who studied in art school and are familiar with the basics of drawing, the book is likely to be of little use. Since it is designed for entry-level learning. When you get acquainted with the nine fundamental laws, drawing will not seem like a difficult task. The main condition of the author is that you need to practice every day for at least 20 minutes, then the result will be noticeable after a month.

What the rest of the pieces are about

Mark Kistler in his books introduces his readers to different areas of drawing.

  • "Know how to draw: Crazy heroes" - this tutorial will teach you how to draw three-dimensional images of ridiculous cartoon characters. After mastering this book, the reader will learn how to create their own characters.
  • Draw the Team is a book that, like the Kistler show, is filled with jokes. Thirty lessons smoothly move from simple to complex and develop certain drawing skills. The pages are meant to be participatory, meaning the reader adds their own touches as they explore the book.
mark kistler drawing lessons
mark kistler drawing lessons
  • "Mark Kistler's Magic Station" will teach you how to draw in three dimensions. The book has 36 exciting adventures. ATAs you read, your drawing skills will develop, and as a result, you will be able to create: a dinosaur in the sky, a magical moon base, an unusual solar system, a professional pollution patrol, and more. This presentation of the material should appeal to children, and there is a special guide for parents and teachers at the end of the book.
  • Build Your Own Website with Mark Kistler is a guide to designing and building websites. The information is provided in an accessible format, suitable for beginners, as the book teaches the basics of web design.
  • "You can do it in just 30 minutes: see and draw in half an hour" is suitable not only for beginners, but also for those who have long been engaged in artistic creation. Well-illustrated lessons will help you learn how to draw objects from everyday life, spending only half an hour. The book is full of up-to-date information, full of art hacks and tips from Mark Kistler. "You will be able to draw in 30 days" complements this piece well.


Mark Kistler's lessons have become so popular for a reason, they really help anyone to stop being afraid of a blank sheet of paper. Having studied a couple of drawing tutorials, you can improve your skills a lot. The manner in which Mark Kistler presents information makes learning not only useful, but also interesting. It's never too late to learn how to create!
