William Wyler, film director: biography, best films

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William Wyler, film director: biography, best films
William Wyler, film director: biography, best films

Video: William Wyler, film director: biography, best films

Video: William Wyler, film director: biography, best films
Video: ,Voice Russia 2012 2024, June

Cinema is a magical territory that lifts the veil and lets an ordinary person into the world of another era, a fabulous time or an apocalypse. Thanks to films, you can plunge into a completely different reality, which will completely absorb all the attention. The masterpieces of cinematography are recognized by millions of people around the world, and many viewers rush to the cinema to enjoy the fairy tale and power that the filmmakers have prepared on the big screen. Time moves forward, and some tapes do not age and remain in memory forever. Probably, each person can associate some period of his life with a certain film, which had a significant impact on the worldview and perception of others. Thank you to the filmmakers who create commemorative tapes.

William Wyler
William Wyler

Cinema world

The world of cinema is a huge system that binds and breaks the destinies of people. Someone becomes popular and gains the desired fame, while someone works all his life and gets nothing. It is difficult to get the favor of fortune in this matter, it is better to just be born lucky.

Modern cinematography has enormous possibilities that allow you to shoot high-quality, expensive and impressive films. Coming to the cinema, people are simply speechless from the special effects, brightness and grandeur of the image. Despite this, the strength of the film is not at all in the effect it creates. What is the magic of cinema? It lurks in the most subtle, light and fragrant feeling - an impression. It is the aftertaste of viewing that affects whether we like the film or not. After all, black-and-white or silent films can shake a person to the core without resorting to entertainment.

ben gur movie 1959
ben gur movie 1959


William Wyler is an American film director, screenwriter and producer. He is recognized as one of the most successful directors in Hollywood history. Interestingly, this talented person was nominated 12 times for the Oscar. Even more impressive is that the actors and actresses who worked under him were nominated for the same award 36 times and won outright 14 times. William Wyler began his career path back in 1925, and ended only in 1970, leaving behind a rich cinematic legacy, which is now an example for all future directors.

william wyler movies
william wyler movies

To appreciate the fullness of this man's contribution to art, you should consider his biography, as well as the films that brought him worldwide fame. Despite the fact that William Wyler managed to work on many films, each of them became a small masterpiece of its time.


The biography of this professional begins on July 1, 1902 in the French town of Mulhouse, when Wilhelm Weiler appearedinto the world. The boy was born into a Jewish family. My father was from Switzerland and worked as a traveling salesman. Melanie's mother was born in Germany. Interestingly, she was the cousin of Carl Lammle, the creator of Universal Pictures. She often took William and his older brother to movies and opera performances. Also, the Wylers' house often hosted performances in which the whole family could participate.

Moving to New York

For show, William Wyler graduated from the Higher Commercial School in Lausanne. After that, he was actively engaged in the study of music, visiting the Paris National Conservatory. When the parents realized that the son would not continue the business (which fell into decline after the First World War), they contacted Karl and sent the boy to New York. William came to the States in 1921. At first he worked as a courier for Carl Lammle's company, and he had to give part of the money he earned for accommodation and meals.

In 1923, William moved to Los Angeles. He continues to get by with one job or another, but they are all connected with Universal. Surprisingly, by 1925 he became the youngest director and shoots short westerns. In just 5 years, he is one of the richest directors in the US.

Interestingly, many colleagues noted his terrible perfectionism, because William Wyler was ready to shoot one scene a hundred times, just to get the perfect shot.

Marriage and war

In 1938, William decided to connect his life with Margaret Tollichet. This marriage was successful, the couple had 5 children. Margaret was an American actress, butShe never achieved much fame. Interestingly, William Wyler was 12 years older than his wife. Moreover, it was his second marriage. The first time he entered into official relations in 1936, choosing Margaret Sullavan as his chosen one. History remembers only her loud voice and episodic roles. William's second marriage lasted until his death, his wife outlived him by 10 years.

William Wyler filmmaker
William Wyler filmmaker

When World War II began, William joined the Air Force with the rank of Major. In the war, he took a very risky step that cost the life of the operator from his team. William directed the documentary Memphis Belle: The Story of the Flying Fortress, which required field trips to actual bombing raids. Nevertheless, everything went relatively well, and the tape was completed. It is worth noting that in the pursuit of "realism" William Wyler became deaf in one ear.


Wyler had four significant honors in his life that are important to mention. He received his first (Oscar Award for Best Director) in 1943 for the film Mrs. Miniver. He received a second Academy Award for the same services in the film The Best Years of Our Lives in 1947. The third "Oscar" went to the director in 1960 for "Ben Hur" - a film in 1959. In 1966, William Wyler received the Irving Thalberg Award. The latest award is a prestigious American award given for outstanding contributions to the film industry. The award is given by the American Film Academy. Irving Thalberg, after whom the award is named, was a talented managerMetro Goldwyn Mayer Manufacturing Department.


William Wyler, whose films are verified to the smallest detail, has created many tapes. In total, there are about 28 film works of the director. Wyler's time period of activity lasted from 1929 to 1970. At the beginning of his career, the director created several tapes in just a year. However, it should be borne in mind that each of them was appreciated and considered very professional.

william wyler best movies
william wyler best movies

His films are still relevant. Students study the work of William Wyler, trying to learn from him not only the manner of shooting, but also the very attitude to the process of creating a film. Anyone who wants to be involved in the world of Hollywood cinema of the past will be interested in revisiting old films.

Legendary "Ben Hur"

Ben Hur is a 1959 film for which Wyler won an Oscar. The film is based on the novel by writer Lew Wallace. The film premiered on November 18, 1959 in New York. "Ben Hur" by William Wyler received an award in 11 nominations. The unprecedented success of the film can be easily explained by the professionalism and talent of the director, who tried to work out every scene to the smallest detail. Despite the huge success, Wyler did not lose his head, but continued to work hard, creating quality tapes for his viewers.

The action of the film "Ben Hur" takes place in the new possessions of the Roman Empire - Judea. A we althy and glorious resident of the city of Ben Hur meets with his old friend Mesalla. Despite friendship andkinship, they quarrel strongly on ideological grounds. It turns out that Mesalla became a Roman tribune, so Ben Hur is exiled to the galleys, and his relatives are imprisoned. During one of the battles, Ben Hur saves the Roman consul, who, in gratitude, returns his citizenship to him and bequeaths his huge fortune. Returning to his homeland, Ben Hur finds out that his relatives are sick, and a thirst for revenge ignites in him. He decides to take part in the chariot race, where he defeats Mesalla. Dying, the latter tells where the Ben Hur family is and how to find it. The former slave persuades Ben Hur not to show himself to his leper relatives, so as not to break his heart. He decides to show his mother and sister to Jesus, who is being executed at Golgotha. Ben Hur tries to give him water, but the crowd tramples him. After the crucifixion, a terrible downpour begins, and Ben Hur is reunited with Christ and his family.

How to steal a million

William Wyler, most likely, did not expect such success himself. It should be noted that this film gathered 24.6 million viewers in the Soviet box office. The film was shot in a comedy genre with detective elements. Starring Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. The film is set in 1960s France. It tells about Charles Bonnet - an artist who forges paintings and art objects. He has a beautiful and educated daughter, Nicole. The film tells about the amazing intricacies of destinies and the adventures of the daughter of a swindler, a detective and a rich groom.

how to steal a million william wyler
how to steal a million william wyler

Great voice acting, beautiful shots and talented acting by everyoneactors made the film incredibly popular both in Hollywood and in the Soviet Union. And the phrase "Papa Bonnet" has become an aphorism.

Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday is Wyler's 1953 romantic comedy film. Starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Interestingly, it was the film "Roman Holiday" that brought Hepburn first fame. This role also brought the actress the first Oscar. The film tells about the adventures of Princess Anna, who goes on a grandiose tour of Europe. Every day the girls are completely monotonous - ceremonies and receptions that seem incredibly boring and dull. At some point, Anna becomes hysterical, and the servants call the doctor. He decides to give Anna sleeping pills and advises her to go to bed. Ignoring the words of the doctor, the princess will go for a walk in Rome. This is where her exciting and dangerous adventures begin.

roman holiday movie
roman holiday movie

Summing up, I would like to say that William Wyler, whose best films were considered, was a talented person who managed to rise from the very bottom of society, become a professional and win worldwide fame and love of viewers from different countries. A unique combination of talent, charisma and determination gave the world a wonderful director who remains an example for many.
