Film "Garfield": actors, plot, reviews

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Film "Garfield": actors, plot, reviews
Film "Garfield": actors, plot, reviews

Video: Film "Garfield": actors, plot, reviews

Video: Film
Video: ▶️ Полцарства за любовь - Мелодрама | Фильмы и сериалы - Русские мелодрамы 2024, June

In 2004, the bubbly, fat, jolly cat Garfield, created by writer Jim Davis, migrated from comics and animated series to the feature film "Garfield". Actors Jennifer Love Hewitt and Breckin Meyer starred, while Bill Murray, star of "Ghostbusters" and "Groundhog Day", voiced Garfield's cat.


American actor, producer and musician Breckin Meyer, known to the public for supporting roles in the films "Clueless", "Kate and Leo", "Rat Race", was chosen by the production team for the role of John Arbuckle - a naive and kind guy, over which sometimes makes fun of his own pet Garfield. Actors Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler auditioned for the role, but the producers felt that any of these Hollywood actors would distract viewers from the film's main character, Garfield.

Jennifer Garner was going to play Liz, the main character's girlfriend, but dropped out of the project.

Movie"Garfield" main roles
Movie"Garfield" main roles

Jennifer Love Hewitt after successful audition was approved for the female lead in the film "Garfield". Actors Brad Dourif and Michael Ironside auditioned for the role of the main villain - Happy Chapman, but the role ended up with Stephen Tobulovsky.

The question of Garfield's voice acting was resolved when the famous actor Bill Murray showed interest in the project. He voiced the funny ginger cat in both this film and the sequel, which was released two years later.

In the director's chair was Peter Hewitt, in whose career there were no deafeningly famous paintings. His largest and most famous project at that time was the painting "Robin Hood's Daughter" with Keira Knightley in the title role.


The life of a lazy ginger cat Garfield is easy and carefree - he watches TV all day, eats all sorts of goodies, sometimes steals milk from neighbors and teases Doberman Luka. Jon, the owner of Garfield, loves his pet.

But Garfield's usual way of life is destroyed by the appearance of Oddie - a puppy that John adopted at the request of Liz, a veterinarian, to please her.

Garfield actors
Garfield actors

Garfield burns with jealousy, because the owner now devotes much less time to him - he plays with Oddie and meets with Liz. At the first opportunity, the cat gets rid of the opponent - at night he leaves Oddie on the street, and he goes to sleep. The puppy chased the moped and got lost.

Garfield is very pleased with himself at first. But John is very worried about Oddie, to whom he has become very attached, andGarfield's conscience begins to torment him. Forgetting about his jealousy and contempt, he goes in search of a puppy. In the big city, Garfield faces many dangers and funny adventures that he never dreamed of before.

Image"Garfield": actors and roles
Image"Garfield": actors and roles


The film was not well received by critics. It was noted that the picture turned out to be rather boring, and its only advantage is that it is absolutely harmless to children.

The actors who played in the film "Garfield" were not awarded any awards, which is not surprising with such a negative reaction from critics.

However, as often happens, the audience did not share the views of the critics - they liked the film. At any rate, Garfield received an above-average rating on Rotten Tomatoes, as it does on most other online movie theater websites. The plot of the film is really quite simple, sometimes naive, which is why it is great for relaxing after a hard day or watching with children.

The way the actors and roles were chosen for the film "Garfield" was also positively appreciated by the audience.

Garfield and Oddie
Garfield and Oddie


The devastating reviews from critics did not prevent the picture from grossing $ 200 million at the box office on a budget of 50 million, making it one of the most successful box office projects of the year. In 2006, Tom Hill took on the sequel - Garfield 2: The Story of Two Cats. Already in mid-June, a new film "Garfield" was released, the main roles, as in the prequel, were played by Bracken Meyer and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
