Sergey Bodrov: quotes, life, death

Sergey Bodrov: quotes, life, death
Sergey Bodrov: quotes, life, death

Sergey Bodrov is often called a unique phenomenon in Russian cinema. He did not have a professional education in the field of cinema, but he became the hero of the entire era. The film "Brother", where Bodrov starred, as well as the film "Sisters" he shot, became a symbol of a whole generation.

sergey bodrov quotes
sergey bodrov quotes

Biography in brief

Bodrov was born in Moscow in 1971 in the family of director Bodrov Sr. During his school years, he was engaged in an in-depth study of French, and after graduation he planned to enter the theater department. However, then his father dissuaded Sergei from this decision, saying that cinema is more a state of mind than a profession. And so Bodrov entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. There he studied the history of art in Venice, and since 1991 he began to visit Italy often, working as a lifeguard on local beaches.

In 1998 he defended his dissertation on his topic. All this indicates how versatile Sergey Bodrov possessed. His quotes from that time can help many young people in self-determination. For example, Bodrov said: “As a child, I tried a dozen sports … anddid not stop anywhere. I thought it was due to a lack of perseverance … and then I realized that all this was not very necessary for me. A matter that is really important for a person, the artist believed, he will always bring to completion.

sergey bodrov jr. remains found
sergey bodrov jr. remains found

The beginning of Bodrov's career

Even before Bodrov graduates from university, he realizes that art is not a field that he should only study. He decides to take a direct part in it. The films "Freedom is Paradise" and "White King, Red Queen" become the first films where Sergei Bodrov took part. His quotes, relating to that time, testify to the high level of self-criticism of the actor. He says: “If I really still have organicity, I am happy. But my merit here is minimal, I can do no more than cats or children, about whom they say that it is difficult to shoot with them … ". But in these films, Bodrov has so far played only supporting roles. His first debut was his father's film Prisoner of the Caucasus.

sergey bodrov quotes and sayings
sergey bodrov quotes and sayings

Meet Balabanov. Movie "Brother"

During the film festival in Sochi, Bodrov met Alexei Balabanov, who was known for often taking non-professional actors to shoot his films. The result of this acquaintance was the appearance of the films "Brother" and "Brother-2", in which Sergei Bodrov played the main role. Quotes from this film, such as the catchphrase "What is the strength, brother?", People still remember.

Both parts of the movie,however, at one time they were perceived ambiguously. Many accused both Bodrov and Balabanov of Russophobia. But this did not stop Sergei Bodrov from becoming a folk hero, and two films from becoming a reflection of an entire era. The film received a huge number of awards. Sergei Bodrov himself received many awards. Quotes from the movie "Brother" at one time sounded all over the world. The film was also released in Australia and Canada. The very same creation of the film in Russia took about one million dollars, and the proceeds amounted to about 600 thousand - the film did not cover its costs. At that time, most of the revenue came from videotape sales. The film also received a large number of positive reviews from film critics.

sergei bodrov quotes from the movie brother
sergei bodrov quotes from the movie brother

Sergei Bodrov: quotes and sayings

Immediately after the film appeared on the screens, it was snapped up for phrases that are firmly rooted in the daily life of Russians. But the second part of the saga is not inferior in this respect to the debut. The idea of the second part came to Bodrov's mind after one incident. A woman living in Chechnya wrote a letter to him. She asked how to resist the gangsters who stole her son's motorcycle from the garage.

Then Sergei Bodrov received a huge number of similar letters. And he realized that a movie so close to the people cannot but be continued. “You need to slow down with your feet, not with your head!”, “In general, my grandfather died in the war. – It happens”, “I am a policeman. “Okay, I’m a policeman myself” - all these quotes from Sergei Bodrov from the movie “Brother” are still loved and remembered. The movie that wasfilmed about the life of the "dashing 90s", left an indelible imprint both in the minds of ordinary people and the intelligentsia.

Tragic death

Between the first appearance of Bodrov in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and his death, only six years passed. "Stringer", "Let's Do It Quickly", "East-West" - all this, in addition to those mentioned, are those few films in which Sergei Bodrov Jr. managed to play by the will of fate. The remains of the research team were not found soon - only six years after the death of Bodrov and his film crew. No one expected that on September 20, 2002, an avalanche of ice and snow would come down from the mountains of Ossetia. According to the official version of what happened, a huge glacier fell off Mount Jimara. He covered the entire Karmadon Gorge, where the filming of the film called "The Messenger" took place, with a layer of ice 60 meters thick.

A mass of ice that swept at a speed of about 180 km / h, claimed the lives of more than a hundred people. Together with them, Sergei Bodrov Jr. died. The remains of him or someone else from the film crew were found, remained unknown for a long time. Then a DNA analysis was carried out, through which the identity of these remains was established. It turned out that this is the ashes of Iranbek Tsirikhov. Sergei Bodrov, as well as his film crew, were reported missing after the tragedy.
