The series "Blood Resistance": plot, characters, release date of season 2

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The series "Blood Resistance": plot, characters, release date of season 2
The series "Blood Resistance": plot, characters, release date of season 2

Video: The series "Blood Resistance": plot, characters, release date of season 2

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What is the animated film "Blood Resistance" about? What is remarkable about this television project? What allowed the series to win the hearts of thousands of anime fans around the world? All this - further in the material.

The idea of creating a series

blood resistance
blood resistance

The plot of the series "Blood Resistance" is based on the novel by the famous Japanese writer Gakuto Mikumo. Since 2011, individual episodes of the story have been regularly published in the popular Dangeki Bunko magazine. The idea of adapting the novel into the format of a television animated series appeared in 2012. The well-known illustrator and anime creator Manyako took up its implementation. The first episodes of the project appeared on the screens in 2014.

Until recently, there was only one season of the series at the box office, which consisted of 24 episodes. New series began to appear relatively recently, despite the assurances of the authors of the project that "Blood Resistance" (season 2) will appear in 2015.

What is the story about?

series blood resistance
series blood resistance

The events of the animated series "Blood Resistance" (Season 1) unfold in a fantasy universe where mystical creatures and people are forced to coexist in one world. Humanity enters into a non-aggression pact with the demons. The Fantastic Beasts side is represented by the ancient vampire princes. However, only a few inhabitants of this universe are aware of the existence of the highest, most powerful demon. The latter decides to transfer his supernatural abilities to an ordinary schoolboy named Kojo Akatsuki. Despite the fact that the guy leads an unremarkable life, in the eyes of people he becomes potentially dangerous. People around are beginning to realize what a threat the boy poses to the continued existence of humanity.

The main action of the series takes place in the city of Itogami, where demons and humans live side by side. To solve a potential problem, the locals intend to surround Koze with beautiful girls who have outstanding fighting skills. The patroness and main protector of the protagonist is his teacher named Natsuki. The latter is an unsurpassed battle mage. In addition, a schoolgirl Yukina is assigned to the boy, who masterfully wields a magic spear. How will the newly minted supreme vampire behave, surrounded by guards of pretty girls?

While the main character feels absolutely safe, insidious demons appear that have awakened, feeling the revival of an ancient, powerful force. The latter are trying to lure the boy to their side with all sorts of temptations, forcing him to commitcrimes that will plunge the world into chaos. The main characters of the film fight against a secret organization of otherworldly beings and try to prevent the destruction of the fragile world between vampires and humans.

About the main character

blood resistance season 2 release date
blood resistance season 2 release date

As noted above, the central character of the series "Blood Resistance" is a schoolboy Kojo Akatsuki. The guy only looks like an ordinary teenager. In fact, his essence contains the abilities of a powerful demon, which is known to others only from ancient legends.

The main character is by nature a vulnerable person. He is not able to take control of the supernatural powers granted to him, as he became a demon for reasons unknown to himself. At the same time, Koze is potentially such a formidable vampire that, if desired, he can easily deal with a whole crowd of enemies. However, if this happens, the fragile peace between mystical creatures and people, which was maintained by common efforts over the centuries, will collapse.

Natsuki Minamiya

blood resistance season 1
blood resistance season 1

Natsuki is Kojo's school teacher and a skilled magician known as the Witch of the Void. She is one of the few who knows about the essence of the boy's supernatural powers. The heroine is incredibly strong. Despite this, she tries to act as an observer and once again not interfere in the development of events.

Yukina Himeragi

blood resistance release date
blood resistance release date

Yukina is one of the main characters of the series, along with Kojo Akatsuki. The girl is a member of the secret service "Royal Lions", which was created in order to protect the human race from demons. Yukina is sent to look after the boy and protect him from rash acts. Initially, the guy is described to her as an insidious, indifferent to the suffering of a monster. However, soon the heroine becomes convinced that her ward absolutely does not correspond to such a characteristic. In order to protect Kojo, she moves into a nearby apartment. A romantic attraction soon develops between the characters.

Blood Resistance Season 2 - release date

At the end of the first season of the series, its creators began to assure that the release of the continuation of the story would take place no later than 2015. The exact date was not called. However, it soon became clear that the premiere of new episodes of the serial animated film was postponed indefinitely. At the same time, the closure of the project was not officially announced.

At the end of 2016, the authors of the series decided to resume the animated adaptation of the popular novel "Blood Resistance". The reason was the dissatisfaction of numerous fans of the project, as well as the desire to maintain the highest television ratings. Despite this, fans of fantasy history have quite a few reasons to rejoice. So far, only a few episodes of the second season have been released. Fans of the series have the opportunity to find new series on popular file sharing services on the Internet.
