General Zod is an outstanding son of Krypton

General Zod is an outstanding son of Krypton
General Zod is an outstanding son of Krypton

Until 1938, the term "comics" meant humorous stories and stories, as indicated by the name itself from the English comic - funny, funny. But with the advent of Superman, the situation has changed, and the genre has acquired a completely different, new stylistic branch.

The beginning of the story - Superman

Perhaps one of the most recognizable and famous heroes is Clark Kent. Created by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, he has permanently settled in the popular comic book niche. Superman is distinguished by amazing strength, incredible abilities, a bright unusual costume with a fluttering red cape and an emblem resembling the letter of the English alphabet S.

General Zod Man of Steel
General Zod Man of Steel

Clark Kent's story began far from Earth. He was born on the planet Krypton, which at the time of his birth was one step away from complete destruction. Named Kal-El by his biological parents, the newborn boy was sent in an escape pod to Earth. Having landed in the middle of endless fields, the child found good earthly parents and began to use his outstanding abilities, which manifested themselves very early, exclusively for the benefit of mankind. Kal-El, as the main fighter for good, has manyenemies, including Lex Luthor and General Zod.

Superman's main abilities:

- invulnerability of the body shell, kryptonite and some types of magic can damage it;

- superpower;

- super endurance;

- regeneration;

- super speed;

- supervision;

- super hearing;

- super breath;

- superintelligence;

- other abilities.

Superman is called Man of Steel, Blur, Last Son of Krypton, and some other names.

Superman comics have had a huge impact on the culture of the United States of America and other countries. In 2011, Kal-El was ranked number one on the 100 Greatest Comic Book Heroes (IGN) list. He can be considered a pioneer in the world of superheroes, and it was with him that the era of superhumans with incredible abilities began.

General Zod

This character, according to the story, was also a resident of Krypton. Zod combined the outstanding talent of a strategist, severity, justice, irascibility and dictatorial traits. Among his merits is the victory over Virus X, which once hit the planet Krypton.

General Zod
General Zod

General Zod was intimately acquainted with Superman's father, Jor-El, who, as a scientist, tried to prove that the planet was in imminent destruction. Jor-El managed to convince Zod, and he, surrounded by loyal soldiers, tried to overthrow the ruling Council by rebellion, but was defeated and put on trial. Jor-El persuaded not to execute the rebels, but to send them to the Phantom Zone. Angry and sullendeeply offended, the general became an ardent opponent and enemy of the El clan. Subsequently, Clark Kent and Zod will be at enmity, but the antagonist will be defeated. The comics detail the enemy's cunning plans, which always include his allies fighting selflessly and bravely without a shadow of a doubt, as well as scenes of confrontation with Superman. After the destruction of New Krypton, ruled by General Zod, the Man of Steel, following the example of his father, sends a desperate warrior to the Phantom Prison.

The charismatic character has won a large army of fans and was included in the top 100 comic book villains.

General's abilities

Like any Kryptonian, General Zod has a certain set of abilities and powers. Of course, he is inferior to Kal-El, but also endowed with superpowers. He can demolish a barrier made of steel, concrete, and even an energy field. Some sources indicate that Zod is capable of lifting about 100,000 tons.

There is also a stamina many times greater than a human. Firearms, energy beams, powerful explosions and various blows do not cause any damage to Zod. Only extremely powerful heroes like Superman can pose a threat. Another advantage of the general is flying at very high speeds. In the rays of the yellow Sun, the state of the character's body is in perfect condition and gives Zod super speed, super hearing and super vision.

Actors and roles

At different times very dissimilar actors reincarnated as a Kryptonian warrior. In the films "Superman", as well as "Superman 2" rolewent to Terence Stamp. It was she who opened Stamp to a huge audience in the seventies.

General Zod Smallville
General Zod Smallville

Callum Blue - an actor from England, who also obeyed the image of a Kryptonian. He made a very convincing General Zod. "Secrets of Smallville" - a famous series in which Blue fought a young Superman, gathered a lot of fans and lasted for ten whole seasons. Michael Shannon portrays the rebel in Man of Steel.

Player Character

The legendary General Zod appeared in "Injustice: Gods Among Us" as an additional fighter. In the story, he is degraded. The developers managed to very competently introduce the comic book character into the field of constant game battles, while the entire history and biography of Zod was preserved. The character uses various weapons, is the ruler of the Phantom Zone, all its inhabitants obey him, and the Kryptonian is also able to shoot lasers from his eyes pointwise. Although he cannot fly, he can summon a creature from the Zone to distract the enemy.

General Zod in injustice
General Zod in injustice

The character Zod was featured in a Danish Lego series and the title of a song by a Canadian punk rock band.
