The best mystical thriller: list, description, plot and reviews
The best mystical thriller: list, description, plot and reviews

Video: The best mystical thriller: list, description, plot and reviews

Video: The best mystical thriller: list, description, plot and reviews
Video: Chekhov and the Moscow Art Theater: Crash Course Theater #34 2024, June

Mystical phenomena have interested humanity at all times. Even religion is nothing but the concept of the existence of an invisible entity. The inexplicable events that a person observed were interpreted as the presence of higher forces - good or bad. Belief in otherworldly forces influences society to this day, although many may not agree with this. For some, the period of passion for mysticism was limited to children's "horror stories", and someone at a quite conscious age studies unusual ultrasonic waves and radiation, tries to find out if there is life on other planets or parallel worlds, thanks to which, next to the usual, earthly dimension, there is another life.

good mystical thriller
good mystical thriller

Mystery thrillers are the most sinister creations of cinema

Cinematography has spawned many films with a mystical component, in which amazing events happen to the characters. The subgenre of mysticism, which is especially popular, is our topic today. Gooda mystical thriller can contain quite interesting storylines: there are inexplicable forces, and magical characters, and travel in time or space … But all that is required from such a film is psychological tension that grips the viewer from the very beginning and does not let go until the end of the viewing. Dark, frightening, unexpected, exciting - this article brings together the best mystical thrillers with unpredictable denouement filmed over the past few decades.


In the 20th century, mystical films became very popular. They started taking pictures a long time ago. Even then, in the 70s of the last century, good mystical thrillers were released. The list of the best is presented below.

The Wicker Man (1973). A police commissioner is sent to an island off Scotland to investigate a missing girl. But the inhabitants of the island seem to be completely uninterested in solving the crime: Sergeant Howie becomes a witness to the strange rituals that the entire local population practices the cult of Celtic paganism.

Don't Look Now (1973). The Baxter couple lose their beloved only daughter in an accident. Heartbroken husband and wife move to another country to forget about the tragedy. There they meet a woman who claims that the Baxters' dead daughter is visiting her and is trying to report some kind of danger hanging over her parents.

The Stepford Wives (1975). The couple moves from a huge metropolis to the quiet provincial town of Stepford. A young woman, Joanna, gradually begins to notice something strange in the inhabitants of the city - they look perfect, behave very respectably, they always succeed in what they have planned, and their communication is unlike the conversations of ordinary people. What could be sinister about these seemingly lovely ladies?

The Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977). Continuation of the story about the woman Regan MacNeil, who was possessed by the ancient demon Pazuzu. Now she comes to the aid of a man who experienced the same in childhood. This is the only person who can know the answer to the question "Has the evil returned?" and help the main character.

Touch of the Jellyfish (1978). A series of terrible accidents - and one witness who was invariably present with them, but did not suffer himself. Were the murders deliberately planned by him, or can this person cause harm to others only at the command of his will? And now a man who can influence what is happening by the effort of thought is immobilized. But disasters continue, and the police inspector is sure that this terrible executioner will bring the matter to an end…

mystical thrillers list of the best
mystical thrillers list of the best

1980s Mystery Thrillers Top List

Shine (1980). The family - husband, wife and son - move to an old, lonely hotel. The head of the family, Jack Torrance, is charged with looking after the hotel while it is empty during the winter season. Gradually, for Jack, who begins to see ghosts, a world of real evil opens up, revealing the events that took place in the hotel earlier.

Other incarnations (1980). Scientist Eddie Jessup triesdiscover parallel worlds that coexist next to our real world. He is sure that this can be done by exploring his subconscious. Disabling his senses with hallucinogenic drugs, he dives inside himself in search of a shocking truth.

Christina (1983). Arnie Cunningham's devotion to his car goes beyond reason. But it couldn't be otherwise: the stunning red Plymouth of 1958…has a human mind. The car's name is Christina. She attracts male owners and breaks their will.

Dead Zone (1983). A young man, waking up after a catastrophe, discovers paranormal abilities in himself. The gift of foreseeing the future can help many people, or maybe make the main character a pawn in the hands of the powerful.

The Abyss (1989). A detachment of the military must find the remains of a ship that sank in the most dangerous depths of the ocean. The nuclear warheads aboard this ship must be urgently defused. While descending into the depths, the scout soldiers encounter a terrible phenomenon…

best mystery thrillers
best mystery thrillers

1990s: Mystery Thrillers

Jacob's Ladder (1990). Jacob Singer, who has returned from the war, begins to be haunted by hallucinations that are very similar to reality. He thinks that these visions are related to the loss of his son, but it turns out that the soldiers who served with him in Vietnam also have frightening obsessions.

Twin Peaks: Through the Fire (1992). A prequel to the legendary series. Two FBI agents investigate the murder of Laura Palmer. To themthere is information about the murder of another girl - Teresa Banks. Mysterious clues that fail to shed light on circumstances force detectives to search for clues in a world of inexplicable phenomena.

In the jaws of madness (1994). John Trent travels to a small town on assignment from the agency he works for. Here he must find a famous writer and conclude an agreement with him. In close contact with the author of mystical books about otherworldly forces, John understands that the demons from the books are not fiction, and they all strive to get into our world with the help of the horror master's pen.

The Sixth Sense (1999). Experienced child psychologist Malcolm Crow begins therapy with an unsociable and withdrawn boy, Cole, who categorically refuses to make contact. When Malcolm manages to get along with the patient, the truth is shocking: the little boy is the only one who can see ghosts.

Sleepy Hollow (1999). Constable Ichabod Crane is brought in to investigate murders in a settlement called Sleepy Hollow. All the victims were beheaded, and locals claim that those who were killed suffered at the hands of a headless horseman. Soon the fearless Crane himself will have to make sure that evil spirits are involved in the case …

the best mystical thrillers with an unpredictable ending
the best mystical thrillers with an unpredictable ending

Filmography of the mysticism of the beginning of the century

The best mystical thrillers with unexpected endings were filmed at the beginning of the 21st century. Their list is presented to the attention of the reader below.

Good mystical thriller "Ring" (2002). Horrible rumors are circulating around the city.cassette, after watching which people mysteriously die exactly seven days later. The journalist's son Rachel found the sinister videotape and watched it. Now the woman has seven days to understand where the traces of the crime lead and save herself and her son.

Curse (2004). A girl who came on an exchange from America finds herself in a whirlpool of frightening events - strange things happen in the house, and strange murders happen more and more often in the city. Karen learns that it's an ancient curse, which revealed its power with the death of the former owners of this house. The girl has very little time left to save herself and stop the ongoing murders.

Six Demons by Emily Rose (2005). A priest who failed to save a girl's life during an exorcism is charged with premeditated murder. He decides to find evidence that Emily was indeed possessed by a demon, and delves into the world of dark forces in search of answers.

1408 (2007). Writer Michael Enslin, who has been writing stories of encounters with supernatural evil for many years, is filled with skepticism about the existence of ghosts and other mystical creatures. He travels the world, hoping to see something terrible and amazing with his own eyes. One day, he stays in a room at Hotel 1408, which is infamous for the creepy things that happen there.

Paranormal Activity (2007). Mike and Katie, who moved into a new house, decided to film everything that happens on camera - to keep a video of joyful events as a keepsake. But one day they realize that something terrible has interfered in their lives. This camera helps them capture invisible supernatural activity. But, having understood what is happening, they do not know how to cope with what is happening. And the situations that happen in the house are becoming more and more dangerous for its inhabitants…

best mystery thrillers with surprise endings
best mystery thrillers with surprise endings

And again on the screens - supernatural

The best mystery thrillers of recent years are presented below.

Grave Seekers (2010). A film crew behind a reality show in which several young people try their luck by examining houses where strange phenomena have been observed arrive at an abandoned mental hospital. Now their task is to hold out until the morning, being locked in this building, and film everything that happens on camera. Perhaps this will be their last assignment, and the camera footage will be truly shocking…

Good mystical thriller "Astal" (2010). The family moves into a new house, which immediately begins to seem sinister to them. But the parents could understand what was the matter only when their son D alton fell into a coma. It turns out that in an unconscious state, the boy enters the other world. And when he comes to his senses, the evil demonic forces that have been imprisoned all this time are trying to get into our world through his feelings…

Mom (2013). Several years ago, a family goes missing under mysterious circumstances. When the search for the parents and their two little daughters was nevertheless crowned with success, it becomes clear that the parents did not survive, and the girls had been in an abandoned hut in the forest all this time. worries aboutthe upbringing of two feral babies fall on the shoulders of their uncle. Very soon he realizes that next to the children all the time there is invisibly someone whom they call mom….

Conjuring (2013). Parents and their five daughters start life anew in a new home. It turns out that the ghosts that live here are far from being friendly to everyone: the family has no peace from constantly occurring troubles, and girls can behave very strangely, as if someone is possessing them. The family seeks help from psychics who, putting their lives in danger, are trying to help the current inhabitants of this strange house.

Good mystical thriller "Telekinesis" (2013). An ordinary high school student Carrie suffers from the despotism of a religiously fanatical mother. And at school, the girl is constantly bullied by her peers. But one day this comes to an end: a terrible force appears in the defenseless Carrie, with the help of which she wants to get even with the offenders.

Reviews: who likes mystery thrillers?

Reviews of the above films are mostly positive. Mystical thriller is a genre that fans of horror, fantasy, fairy tales, as well as detectives, crime and historical films will like. Depending on the direction of the director's thought, the mystical plot line can be inscribed in absolutely any film. Among modern viewers in the last decade, mystical films on topical topics related to modern technologies have been in high demand - films supposedly shot on an amateur camera by the heroes of the story (pseudo-documentary), and paintings wheresomething supernatural affects people through the Internet space.

Enjoy your viewing!
