Analysis: Lermontov's "Demon" is the pinnacle in the history of the world romantic poem

Analysis: Lermontov's "Demon" is the pinnacle in the history of the world romantic poem
Analysis: Lermontov's "Demon" is the pinnacle in the history of the world romantic poem

When analyzing Lermontov's The Demon, it should first of all be noted that this work of the poet is still considered one of the most controversial, mysterious and deep in the work of Mikhail Yuryevich. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that it is possible to analyze the poem from different angles: cosmic, which is represented by the Demon's attitude to God and the Universe, psychological and even philosophical. Lermontov was not the first person who, in his works, turned to the image of a fallen angel who declared war on God. Before him, this topic was interpreted differently by Goethe (“Faust”), Byron (“Cain”) and, of course, Milton (“Paradise Lost”).

analysis demon lermontov
analysis demon lermontov

The image of the Demon in Lermontov's poem

Analysis: Lermontov's "Demon" is notable, first of all, for the fact that the author unusually approached both the plot of the poem and the image of the key image. Lermontov's Demon is an amazing combination of enormous inner strength, the desire to get rid of the oppressive feeling of loneliness, the desire to join the good and the tragic impotence associated with the inability to achieve what you want. The Demon appears to the reader as a kind of rebellious Protestant who opposed himself not only to God, but also to the whole world, to all people.

Chiefthe hero is “the king of knowledge and freedom”, who rebels against everything that fetters the mind. The demon in Lermontov's poem rejects a world in which there is no true happiness, where people are equally afraid of both loving and hating, constantly being dominated by worldly passions. However, this global denial demonstrates not only the strength of the Demon, but also its weakness. After all, from the height of the endless expanses of space, he is simply unable to see and appreciate the beauty of earthly nature.

Haughty solitude burdens the Demon, he often yearns for communication with people and the world. “Living for himself” is disgusting to him, and he sees love for the simple girl Tamara as a way out of the dungeon of gloomy loneliness. However, the search for beauty, harmony, love and goodness remains unattainable for him.

lermontov demon analysis
lermontov demon analysis

Philosophical questions raised in the work

Analysis ("The Demon" by Lermontov) is somewhat difficult, because the author refrained from expressing a personal position, allowing the work to live its own life, to be ambiguous. The exposure of individualistic thinking outlined in earlier poems is also present in The Demon. Mikhail Yuryevich interprets the destructive principle as anti-humanistic. However, at the same time, some of the questions posed in The Demon remain unresolved. For example, it remains unclear who the poet sees in his Demon - the bearer of evil (albeit suffering) or the victim of injustice? Why was Tamara's soul saved - simply for the sake of strict censorship of that time, or was it just such a denouement that was conceived from the very beginning as inevitableideological move? Conciliatory or not is the ending of the work and the defeat of the Demon? The analysis (“The Demon” by Lermontov) centers around these and many other questions. Which, by the way, are the most convincing proof of the high philosophical load of the work. The dialectical combination of "good" and "evil" in the poem, the colorful image of the thirst for the ideal and its loss, hostility towards the world and the desire to reconcile with it - all these themes permeate the poem with a red thread, making it a truly unique work.

Artistic techniques in the poem "Demon"

Analysis of the poem "Demon" by Lermontov is also an appeal to its artistic originality. Being a colorful example of romanticism, the work is almost entirely based on antitheses. Heroes are constantly opposed to each other: these are the images of Demon and God (earth and sky), Demon and Angel (death and life), Tamara and Demon (reality and ideal). Present in the creation of the poet and contrasting with each other ethical and social categories. Affirmation and denial, harmony and struggle, good and evil, hatred and love, tyranny and freedom - in the "Demon" these contradictory concepts literally clashed with each other.

analysis of the poem demon lermontov
analysis of the poem demon lermontov


What attracted the attention of readers to Lermontov's poem? The “Demon”, which we are analyzing, is a work that combines powerful poetic fantasy, pathos of doubt and denial, the poet’s unique lyricism, mystery, simplicity and clarity of presentation.

Against all this, to readers and the whole worldimportant philosophical and moral questions are asked, to which mankind has been looking for answers for thousands of years.
